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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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Album Project** (July 21-July 23)


#1 Lust For Life 

#2 Losses - Milk Mill

#3 Flop Boy - Tyler

#4 Ratscendants 2

#5 One More Light - Linkin Park 


**What is "Project"?

Project units are used to measure the value of the album's total performance by using the combined weighted equivalent of its related consumption types (album sales, song sales and song streams).

Project Units are calculated as follows:

Album Project Units = Album Sales + (Song Sales/10) + (On-Demand Audio Streams/1500)

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They'd still fit and it could still work as the bridge of the modern trap beats to the acoustic songs. I can just imagine those lyrics with a production similar to Heroin but with acoustic guitar included godddd  :defeated:


BAR could be after Heroin (reflection on the relationship with the musician, mocking him because his fame has faded)

Yosemite could be after Get Free (finally happy, but we haven't heard the song so we don't know how good of a closer it could be)


BAR is White Mustang 2.0. lmfao


I dont think the songs are about her relationship with someone, except White Mustang & In My Feelings


I think shes talking to someone, not specifically in Cherry, and when the "bitch" "fuck" comes in is like this guy getting mad cause she's declaring her love to him. Like he's saying "bitch what the fuck? why you getting so corny"


White Mustang is DEF about Barrie, thats really obvious. His album came out last year.......... In My Feelings, GEasy

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i seen several people now try to tell me or give a review to say the final 3 songs are boring, fake, and when every song was playing they were wondering when it'd be over


I can't stand trash taste :crossed: any other song on the album I can understand dislike (even TNC and BPBP, not that they're bad songs but they feel more like a Stevie n Beatle song; doesn't detract TNC is one of the best songs she's done and is top 3 on LFL.


But goddamn the final three tracks flow so fucking well with theme and emotion and if she genuinely just released that I'd be extremely enlightened; if anything many of the songs- while not being dull they bring down the final three tremendously 

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i seen several people now try to tell me or give a review to say the final 3 songs are boring, fake, and when every song was playing they were wondering when it'd be over


But goddamn the final three tracks flow so fucking well with theme and emotion and if she genuinely just released that I'd be extremely enlightened; if anything many of the songs- while not being dull they bring down the final three tremendously 



well i cant tell if her feelings were genuine writing those final 3 tracks but i agree NEIluDa.gif

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i claimed heroin as my favorite, but after last night's tumultuous break up, i'm voting 13 beaches. yay for another lana album when my love life explodes in my face. 

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i mean is this surprising? Fantano didn't like CWIMM, Summer Bummer, and was meh about GL mostly bc of the trap beats (he actually liked her vocals on SB- just note the male parts and background vocals/adlibs, even on GL he said it'd be on the best songs if not for the empty and hollow trap beat) 


and Cherry is reeaallyy good- but some words are rushed and awkward and tbh the only adlibs I truly truly love was the 'why' before the final chorus and the fucks before each chorus (just by listening; if I wanna be a bad bitch you bet your ass i aint holding back with all the bitch & fuck's); to a general and casual listener  (which is the viewpoint and bias he goes from) the swearing could come across as immature and awkward. Mostly the final lines of bitch...bitch...fuck !


and IMF suffers from the same problems; I love the song (more than most) but you can not deny that some of the lines are off melody and said way too quickly or enunciated awkwardly (clock my member title; prime example). Especially for how snobby it can feel n sound. 


and while I do like White Mustang, it's very monotone and repetitious for most of the song, the vocals and beat don't go anywhere until the bridge and after; beyond that it's two verses and two chorus' in the same emotionless and flat note. (Doesn't stop it from being an earworm) 


I could already tell he'll be praising her for having a semi-decent beginning (he liked love and basing off his post he likes 13B) while having an awkward middle- and then incredible end. Many artists don't know how to make the end of the record stay fresh and actually good- Lana fucking swung it out of the damn planet to @@Stargirl's moonbase, broke through the patio window and landed on her cristal glass table.

