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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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Despite the fact that there are more good songs than bad, the tracklisting of a record makes or breaks an album for me and I really dislike the middle section with Cherry -> White Mustang -> Summer Bummer

Idk, I just don't like how Cherry and White Mustang are at the beginning of the record. The first five tracks of a record should be solid like Ultraviolence (Cruel World -> UV -> SoC -> Brooklyn Baby - West Coast). Cherry and WM don't leave strong impressions on me. I wish we got full songs around the four minute mark with stronger songwriting. SB just doesn't fit within the theme of the record and it's almost annoying.

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1. Love is still amazing. Lost anthem
2. Lust for Life, the piano keys carry a lot of the build up. 
3. 13 Beaches, still dreamy. Maybe better at the beach (?)
4. Cherry, still solid, the bridge still hits
5. White Mustang the perfect filler
6. High tops in the summer :dance: 
7. Groupie Looovee, perfect for pre gaming at festivals
8. I actually refrain from staying In My Feelings, it doesn't anger me enough
9. Coachella, I've a soft spot for it, and can appreciate the low key country vibes. It's selfless so I like it
10. GBA - Usually forgotten, so, fresh, but, still such a solid track. Dreamy in a catch me if u can kinda way.
11. WTWWAW - Makes me feel like i'm bathing in the milky pools of space. Sci-fi martini parties
12. BPBP - touches my heart the most. Pisses me off sometimes, but gets me active. Stevie sounds drugged, but it brings dimension to the track
13. Tomorrow Never Came, the fluffiest trolling track I've ever heard. Like a lucid dream, but ur uncertain
14. Heroin. HEROIN
15. Change, I feel this video the most, deserved Lana's home video treatment. 
16. Get Free, lingers feelings about that summer EP about tanned and beach waves. Liberation thru the beach, the best. 

Imo it's a great anthology of Lana's kind of work, but it's just a bit trickier to mesh the soundspace together when it comes to the album altogether. I probably just miss the cohesiveness, but I guess that's how it can connect with the listener in a more intimate way. I actually liked listening to this during winter, and late summer. Hot or cold, so maybe I'll find a new layer within the music this summer, but ya. 2 cents 


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The only songs I enjoy from LFL are Love, 13B, Groupie Love, GBA, Heroin and Get Free


I used to like Cherry but after listening to it for a while I realized that she doesn't even pronounce the words all the way when she sings, like when the lyrics include the word 'love' she sings it like 'luuuhhhhh' and i can't stand that

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The only two I skip are the two formulaic rap songs. Decent songs ruined by the silly rap thing in the middle.


Glad she doesn't play them live. :)

lets not pretend that she would be able to perform Summer Bummer with those multi-layered vocals 


even if she would, she would probably half-a$$ it like MTWBT and OTTR  :lmao:


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Am I the only one who still loves LFL?


I was listening to it last night and it still sounds new and fresh to me. Yeah, there are some tracks which are probably my least favourite Lana songs (IMF, BPBP) but there are so many magical moments in this record:


Love - already a classic. The opening notes, the high note at the end of the chorus, the bridge, and the instrumental of the outro.


Cherry - the first time we heard it in the snippet was an EXPERIENCE! Still one of my all-time favourites, it's almost like there is a little bit of each album in this track.


13 Beaches - completely unique, I haven't heard anything like it before or since. I love how the beats in the chorus alternate between strong and soft, and of course the "that I've been dyyyyyyYYYyyyIIIIIIIIIIIIIING for soOOOOoomething rEEaal" part.


White Mustang - who knew some whistling could be so emotional??


Coachella - even the haters, you've gotta admit the bridge is heavenly??


GBA - The pre-chorus takes me to a different universe.


WTWWAW - The verses and pre-chorus are some of her best in her discography, in my opinion.


TNC -  the most underrated song in her discography. 


Heroin - the note after 'shores' (I'm not sure what instrument it is, but I hope which part I mean is clear!), the guitar riff after 'the heavy metal that you hear', IT'S FUCKIN' HOT and the whole entire lyrical and emotional content after that. And the contrast between the calmness of the first part of the song, and the rage and fragility of the second part of the song.


Get Free - the throwback to Ride, the birds and waves crashing at the end.

giphy.gif ldrclashsmall3.png


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Just gonna go off here but,,,, Honestly I sometimes enjoy Cherry but it really isn't even near the level of bops she's served before & the production does not suit. Love & LFL are cringe as fuck, White Mustang is too short but otherwise so hot, Summer Bummer shouldn't work but it does, can't deny the chorus is kinda cringe tho- the alt version is better. Groupie Love is underrated af, IMF & CWITM are forgettable, GBA & WAW are lyrically weak as hell and the production is so bad, the collabs with Stevie & Sean are SHIT (no tea no shade leak TNC demo xo), but then the 1-2-3 punch of Heroin, Change and Get Free make up for everything because they're LEGENDARY.


I really hope she does not let these silly old men she always works with like Rick anywhere near LDR6, pull thru goddess


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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I like how White Mustang is subtly linked to Video Games:

"Pull up in your fast car, whistling my name" 

The fast car obviously being the White Mustang itself and the whistling in the song  :P

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Someone posted this on reddit

sounds a little familiar :eek:

it doesn't play for me ,what was that?

nvm : i found it on spotify

cherry omg  :hdu:

it's basically the same song , they copied cherry

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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Someone posted this on reddit

sounds a little familiar :eek:

lmao did they just reference shades of blue in there too?? it’s really hard to tell what they’re saying but i swear to god i heard it like around 50 seconds in..also got curious to see if apple music would have the lyrics but they didn’t so i listened to some of their other stuff to see if i could hear anymore of lana and their song All Of Me surely does sound like they took parts of Shades Of Cool and also not lana related but that song has a weird spaghetti western inspired instrumental and i’m so confused at this group lmao


edit: :toofunny:



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lmao did they just reference shades of blue in there too?? it’s really hard to tell what they’re saying but i swear to god i heard it like around 50 seconds in..also got curious to see if apple music would have the lyrics but they didn’t so i listened to some of their other stuff to see if i could hear anymore of lana and their song All Of Me surely does sound like they took parts of Shades Of Blue and also not lana related but that song has a weird spaghetti western inspired instrumental and i’m so confused at this group lmao

Yes I think it said “you live in shades of blue”! Such blatant “inspiration”. I don’t have the strength to listen to their other work after hearing this mess :toofunny:


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