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Hundred Dollar Bill

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  1. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Deleted User in Björk   
    I love her, she's a forest nymph
  2. kik liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Azealia Banks Not Okay With Gay Men Using the Word 'Bitch'   
    Your personal experience with the word doesn't invalidate what it means as a whole. At its roots, bitch is a sexist slur against women.
  3. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in The perfect gapless Lana album!   
    i don't think i even have the orignal money hunny, i just listen to that
  4. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Grimes   
    guys it says "PM me" why are y'all so annoying
  5. AngelHeadedHipster liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Did Adele Copy Lana's 'Paradise' Wrist Tattoo?   
    Reading through the thread and I don't get why people always make vocal ability the deciding factor on whether one artist is better than another. Because honestly, other than that & record sales, IMO Lana is a far superior artist. I mean, she's just so much more interesting. Through all of her hits, you can see strong personality and just a stand-out kind of style. But with Adele, all her hits are just "boo hoo sad breakup song" or something. I'm not saying she isn't a good songwriter, but I feel like the subject matter is so bland when it comes to her lyrics.
  6. brooklynbaby91 liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Azealia Banks Not Okay With Gay Men Using the Word 'Bitch'   
    Your personal experience with the word doesn't invalidate what it means as a whole. At its roots, bitch is a sexist slur against women.
  7. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Ride   
    I'm so happy you're still here.
  8. Kommander liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Did Adele Copy Lana's 'Paradise' Wrist Tattoo?   
    Reading through the thread and I don't get why people always make vocal ability the deciding factor on whether one artist is better than another. Because honestly, other than that & record sales, IMO Lana is a far superior artist. I mean, she's just so much more interesting. Through all of her hits, you can see strong personality and just a stand-out kind of style. But with Adele, all her hits are just "boo hoo sad breakup song" or something. I'm not saying she isn't a good songwriter, but I feel like the subject matter is so bland when it comes to her lyrics.
  9. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Azealia Banks Not Okay With Gay Men Using the Word 'Bitch'   
    Your personal experience with the word doesn't invalidate what it means as a whole. At its roots, bitch is a sexist slur against women.
  10. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in Azealia Banks Not Okay With Gay Men Using the Word 'Bitch'   
    Here's my two cents.
      As a black bi woman, Azealia has the right to reclaim derogatory terms pertaining to her race, sexuality and gender only. Can she say dyke? Yes. That term has historically used against bi and lesbian women. Can she use the n-word? Despite local race myths (I can explain if anyone actually cares) black people are the only ones that can truly be hurt by the word, so yes she has every right to use it. Can she say bitch? Yes. It has historically has been used against women during rape, abuse and shaming tactics.
     The whole "men are called bitch too" argument is ridiculous. The only time men are called bitches is when their manhood is being compared to womanhood, aka being compared to a woman is supposed to make them feel inferior... because they view women as being inferior. When a guy is called a pussy he doesn't get mad at the word, he gets mad at being compared to a woman... It's saying "you're not strong like a man, you're weak like a woman." To a lot of men, possessing any female characteristics is wrong, in someways their thinking is not only sexist, but homophobic. It leads to the thought of "I'm not a real man if I like this, it'll make me act girly.. it'll make me gay" which is an obvious problem in itself. I think the female perspective of the bitch that's something a lot of y'all are missing. If I threw around the word f*g all the time, a lot of you would rightfully be angry at me trying to use a word that has most likely been used against you in a hateful manor. What if someone on here was called a f*g while they were getting beat or bullied for being gay? It would be pretty "bitchy" of me to continue using the word towards and completely ignore the history they've suffered because of it. Yet most of you find it okay to constantly use a word bitch directly towards me. To me, when a man calls me a bitch, it brings me back to points of my life when I was abused, being choked, punched and spit on while being told how much of a "fucking bitch" I was for doing nothing more than speaking to a man in the wrong way. I've said this over and over again, yet people view the word bitch as a joke. Just because you haven't felt the hatred behind a word doesn't mean 
    Back to Azealia; she has no right to say f*g because that term has historically been used as a slur against gay men. Has it been used towards other sexualities? Yes, but her being called f*g isn't comparable to the history of hatred that term has associated with gay men. I'm white and as a child I was called a "n*gglet" because my grandpa was 1/2 black, but that doesn't give me the right to use the n-word nor does it mean that I've been oppressed by that word nor will I ever feel any real social racism due to that word. As a white woman, it doesn't impact me in the same ways. Though I was called a racial slur for my racial ancestry, it in no way compares to someone calling Azealia the n-word. I would never use the terms "race card" "gender card" or "gay card" because I think in a lot of ways it's an excuse for outside ignorance and takes away from the seriousness of the issues, but, I do think that Azealia assumes that because she's oppressed in some aspects of society she's able to use oppressive terms towards other minorities, which isn't the case. If Lucy Liu called Azealia the n-word everyone would lose their shit, but I'm sure Azealia wouldn't have a problem calling her any racist terms. 
  11. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by comeintomybedroom in Azealia Banks Not Okay With Gay Men Using the Word 'Bitch'   
    Ah the only people that argue this are the people that feel left out because they don't have an offensive word to reclaim. 
  12. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Azealia Banks Not Okay With Gay Men Using the Word 'Bitch'   
    I generally disagree with anything @@CarcrashBandicoot has to say about anything having to do with race, and I'm not quite sure his point actually addresses the point @@Atom Heart was trying to make (because I'm not sure if @@Atom Heart's point was merely that Azealia Banks use of the n-word is a reclamation, or if he was also arguing that her use of the f-word should be considered a reclamation). At any rate, I do think he's raising an important issue here that I haven't seen a lot of her defenders grapple with: Are reclaimed slurs still OK when they're derogatory and intended as a slur? I think there is arguably some license for derogatory use of reclaimed slurs for in-group criticism (like perhaps Chris Rock's controversial "Niggas vs. Black People" routine), but I'm not sure this meets the standard of acceptability. I mean, imagine if the steward was black and she called him a "fucking :)" or a gay male celebrity had called the steward a "fucking faggot" in that tone of voice. Maybe it's not as bad as if it had come from someone else, but I still don't think it's OK. 
    But I also question whether Azealia should get the in-group pass here some defenders have been trying to give her. Sure, she's bisexual. So I'd concede that her membership in the broader LGBT community arguably gives her license to use the word in a positive manner. But should her being bisexual automatically be enough to excuse her derogatory use of a slur reserved for gay men when she is not a gay man and not part of the specific community it refers to? I'd argue not. (To me, that would be about as logical as saying non-black POC should have license to use the n-word derogatorily just because they're part of the broader minority community oppressed by white people.) Especially since her history of using the word "faggot", and other things she's said about gay men, seem to indicate she has a problem with gay men, and especially with anything "effeminate" about them.
  13. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Auto-Tuned Loon in Ride   
  14. guardian liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Pawn Shop Hunny   
    I was bored so I decided to combine these two songs into one. They sound really similar so I figured it wouldn't be hard to make it sound like a naturally long song, instead of two songs just put together. Let me know what you think! I hope you guys like it and I hope that the transition sounds good to you. If I did it well enough, you shouldn't even be able to notice where PSB ends and MH begins!