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BAR is White Mustang 2.0. lmfao


I dont think the songs are about her relationship with someone, except White Mustang & In My Feelings


I think shes talking to someone, not specifically in Cherry, and when the "bitch" "fuck" comes in is like this guy getting mad cause she's declaring her love to him. Like he's saying "bitch what the fuck? why you getting so corny"


White Mustang is DEF about Barrie, thats really obvious. His album came out last year.......... In My Feelings, GEasy

She said "another loser" so she's dissing Francesco right?  :lmao:

13 Beaches is also about Barrie maybe? And TNC could be about a relationship. 


I haven't really analyzed the lyrics in depth though


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She said "another loser" so she's dissing Francesco right?  :lmao:

13 Beaches is also about Barrie maybe? And TNC could be about a relationship. 


I haven't really analyzed the lyrics in depth though

imo 13 Beaches is literally what she said; she had to go through 13 beaches to just find some peace and fuckin quiet from paparazzi and fans


"it hurts to love you- but I still love you" she loves her fans and the opportunities they've given her- but it fucking hurts when they steal cars and live in your house while you're sleeping or away. It's mentally troubling but she still loves us- even though we are probably the worst fan/stanbase ever


the intro could literally be her saying she doesn't belong in the real world; she's too much a figure, and everytime she tries to be in seclusion and be normal her fame and legacy pull her back into this lifestyle


"I wrote the song ‘13 Beaches’ to tell how last summer I had to search thirteen beaches before finding one without the paparazzi...But we get used to it. Maybe the game is worth the candle.”

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imo 13 Beaches is literally what she said; she had to go through 13 beaches to just find some peace and fuckin quiet from paparazzi and fans


"it hurts to love you- but I still love you" she loves her fans and the opportunities they've given her- but it fucking hurts when they steal cars and live in your house while you're sleeping or away. It's mentally troubling but she still loves us- even though we are probably the worst fan/stanbase ever


the intro could literally be her saying she doesn't belong in the real world; she's too much a figure, and everytime she tries to be in seclusion and be normal her fame and legacy pull her back into this lifestyle


"I wrote the song ‘13 Beaches’ to tell how last summer I had to search thirteen beaches before finding one without the paparazzi...But we get used to it. Maybe the game is worth the candle.”

13 Beaches is definetely about the paparazzi stuff, but maybe a past relationship could be like the "secondary" theme? The line "and let your memory dance in the ballroom of my mind, across the county line" confuses me, who's she talking to? 


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Like it or not Fantano's Lana reviews are always on point, can't wait for the full review. He's right about the worst tracks (except White Mustang ugh), I mean anyone with a teaspoon of good taste would agree on SB, GL and that Coachella mess being the worst tracks of the record and her entire career  I have mixed feelings about Cherry, since I really like the song but they could've done WAY better than those boring ass trap beats.


It's a shame because I feel like those fugly songs and the horrid trap beats kinda lower the quality of the record.


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Didnt he give BTD 4/10 and UV 3/10 or something?.......you think thats "on point"?

he gave BtD a 3/10


UV a 2/10


and Honeymoon a 5/10


The BtD seemed harsh because it was on trend to pick at her and go after her just for her persona and personal life (which was dumb as fuck because shit like Taylor Swift/ Katy Perry revolving around the same themes were getting praise only due to their significance in the market)


UV was because he didn't like the raw vocals (which was the point of the album.. polish was meant for PD and HM)  and how she really sprinted with the sickly female persona trapped in bad circumstances, he didn't like how she gave herself no escape (not everything that happens to a goddamn person has an escape; let her tell a story) 


HM I still don't know why he gave it a 5, he liked the album and thought she put some of her most intoxicating (good way) melodies and emotional songs on there- and only really scoffed at Freak, I don't agree with his ldr reviews as a whole (but there are at least 1 valid arguments per review) but him as a critic I understand




but real talk if this album doesn't beat Honeymoon by at least 1-2 points im gonna be real fucking pissed. He gave witness like a 6 or 7 iirc. I don't hate KP but the album and era was. not. good. 


it fucking sucks with maybe 1 deepcut gem on the record

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Not y'all actually being bothered by something that Fatano guy has to say about the album of the year that is Lust For Life. Stop reinforcing this false idea he's created that tells him people actually value his biased and unprestigious opinion. :makeup:

I'm in love with the green on the grass and the trees, the scent of my sidewalks perfumed by the rain/ I'm in love with the tunes that colored my youth/ and the smudges of autumn that spill through the pane/I'm in love, just in a different way/ and that's okay.

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Didnt he give BTD 4/10 and UV 3/10 or something?.......you think thats "on point"?


Couldn't care less about the ratings. I've seen all his Lana reviews and even though I'm a die-hard Lana fan and sometimes disagree with his overall harsh comments I can't help but agree with his critiques. I mean, try to be objective yourself, BTD IS overproduced and too glossy, UV is too homogeneous and the lyrics are way too repetitive. His Honeymoon review was quite positive and if I'm not mistaken, he praised the passion in her vocals among other things.

So yeah, he can be nasty and sometimes I don't quite agree with him but I think his reviews are accurate.


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