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  1. peli liked a post in a topic by mermadness in Children Of The Bad Revolution   
    the chorus is--
    we're children of the bad revolution
    & partying's the only solution
    in our minds there ain't any confusion
    about who we are, & what we're gonna be
    we're gonna get free
    sorry to boost an old thread, but is there really a finer lana song? it's so...slick and sexy.
  2. peli liked a post in a topic by GodBlessMe in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Imagine if Ultraviolence is live versions of the songs on born to die!
  3. peli liked a post in a topic by Jack in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Wait fuck sorry I posted this in the wrong thread, this is the track list for my album, sorry xoxo
  4. peli liked a post in a topic by Auto-Tuned Loon in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    My loon cry on "Over the Love" was in reaction to witnessing this traumatic event. #PTSD
  5. peli liked a post in a topic by Adrift in Charli XCX   
    Not even the most hardcore East London rave she went to can prepare her for a Brazilian crowd. 
  6. peli liked a post in a topic by drewby in Charli XCX   
    her new hair looks like Regina Spektor put a fork into an electrical socket
  7. peli liked a post in a topic by lola in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Hole, actually.
    Ultraviolence is just a term Anthony Burgess used to describe the murders/beatings/rapes they committed, an extreme violence. I didn't interpret that single word to be have any more meaning, he made lots of words up for that book, that's just one of the most easily understood ones and one that people now actually use in real life.
    Btw, he said this about A Clockwork Orange: 
    "We all suffer from the popular desire to make the known notorious. The book I am best known for, or only known for, is a novel I am prepared to repudiate: written a quarter of a century ago, a jeu d'esprit knocked off for money in three weeks, it became known as the raw material for a film which seemed to glorify sex and violence. The film made it easy for readers of the book to misunderstand what it was about, and the misunderstanding will pursue me until I die. I should not have written the book because of this danger of misinterpretation, and the same may be said of Lawrence and Lady Chatterley's Lover."
    I still don't know how exactly he would like it to be interpreted but that's pretty interesting.
  8. peli liked a post in a topic by iseeyouupsidedown in Charli XCX   
    I don't get why you guys are hating on @@Velvet Elvis ... Just because he doesn't like the direction it looks like Charli is going in doesn't mean he's not a Charli XCX fan... Last I checked this is the CHARLI XCX thread, not the "Charli's second album (which isn't even out yet)" thread..
    Tbh I kind of agree with him, although I wouldn't go as far as to say I don't think I'll like the album at all. But from what she's said about the music, lyrical content, inspirations for the second album, etc., it doesn't sound NEARLY as appealing to me as True Romance. It's a matter of personal taste. I'm a fan of Charli because of True Romance (well, rather the music she was recording two years prior to it's release, much of which ended up on the album). This new album just doesn't sound as good to me.
    I want to trust her when she says it's her best work yet, but people have different tastes in music. A Charli album about being a strong and independent female with a lot of punk rock sounds and live instrumentation doesn't sound as good to me as a moody retro sounding electronic album about love and heartbreak.
  9. peli liked a post in a topic by chicanes in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana SAYS she doesn't care about charts but all artists do that, they just say that to appear to be 'all about the music' in an organic way. Look at Lady Gaga recently, "I don't write for the charts" and then got upset when her material began to underperform and got mad at Billboard (I love Gaga, just an example) and there's also plenty of "unsuccessful" indie artists like Santigold who claim that their music is somehow 'raw' and 'deeper' than the mainstream when it's not and you know she would kill for a #1 single. It's obvious that Lana cares more about being successful and being accepted than a lot of people, she wants the #1 albums, even if she claims she doesn't and I wouldn't be surprised if Interscope got on at her for producing a second album. Didn't Paradise sort of underperform for what was essentially a new album? I'm expecting Ultraviolence to release in the first quarter of next year. Interscope want those receipts. 
  10. peli liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Now what's the likelihood he'd work on both Live or Die (old) and AFFA (new) without ANY of us ever hearing about him? Have you guys not met evilentity?
  11. peli liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I seem to be the only one here not into this guys looks....
  12. peli liked a post in a topic by SparkleJumpRopeKing in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Ask him if he is dtf 
  13. peli liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    he's super hot 

