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  1. MermaidTrailerHeaven liked a post in a topic by Viva in Eminem Raps About Punching Lana Del Rey   
    Blame Queen Riri for given him a couple more minutes of relevance
    Whos Eminem?
  2. Viva liked a post in a topic by Greenwich in Eminem Raps About Punching Lana Del Rey   
    Mess. He was popular 10 years ago, why is he is still alive? 
    those god awful songs with Rihanna... ugh  
  3. ruined peaches liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana's Grammy Submissions 2014   
    She should try the Latin Grammy Awards LOL It's the only big award she has a chance to win
    Imagine kkkkk  
    Follé mi camino hasta la cima
    Este es mi show
    Follé mi camino hasta la cima
    Vaya, bebé, vaya
  4. GangstaBoy liked a post in a topic by Viva in Fifth Harmony   
    Your OP opening is quite misogynist to say the least....
    And I don't see any hot girls there tbh . If we cut their bodies parties and piece a girl together MAYBE we will end up with a hot girl. Their music suck and that is what really matters to me. We live in a world where Marina's and Azealia's struggle to put records out and this crap music wins awards   sad....
  5. Jack liked a post in a topic by Viva in Fifth Harmony   
    where did you find a vocalist in that group? It's a screaming contest
  6. Viva liked a post in a topic by my ol man isa batman in Lana's Grammy Submissions 2014   
    reasons i fucking hate "pop" music tbh because its rarely based on quality of music, rather on how many people listen to it because it is fed to them. I'm going to stop so i don't sound like too much of a shitdick 
  7. Viva liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Fifth Harmony   
    Will you gays just fucking let him live GOD
  8. Viva liked a post in a topic by drewby in Fifth Harmony   
    tf kind of rampant sexual objectification is that OP, so creepy
    Literally one sentence is about their music and the rest is about their physical appearance

  9. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by Viva in Is Lana Into B.D.S.M.?   
    Lana seems to be quite kinky, why not?A little bondage here, some submission there a couple wip's and handcuffs here and there  
    hummm...I think Ride in particular is very related to the backlash she got  and her struggling years trying to get "noticed" and successful and nothing related to actual sex.  Actually Lana tells you what the song is about from the beginning:
    Don't break me down 
    I've been traveling too long 
    I've been trying too hard 
    With one pretty song 
    IMO is a clear reference to Video Games, the one pretty song that was successful, her one pretty song.
    During the monologue and song you can get tons of reference to that. I guess the prostitute part is also figurative and not literally. Which fits Lana's writing that is very figurative when describing time/eras, sensations or feelings. The prostitute or prostitution in question is the sold out, the "she's a product of Interscope and her fathers money" , she's a fake because Lana Del Rey is not her real name. Prostitutes sell themselves, use fake names,  it's the use of figurative language which is fair common in Lana's material
    I believe in the country America used to be
    I believe in the kindness of strangers 
    I just ride
    It's fair to say Ride isn't  sex, actual prostitution 
  10. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Viva in Azealia Banks   
    I;m slaeyedddddddddddddddddddddddddddd for life 
    shopping for wigs 
    In B4 this becomes a ww success with little effort and Interscope having it for this long and didn't release it 
  11. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by Viva in Azealia Banks   
    I;m slaeyedddddddddddddddddddddddddddd for life 
    shopping for wigs 
    In B4 this becomes a ww success with little effort and Interscope having it for this long and didn't release it 
  12. HunterAshlyn liked a post in a topic by Viva in Azealia Banks   
    I;m slaeyedddddddddddddddddddddddddddd for life 
    shopping for wigs 
    In B4 this becomes a ww success with little effort and Interscope having it for this long and didn't release it 
  13. GirlAfraid liked a post in a topic by Viva in UV abandoned?   
    I love how some people put themselves in a position of peasants making look like Lana is doing as a favor for making music or touring. LOL
    Lana is a singer, she writes and sings. That's the profession she chose for herself and touring and promoting comes with it. Expectation comes with success which Lana had and has, so she's doing me no favor, she's doing herself a favor for being good at what she chose to do with her life 
  14. Viva liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Is Lana Into B.D.S.M.?   
    Ultraviolence, tbh.
  15. larina liked a post in a topic by Viva in Is Lana Into B.D.S.M.?   
    Lana seems to be quite kinky, why not?A little bondage here, some submission there a couple wip's and handcuffs here and there  
    hummm...I think Ride in particular is very related to the backlash she got  and her struggling years trying to get "noticed" and successful and nothing related to actual sex.  Actually Lana tells you what the song is about from the beginning:
    Don't break me down 
    I've been traveling too long 
    I've been trying too hard 
    With one pretty song 
    IMO is a clear reference to Video Games, the one pretty song that was successful, her one pretty song.
