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  1. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Lana meeting fans in Warsaw - 2 June 2016   
    Jk, but I like blodes when the hair doesn't have a golden shade. I am not a huge fan of warm colours
  2. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in Lana meeting fans in Warsaw - 2 June 2016   
    she looks better than she did at LAX. ben is not with her but who is this old guy next to her i've never seen him before?

    and a bunch of selfies with fans:

  3. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by slang in Personal "Review" on HM   
    So long as it's not the chorus of Salvatore, which I associate with Kurt Cobain (i.e., "A mullato, an albino, a mosquito, my libido" (from Feels like Teen Spirit), and which I really like. but:   All the lights are sparkling for you it seems On the downtown scenes, shady blue Beatboxing and rapping in the summer rain Like a boss, you sang jazz and blues    is kind of meh, I guess; however, not absurdly bad (if that is in fact what she's singing,idk). Is it because one is lead to think she's talking about a mafioso in the first verse and a street bohemian in the 2nd verse?   And for more "shocking" lyrics:   "We all know that it's not fashionable to love me"    which the critics had a field day with wrt her career, but completely ignores the shady super-criminal she's apparently saying it to (which makes me think the song's character is a prostitute). And yeah, "Dark Blue" is a simple lyric, but I give her some credit for singing it like a Gregorian chant in multi-part harmony.   and    "you're so ghetto ..."  which got people upset (for various reasons). Art Deco isn't meaningless, although the title seems contrived so she can rhyme with that line. Still it's about teenagers who go out at night (I mean she said this in an interview). I guess they have a certain look too. Some here have also compared it to Carmen 2.0.   And Freak... I'm reading the Electric KoolAid Acid Test (Tom Wolfe) now, which is about Ken Kesey (author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) and his entourage of acid droppers, who travel across America in a bus. I'm not too far into it, but it does seem related to the song (and more so the video, of course). The word "freak" (along with the word "thing") was an especially important word in the early 60s and Wolfe made a point (in '68) of saying this in the first chapter (pg. 10).   "...Thousands of kids were moving into San Francisco for a life based on LSD and the psychedelic thing. Thing was the major abstract word in Haight-Ashbury. It could mean anything, isms, life styles, habits, leanings, causes, sexual organs; thing and freak; freak referred to styles and obsessions, as in "Stewart Brand is an Indian freak" or "the zodiac--that's her freak," or just to [acid?] heads in costume. It wasn't a negative word. ..."
  4. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Personal "Review" on HM   
    Akin: "essentially similar, related, or compatible <his interests are akin to mine>"
    Hoe: slut/whore/bitch/etc.
    It means she relates to people who use lies to get what they want (maybe sex, money, etc)
  5. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Personal "Review" on HM   
    "Its so surreal" 
  6. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Personal "Review" on HM   
    Can you elaborate?
    Tbh, I don't see any concept behind HM except beautiful music.
    Whereas BTD and UV do have a concept. BTD is dedicated to the American Dream (love, money, fame).
    And UV is just something destructive and dark
  7. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Lana Del Rey interview for Fräulein Magazine October 2011   
    So this is five years late but I haven't found the full readable interview anywhere so I bought the e-version and here is it I tried to translate it but my absolute incompetence with the beautiful German language unfortunately made it impossible so if any German-speaking stan would be kind enough to graciously translate it would be more than much appreciated please! Anyway as it's very old and from what I vaguely understood, I don't think we will learn anything more from this.
    Please keep in mind that I transcribed it from an image there will most likely be some typos!