  15. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by tylerandthediamonds in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    "pink flamingos" from MTWBT and "being a bad bitch on the side" from Sad Girl suddenly sounds really similar, just a thought
  16. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in Questions   
    Maybe y'all just have a lot of interesting things to say 
    @ feel free to like all my posts 
  17. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in Questions   
  18. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in What's The Truth, Lana?   
    By "mastering" she means "telling the poor overworked schlub at Gateway Mastering to APPLY AS MUCH MID-BASS COMPRESSION AS POSSIBLE I WANT MORE I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY MOTHERFUCKER"
  19. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in What's The Truth, Lana?   
    There's nothing in the video that requires being synced up perfectly with the finished track, just like there are parts of the MTWBT video that was shot ages ago. The 'tired' photo could have been from a last minute remix (which could have been for any song) to some final overdubs. Calling her a liar because she worked on finishing other songs after she finished recording HBTB is not only holding her to a ridiculous (and tedious) standard of truth, it's also misunderstanding how records are created these days.
  20. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by May in What's The Truth, Lana?   
    queen of pathological lying
  21. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in The perfect gapless Lana album!   
    i have this track done by @@Hundred Dollar Bill that makes the pawn shop blues demo and money hunny flow together. it's rly good.
  22. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by evilentity in The perfect gapless Lana album!   
    We already have the perfect gapless album. It's called AKA.
  23. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by PinkVelvet in Nicki Minaj   
    you're an idiot.
  24. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by drewby in Neon Hitch   
    she has 2 months to release the album, she said she was for sure releasing it this year and I will send the receipts her way if she bails
  25. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Sucker in Charli XCX   
    Lavander Lamborghini, roll up in a blue bikini. Bitches on the beaches,

    looking super cute and fweaky. All my friends are princesses, we keep it whipped and creamy.

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