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Everything posted by FredRed

  1. Thanks to Lanaboards for helping me make it through last night. No way could I have watched that whole thing alone. It would have been great if Lana had won but I hold no ill will towards Billie Eilish. She didn't choose the winner, she was the winner. She is young and talented and that's how things turned out. She seems somewhat grounded, hasn't been to rehab or arrested. She has a good relationship with her family. She might be extra grateful for her brother as he may have the most talent. I don't know. The thing that is unforgivable is that Lana's name was only mentioned as part of the announcements of the nominees. No love from Alicia or Billie. Bullshit.
  2. Good night all!!!!!!!!!!! Sleep well Lana.
  3. Is this a joke? I have to work tomorrow.
  4. Let's go this thing is supposed to be over in 4 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I think that is the biggest complaints of all the major awards shows. The one time an actor, musician whatever has a chance to speak and they have limited time because the show is filled with nonsense no one cares about!!!!!!!!!!
  6. No just being obnoxious. Sorry it's been a long night.
  7. Grammy Update!! They've decided to let 10 artists in the audience perform so the show will be extended 3 more hours!!! What a gift.
  8. NFR, HIAB and Bartender are my favorites from the album but when NFR was nominated I thought it was a bit strange. Just not popular enough as a song. The album deserves the nomination and could win.
  9. I didn't think we had a chance on that one.
  10. At least this is a music awards show so all the filler is actual performances. They could cut them by 75% and I would be happy. At the Oscars they have a lot of filler nonsense when everyone just wants to see who wins what. A little over 90 minutes to go.
  11. I know Ariana Grande is talented but it is difficult for me to watch her and Camila Cabello. They both look like those over sexualized kid models in those creepy competitions.
  12. Ha-ha 2 and half more hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I am so out of the loop. They just interviewed BTS. They look like the kids from Village of the Damned!!
  14. I know this isn't the twitter thread but this was my tweet to Lana earlier today. https://twitter.com/Bob_Turn/status/1221505496814891009
  15. These shows are tortuously long. I hope I can watch or go back and forth and not miss her categories.
  16. Being nominated is a big deal! And if that's all we end up with I won't love Lana one bit less.
  17. Him stepping on her dress is me. Maybe that's why I'm not married! When you're supposed to be "cool" I am most awkward.
  18. Not sure if this was posted but Billie Eilish has been selected to do the theme for the next Bond film No Time to Die. Nothing against her but I'm a little disappointed.
  19. I like the idea of the multi song video. These are my 3 favorites and I singled them out in my last video. I normally don't care much about videos unless its for an awaited release or something. NFR has been out, Lana has toured so it's doubtful now the record company is going to budget $100,000 for a video. So they make one themselves. Some comments are strange. One guy complained that although YT has filtering on for vulgar content it didn't filter this with the F word in the title. Someone else wrote this! "Anyone can explain why there is a black square on the left hand side? I've noticed it a lot in videos recently. Is it to give it a vintage vibe?" Come on, I'm not that old!!!!!!!!!!!!
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