    During the monologue and song you can get tons of reference to that. I guess the prostitute part is also figurative and not literally. Which fits Lana's writing that is very figurative when describing time/eras, sensations or feelings. The prostitute or prostitution in question is the sold out, the "she's a product of Interscope and her fathers money" , she's a fake because Lana Del Rey is not her real name. Prostitutes sell themselves, use fake names,  it's the use of figurative language which is fair common in Lana's material
    I believe in the country America used to be
    I believe in the kindness of strangers 
    I just ride
    It's fair to say Ride isn't  sex, actual prostitution 
  16. Anthem liked a post in a topic by Viva in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I think Lana always craved (a lot) fame. Thing is that's not ALL she craves, in Lana's case is a little more complex then someone like Kim K or Paris Hilton because she also craves being deserving of such fame.
    The fame Lana craves is not empty or fame for fame, she wants and craves fame with credibility and approval. The approval and credibility comes in the form of recognition of her work and her as a person and artist. The fame she craves needs approval from the public, the industry, critics, needs credibility and substance because that's how she sees her art and that's how she wants to be seen: credible and most of all relevant.  
    She wants to be famous because of her music, others to consider her music/art  as beautiful as she does. That's another one of her addictions, that in my opinion, highly influence her work: Beauty.  She's addicted to beauty as well. If what she considers beauty is for your or my taste, that's another story. But her addiction to beauty is undeniable: her description of landscapes as beautiful, her description of man, her own description, the way she describes America beauty as a culture/country in the past and the contrast with the present. Her words of beauty also need to combine with beautiful visuals, hence why her videos are carefully crafted, even the ones we consider shit like the Iphone video or the Poltergeist video.
    A credible, relevant artist with beautiful videos and beautiful voice and lyrics, that' how she wants to be perceived. Fame for fame is not what she craves, would be a lot easier for her to be satisfied is was just that, since isn't I guess we will see her get annoyed for the rest of her album releases. And no, she wont stop doing music, because like any other addict they don't stop until their crave gets satisfied, so until she finds the credibility she searches for she wont stop
    I think she doesn't regret fame, she does have a butt hurt feeling and attitude towards the industry, mostly and specially the US and their critics.
  17. GirlAfraid liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey @ Vogue Dubai Fashion Experience 30th of October!!!   
    I think we all agreed the title and theme of this era is  CANCELLED 
    Me Lana. The Elusive I Cancel It Chanteuse
  18. intensely liked a post in a topic by Viva in UV abandoned?   
    I love how some people put themselves in a position of peasants making look like Lana is doing as a favor for making music or touring. LOL
    Lana is a singer, she writes and sings. That's the profession she chose for herself and touring and promoting comes with it. Expectation comes with success which Lana had and has, so she's doing me no favor, she's doing herself a favor for being good at what she chose to do with her life 
  19. Sophia liked a post in a topic by Viva in UV abandoned?   
    I love how some people put themselves in a position of peasants making look like Lana is doing as a favor for making music or touring. LOL
    Lana is a singer, she writes and sings. That's the profession she chose for herself and touring and promoting comes with it. Expectation comes with success which Lana had and has, so she's doing me no favor, she's doing herself a favor for being good at what she chose to do with her life 
  20. Viva liked a post in a topic by evilentity in UV abandoned?   
    That people expect to be constantly entertained, that they feel entitled to that, that Lana somehow owes them that, and that I think that's a pretty stupid and widespread attitude around here.
    Why does it matter whether she does or doesn't? As a good but still inferior Words With Friends player a wise person once said:

    I should start an "AKA abandoned?" thread.
  21. Viva liked a post in a topic by evilentity in UV abandoned?   
    Nobody owes Lana their gratitude, but neither does Lana owe her fans anything.* You can either like her music or not, buy her music or don't. Buying her music or paying to see her in concert or being her fan doesn't entitle you to anything other than just that. Some of you sound like spoiled little children demanding a shiny new toy to play with, which if given one, will summarily toss it aside and demand another shrubbery shiny new toy.
    I feel stupid and contagious. Here we are now, entertain us.
    *The one obvious major caveat to this is when she fails to live up to her actual obligations (i.e. canceling contractual obligations like concert dates for what appear to be increasingly suspect reasons).
  22. strange weather liked a post in a topic by Viva in UV abandoned?   
    I love how some people put themselves in a position of peasants making look like Lana is doing as a favor for making music or touring. LOL
    Lana is a singer, she writes and sings. That's the profession she chose for herself and touring and promoting comes with it. Expectation comes with success which Lana had and has, so she's doing me no favor, she's doing herself a favor for being good at what she chose to do with her life 
  23. Viva liked a post in a topic by drewby in Profanities   
    I'll never understand the LB obsession with profanities and clean versions 
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