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  1. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Viva in 2013.01.13 - Lana Del Rey at ''Warner Bros. And InStyle Golden Globe Awards After Party'' and ''Weinstein''   
    WTF IS the first picture?? Was Lana going for the Pablo Escobar lost wife look or rich madame with a blind stylist? Such suit and such pants have to be tailored Lana! What the f...also why is she wearing those sleepers? Her pants are too long for her. Some high hills would've make this mess a little better. Her face is so bloated. She looks like one of my mom's friends who has cosmetic procedures as daily activity.  Her face is so beautiful why she mess up with something that is perfect ??
    I really like Emma Roberts! She seems to be so nice and cool. Jaimie on the other hand is a little creepy.
  2. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Co-Stars in the ride Video   
    Haha, it's definitely one of her target demographics. Let's see...
    - Gays, any of 'em (as with any pop star)
    - Girls emulating her
    - Older men who are attracted to her
    Pretty much sums up this forum :omgha:
  3. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by lola in Chuck Grant's Photography.   
    "Traveling photographer captures the great American landscape using only his iPhone": http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2260230/Traveling-photographer-captures-great-American-west-using-iPhone.html
  4. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Pin Up Paradise in Chuck Grant's Photography.   
    what i wanna know is how she's friends with Keegan Allen 
  5. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Smiley Requests   

    It's a Britney Fest

  6. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by lola in ....   
    It did. Be young, be mean, be proud, like a true Lana stan 
  7. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by European in ....   
    Look on the bright side, homeboy! You're LanaBoards famous now, you've managed to score 59 profile views with one single post. That's both sad.... and impressive! By the way, if your avatar is a picture of yourself I suggest you post it in the Pictures Of You-thread, it appears that Mrs. Del Rey has scored herself a nice looking fanbase and I'm sure you'd be a pretty addition to it. Go post a picture, I know you can do it, I believe in you! 

    I also suggest that you create a thread in the Welcomes and introductions section, it seems to keep the vultures off, at least for a while. Enjoy your stay!
    Edit: What does Hovag stand for? Urbandictionary says it means: "a person who acts in a manner in such a way that people view them as being a whores vagina". 
  8. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Monicker in ....   
    I've been saying it forever: A setting that doesn't allow a new member to start new threads until they have, whatever, 20, 25 (insert your number of choice) posts, so that they can't make threads until a) they've gotten a hang of things around here, and b) they take the time to read and see what's already been posted. I think it'll solve a lot of these issues we continually have. 
  9. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in ....   
    Even the title, oh my.
  10. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by DarkParadise in ....   
    Congrats on your first post. You failed.
  11. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Meeting Lana Del Rey   
    Why should this make me feel better? The people selling it are the ones ripping off fans that are willing to pay such ridiculous amounts of money for a scribbled signature. It's only about the money for those selling it. 
  12. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Jord in Vote for Lana (NRJ MUSIC AWARDS : FRANCE)   
    She was eliminated, apparently. I think it's phase two now. Oh, well.
  13. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by lola in Friend or Foe? Watch out Lana!   
    Celebrities know that these autograph hunters exist and most of them know to avoid them, Ben (that's Ben on the left behind here, right?) even thinks they're just autograph hunters. In this video, Lana leaves when she notices that the guy's just an autograph hunter:

  14. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Meeting Lana Del Rey   
    Well, this has nothing to do with Lana, it's those people wanting to sell autographs and therefore taking time she could actually spent with her fans.
  15. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in Meeting Lana Del Rey   
    I just screamed 2 times when her car arrived, i was so shocked. but only two short "AHHHHHH"s, like 2 seconds or smth like that. and she was still sitting in the car. so it soesn't matter
    PS: @LoveLanaLikeLife, i'm so amused to see myself in your avatar :hacute: it was awesome...
  16. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Tyler in Lana nominated for a Brit Award 2013   
    She spends enough time in England that she should be considered British artist by now. :mhm:
  17. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Tyler in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    OMG that's getting into the "cruel" zone!
    I'm assuming that Chuck and Charlie and the rest of her family still call her Lizzy though, right? Or do they all respect her creativity and call her Lana? Imagine them all at Thanksgiving. There is that one aunt that is kind out of the loop with the rest of the family. She casually turns and speaks to Lana from across the table, to make some small chat. "Hey Lizzy, you still seeing that Jimmy guy? The one from the AA meeting?"  
  18. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in ~ FAN VIDEOS ~ (NEW: DEALER)   
    These are all perfect, your so talented... I made a video for yayo once, it reached 6000 views and they took it down, I was so upset, I think I may start making some more again, I love editing movies together its so fun
  19. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana Del Rey at 'W' Magazine and Dom Perignon’s Pre-Golden Globes Party   
    These would make goood emoticons...

  20. liam liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in Lana Del Rey at 'W' Magazine and Dom Perignon’s Pre-Golden Globes Party   
    it sounded painful and i felt with her 
  21. Arzi liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in Lana Del Rey at 'W' Magazine and Dom Perignon’s Pre-Golden Globes Party   
    it sounded painful and i felt with her 
  22. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Tyler in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    I feel like that would turn into a real big awkward moment.
  23. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by liam in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    Wait, I'm so confused. Who are the people in the car? Who are the people stopping them from moving off and why are they doing that?
  24. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    I think this is related to this, idk but do you guys remember hearing about how crazy paparazzi got after one of Lana's shows and she got really upset and had to be rushed out?? Here is a video taken by a fan..shows how crazy paparazzi will get for their shot. (If you look closely, you can see her hair and the glimmer of her hair band, she's surrounded by guards) I mean they are on these fan's car.. so crazy.. and then the fighting right after.. can't really blame Lana's manager for wanting to get her out of there quickly. Kinda wonder if they're going to even allow her to come out after shows this time around
    but then like this video, there aren't any paparazzi and the fans behave and its all sweet aw
    Fan: "My name is Danielle Darling.. that's my real name."
    Lana: "You have to be a movie star!!"
  25. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Lana Del Rey in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    Didn't she say in an interview that she finds it crazy when she comments on a youtube video saying 'shutup' and everyone buzzes over it? Maybe this could be the case with her facebook & twitter. I don't want her to be a constant tweeter. It would be better if she tweeted like once a week, like random words or quotes or even lyrics
    But she said in an interview that she only uses social networks to promo?
    I feel that she is somewhat insecure about posting. When she wasn't famous, she always used to right statuses on her personal facebook, and then as soon as she got famous, like june 2011, she suddenly stopped posting.
    I want to see more posts like this:

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