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Radiohead Sues Lana for Copyright Infringement on "Get Free"

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this is literally giving her more promo than the honeymoon era and l4l release combined ... queen of not doing her own promo and selling albums off controversy 

is Lana actually successful off prime controversy?


would make for an interesting thread. 

this is literally giving her more promo than the honeymoon era and l4l release combined ... queen of not doing her own promo and selling albums off controversy 

is Lana successful off of prime controversy?


would make for an interesting topic. 

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Not to be an optimist, but I see far more dislike or nasty comments about Radiohead than the other way around. 


Most of these people are people that never liked LDR anyway. You don't think Taylor, Ariana, Gaga, Katy, Miley, etc get any hate? Not one pop star is universally loved and I think something people need to get a grasp on. If someone says something rude about Lana, that's ok. You can still like her.


Eventually this will pass - the SNL performance was far worst backlash and she was just starting out. This isn't that bad.

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It’s true about the lawsuit. Although I know my song wasn’t inspired by Creep, Radiohead feel it was and want 100% of the publishing - I offered up to 40 over the last few months but they will only accept 100. Their lawyers have been relentless, so we will deal with it in court.


Let's make some adjustments... 


"The rumour about a probable lawsuit is true. Although I know my song wasn't inspired by Creep, Radiohead's label feel it was and asked 100% of the publishing - I offered up to 40% over the last few months, but they keep asking for 100%. Their lawyers have been relentless, so if they don't accept my final offer (40%), I assume we'll have to deal with that in court."

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Not to be an optimist, but I see far more dislike or nasty comments about Radiohead than the other way around. 


Most of these people are people that never liked LDR anyway. You don't think Taylor, Ariana, Gaga, Katy, Miley, etc get any hate? Not one pop star is universally loved and I think something people need to get a grasp on. If someone says something rude about Lana, that's ok. You can still like her.


Eventually this will pass - the SNL performance was far worst backlash and she was just starting out. This isn't that bad.


That will probably change with the new statement. People are already calling her a liar. But yeah she's survived other controversies. She will be fine.


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Remember when the same thing happened with Video Games and Lolita and the song Blind by De Kift. I don't know if they sued her, though. Poor Lana, I don't think she wants to ruin her name purposely.


french press already nonchalantly saying this isn't her first time ripping off music and recalling the video games/old greek song accident during her interview for Canal +  :facepalm:


 I've described the boys as misogynistics, not the attacks on lana... But now that you've mentioned that... :hooker: 

Well, I don't see this much hate against males in industry. Lana and a lot of female artists are constantly being attacked, having ppl doubting their worth/talent and a lot of stuff that men doesn't suffer from in the same instensity. I mean, david bowie changed his name and changed his style a 100 times and he's an icon, Lana "changed" a little bit and now she's called "fake" or manufactured.

Lana said that she's being sued, and just bc a bunch of men said that she's lying, now she became a liar and a "attention whore". I don't see this happening to men in the same frequency

(sorry if I sounded rude)


yeah: i had to read articles about her claiming she's representative of the porn industry bc of video games once. the constant judging of her looks, people claiming she didn't write gf anyway like "all the other pop girls" she probably added some words and left the writing to "professional" songwriters, and so on it's depressing. lana may be used to it i guess, and from day 1, but it's true  :crossed: maybe there should be a thread exposing all the sexist coverage of her career but it'd be really saddening probably to keep it up for some

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french press already nonchalantly saying this isn't her first time ripping off music and recalling the video games/old greek song accident during her interview for Canal +  :facepalm:




video games sounds nothing like the greek song 


...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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