    on the left 
  14. peli liked a post in a topic by BENTLEY in 'Tropico' Out December 5 + Official Trailers   
    It's just a misunderstanding. I suppose it'll be like this: 1) TROPICO (The movie), 2) Body Electric, 3) Gods & Monsters, 4) Bel Air.
  15. peli liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana Del Rey Covers Nylon Magazine's November Issue   
    if lana would let jim do anal, he'd like her . i know that kurt really didn't like many people, he was very demanding. he didn't suffer fools gladly and even the people he liked the most he fought with all the time. courtney probably was his best friend but they fought pretty much daily and pretty violently. he liked strong, smart, creative, independent women who could take care of him but where he could still be in control (part of the time). he hated people who he suspected of selling out (which lana did, i guess, with changing her image & music). he also hated when people completely adored him and thought he was some kind of god. he wasn't shallow at all, none of his girlfriends were really beauties. he was also very into music, lots of underground stuff, not just "the masters of every genre". idk really because i don't know lana personally but i'm not sure millionaire daddy's pseudo-deep submissive daughter would've clicked with a poor depressed highly sensitive bi-polar guy.
  16. peli liked a post in a topic by yayoop in Lana Retweeting Some Questionable Shit   
    I think we can all agree that Lana has a fucked up sense of humour. It's like when she replies to peoples hate comments and she calls people "c**ts" or stuff like that.


    It's like she finds the comment funny because why the fuck would she be pro-pedo? So she's gonna acknowledge it just because it's messed up.


    It's like you hear someone say "Oh, she likes to watch bondage porn" And then you will joke about it on Facebook or Twitter or with friends being like "Hold on just gonna go put on my leather straps" or something like that…


    If that makes sense.


    It's just Lana's dark humour i think .. Nothing about her actually condoning pedophilia.
  17. peli liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Aaron LaCrate to release Scarface   
    'emotions', being an umbrella term with a vast spectrum of effect ... i mean, you sound pretty emotional about this yourself, so one could even argue that he's ultimately fucked with yours as well. if he hadn't been starved for attention, you wouldn't be feeling ashamed or embarrassed or whatever it is thats filling you up at the moment. if you deconstruct my initial statement, you'll see that its actually not quite as heavy or existential as you've made it out to be. 
    how do you feel when a new song leaks? happy? excited? thankful? whatever you feel, i'm going to assume that its positive and potentially lasting, depending on the quality of the track. so when someone blatantly teases a particular fan base with the possibility of a leak, its obviously because he enjoys playing games. he's somehow able to derive some kind of positive emotion simply by denying a group of people something they wish to possess. and yet we're in the wrong for reacting with negativity? i don't personally think so. this whole situation is childish and fucked, and it was orchestrated solely by him. if someone dangles a $100 bill in front of my face, only to pull away when he sees the gleam in my eyes -- he's fucking with my emotions on some level; hormonal, physiological, mental, whatever the fuck. yea, its just a song, but it doesn't change the fact that i could never see myself doing this kind of thing to even one person, let alone hundreds. there's a big difference between being a dork and being a dick. 
    aaron lactate is obviously a no talent piece of shit, and he deserves to know it. if he had a modicum of professionalism or self respect, he wouldn't be resorting to pathetic little ploys to gain attention. he'd get it just by being good at what he does.
    there is no 'suitable' way to react to this situation, because this situation is not suitable in any way to begin with. 
  18. peli liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Aaron LaCrate to release Scarface   
    i don't agree w/ everything that was said or done but no one here is anyone's parent. at the end of the day we are free acting individuals, no need to chastise like a disappointed mom or act holier than thou when I know some of you have acted similar on twitter before.  i do think aaron knew what he was doing but didn't have an intention of leaking it. and that's fine, but of course people are disappointed/annoyed. some things people were saying were too far, but I hope aaron doesn't h8 all ldr fans cos daddy issues is the best (hell yes).
  19. peli liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Aaron LaCrate to release Scarface   
    It was really obvious he wasn't gonna post it when he said "forget Lana Del Rey" so I don't see the point in acting like he was actually gonna post it. He's teased the fanbase about Scarface last year in a really similar situation sooooooooo00OoO0o....
  20. peli liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Aaron LaCrate to release Scarface   
    I'd like to post on behalf of all the childish behavior that took place here, since I was part of it. 
    Suggesting we spam his twitter because he teased us is childish, but I think what he did was even more childish. Two wrongs definitely don't make a right, but damn, it feels so enriching to return his bullshit back to him. That said, I do think some other behavior was out of place, but it happens. O w3ll. 
    We'll get it eventually. 
  21. peli liked a post in a topic by cola in Aaron LaCrate to release Scarface   
    he had no inteion of leaking it he wants to put the blame on me, and have the fans hate me instead of him 
  22. peli liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    these are basically three of my favourite lana things
  23. peli liked a post in a topic by Atom Heart in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    First time I heard 'wiping skeet off my red nail polish' wtf is wrong with me? Either I'm psychotic or Lana likes giving handjobs
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