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Love, Simon

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I was in this movie!! I had the most wonderful time shooting it, it’s one of my most favourite movies I’ve done. I actually haven’t had the chance to see it yet (I’m going this weekend with a friend) but I filmed multiple scenes & I know I’m really featured in the Ferris wheel scene towards the end. I was wearing this in that scene if you want to look out for me!




Part of the scene I’m speaking about has a group shot in the trailer you can see me in at 2:06, all the way towards the left with my hands over my heart -




I’m so happy to see so much love for this movie as not only did I have the most incredible time filming it, but I think the story is sooooo important to be shown x



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apparently nick robinson’s brother came out around the same time they started filming this and he said it really helped them bond, that’s so sweet. seems like all the influence i’ve seen from this movie has been extremely positive and loving and that makes me so happy!!! i wish i could go support it in theaters but i have no one to go with and i know i’d end up crying and outting myself in the theater lmao i guess i’ll have to wait till it leaks online but i can’t wait to watch it


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The fact that all of you are forcing comparisons to CMBYN not only reenforces the fact that none of you even understood what that movie was about but is also playing into this annoying notion that there is one singular LGBTQ+ narrative and that these narratives need to compete. If you didn't like CMBYN thats 100% fine but idk why you're talking about it here.


Anyways I haven't seen the movie yet but I read the book a couple months ago and I really enjoyed it. It was a little more YA novel than I like at this point but I think a lot of the themes in it are so universal that I ended up loving it anyways. I'm well out of my adolescence at this point but I really wish this novel/movie had been around when I was in that 15-18 range, I think a narrative like this would have helped younger me so much more than the other YA garbage I was reading at that age. Reading it now as someone who has been out of that time of my life for awhile it still really pulled at my heartstrings about the nervousness and shame that comes around being in the closet and the cathartic release of finally getting it off your shoulders. From what I've seen the movie looks like it stays roughly true to the book's original plot line and I'm so happy that it's getting such a crazy warm response. I love that the movie is accessible to the average adolescent/teenager who may be struggling to realize their sexuality in the mess of finding yourself. In high school, all I wanted to be was normal and accepted, and the idea of being gay seemed to go directly against that. It would have been nice to walk into a theater, see this movie and realize just how possible that is (it also would have helped with a lot of internalized hatred about myself for being gay and not normal).


I really do think the representation is great and I think it's extremely important to have different LGBTQ+ narratives in popular culture. Moonlight (while the film wasn't necessarily about being gay), Call Me By Your Name, Love Simon, Gods Own Country are all extremely different films and it's so cool to be in a time where these narratives are being put at the forefront of culture. When I was younger I knew I was attracted to men (I felt I was also attracted to women) but society had conditioned me to believe that I was not gay or bi because I didn't want to dress in drag and dance in a thong in a club. I know that sounds really stupid but as a pre-teen/adolescent I never really saw LGBTQ+ representation beyond the common stereotypical media tropes. So I think it's really cool that there are these types of narratives and I hope to see tons more.

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I was in this movie!! I had the most wonderful time shooting it, it’s one of my most favourite movies I’ve done. I actually haven’t had the chance to see it yet (I’m going this weekend with a friend) but I filmed multiple scenes & I know I’m really featured in the Ferris wheel scene towards the end. I was wearing this in that scene if you want to look out for me!

GURL ALKFSKJFLKFKLAJFLJ I KNEW IT, I know you talked about being in the new Pitch Perfect so I kinda remembered your face and the pretty dress from the trailer. I was like "I'm definitely going insane thinking that's Elle"  :lmao:


OT: this movie was cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you guys. I saw it at like 11pm on a date last night lol; It was cheesy but that's the shit you can sign me up for.


Bram and Simon are too cute together, my #goals



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It premieres in June in Poland so I'll go rot by the time I'm actually able to watch it so if y'all are so pressed to beat the 37 page CMBYN thread because it's so ugly try us while I'm waiting for my screening to come




I'm obviously joking there's no need to compare any LGBT movies & I can't wait to see this I've heard great things only


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i think the main point that people are trying to get at is that lgbt movies are so often sad or taboo in some way, so Love Simon is very important in reminding the world--hey, our narrative isn't all depressing!! while it's true gay folks throughout history haven't had the most stellar endings, and that shouldn't be ignored in our media, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be allowed a teen romcom with a pure ending.

and honestly, i'm tired of the gay experience being made into an Art House type of genre... lgb kids can't entirely relate to CMBYN (and realistically...probably shouldn't in a couple ways). CMBYN is a beautiful story, but it plays into the Tragic Gaytrope further.....and as a queer kid whose friends are all queer kids, Love Simon was so much more important in the grand scheme, for our age group especially.


☆♬○♩●♪✧♩ Life is just a bubble and it's filled with air ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

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Got around to seeing this today with the bf and we both cried (idk how many times he did but I counted at least 3 for me). Definitely going back to see it again

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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I wanted to see it a second time for my birthday but all the local theaters conveniently stopped playing it last week :crossed:

Not sure when mine stopped playing it but it's not playing here anymore either. Actually kinda salty about it  :crossed:

I'm pretty sure they dropped it for God's Not Dead :pft:

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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I saw the film yesterday and I liked it more than I thought I would. Sure it had some clichés and honestly I pretty much hate romantic comedy-dramas aimed at teenagers but this was definitely a very positive surprise, I enjoyed it. Simon's character was very easy to relate to (obviously, being gay myself) and Nick Robinson did a nice job portraying him. Will most likely buy the blu-ray once it's out!

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Seen the trailer of this move before The Island of Dogs and felt that it was a The Fault in Our Stars levels of teenage cringe,

You would not catch me dead watching this, but at the same, I'm very happy that LGBT youth has movies centering on their issues (in which characters presumably don't die?).


Heteros got plenty of cringey teenage love stories, now it's time for The Gays.

i am nothing and should be everything

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Ok so I feel like we do need casual comedy lgbt movies BUT at the same time this had so many clichés and simplifications I it almost seemed unbearable at some points


It was very cute anyway


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Ok so I feel like we do need casual comedy lgbt movies BUT at the same time this had so many clichés and simplifications I it almost seemed unbearable at some points

It was very cute anyway

i think that made it a really good first step, though. like, sure it's a tad formulaic and cliche, but i think that makes it familiar and palatable enough to warm mainstream audiences up to the idea of lgbt romcoms and such


and for the record, i still ate it up and absolutely loved it lmaooooooo


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Catch me being that bitch but I absolutely ADORED it. I was beyond not ready to love it that much. Instantly became my favourite movie, and contrary to music I don't have a zillion of favourite movies, but Love, Simon literally has absolutely everything I love in a movie, and the cherry on the cake is that everyone is super hot. And the end got me rolling in my grave of tears because I did not expect it at all.




I have zero intuition but I was dead sure it was blond guy from the beginning lol, he looks like every single barely legal twink porn actor. Although I was completely rooting for Bram who I find super mega cute so it's perfect.



Urgh I'm so extremely happy my heart is exploding. Homophobia is so unbelievable


Edit: also I watched To All The Boys I've Loved Before just just before and although I loved it compared to it it's soooo bad lmao


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