    Die Musikszene stand augenblicklich Kopf, als die New Yorker Sängerin Lana Del Rey bei YouTube ein paar Songs hochlud. Ihre Konzerte waren in zehn Minuten ausverkauft. Selbst geschriebene Lieder, kraftvolle Stimme, dazu die von ihr ebenfalls selbstgebastelten Musikclips mit Super-8-Urlaubsvideos, strauchelnden Stars and irh selbst: wunderschön, mit riesigen Lippen, Lockenwicklerfrisur und langen künstlichen Fingerägeln. Ein bisschen Retrochic, ein bisschen Trailerparkoptik. Ist Lana Del Rey ein Gesamtkunstwerk? Angeblich ist sie sogar in einem Trailerpark aufgewachsen. Ein Journalist mutmasste gar, sie habe sich ihre Lippen absichtlich "verspritzen" lassen, um mehr nach amerikanischem "White Trash" auszuschen. Lana Del Rey irritiert. Auf ihrer Facebook-Seite steht ein Coco-Chanel-Zitat: "Wenn du unersetzlich sein willst, musst du anders sein." Egal, ob ihr Äusseres Teil einer Image-Kampagne ist oder nicht: Aufgegangen ist die allemal. Auf die Frage, ob sie für die Plattenfirmen ihren Stil ändern sollte, antwortet sie: "Nein, meine Klamotten oder Musik weren für solche Leute uninteressant. Es kam eher die Frage, ob ich mit ihen ins Bett gehen würde." Wer ist das nun, Lana Del Rey oder Lizzy Grant, wie sie mit bürgerlichem Namen heisst? "Das ist nur ein anderer Name, aber ich bin dieselfbe Person geblieben. Ich wollte einen Name, der mehr zu der Musik passt, der glamouröser ist." Lana Del Rey ist Perfektionistin. Mit der Liste ihrer musikalischen Vorbilder kann man nichts falsch machen: Nina Simone, Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsberg, Kurt Cobain, Antony and the Johnsons. "Hey, die Liste ist nicht von irgendwelchen Managern zusammengestellt!", betont sie enerisch, sie, die vorher noch in süssem Singsang gesprochen hat. "Ich verehre diese Künstler". Stimmt das eigentlich mit dem Trailerpark? "Ach, da wird so eine grosses Sache draus gemacht. Ja, ich habe ein paar Jahre in einem Trailerpark gewohnt. Ich habe dort wirklich gute freunde gefunden, die immer noch meine Freunde sind. 
      Aufgewachsen ist Lana Del Rey in der Kleinstadt Lake Placid, drei Autostunden von New York City entfernt. Sie ist das älteste von drei Kindern. Mit elf führte sie den Kirchenchor an, und auf die Frage eines Journalisten, ob Gott mit ihren Songtexten einverstanden wäre, haut sie ihm sarkastisch um die Ohren: "Gott has mir in so vielen Situationen das Leben geretter, da muss er mit dem einverstanden sein, was ich schreibe." Darauf angesprochen lacht sie, um dann ernst hinzuzufügen: "Ich bemühe mich sehr, ein guter Mensch zu sein. Aber irgendwie ziehe ich verrückte Leute an. Ich habe deshalb immer wieder Ärger." Welchen genau, möchte sie nicht verraten, aber das Leben in New York sei hart. In einem Song singt sie: "Maybe I like this rollercoaster, maybe it keeps me high." Ob sie diese Ups und Downs vielleicht braucht? Eine Spur zu trotzig antwortet sie: "Nein, die brauche ich ganz und gar nicht. Ehrlich gesagt kann ich sie nicht leiden. Ich bin ziemlich einfach gestrickt." Seit kurzem pendelt Lana Del Rey zwischen London und New York. Wie es denn da mit der Liebe laufe? "Die grosse Liebe hate ich mal, dann habe ich sie verloren, dann noch einmal gefunden und, tja, wieder verloren. Das ist schon seltsam, dass man sich immer wieder verliebt." Stirnrunzelnd fügt sie hinzu: "Ich denke, das itst so eine DNA-Sache!" Da ist er wieder, der schnelle Wechsel von Kitsch zu Sarkasmus. Und bevor ihr ein Vergleich aufs Auge gedrückt wird, bezeichnet sie sich selbst als "Gansta-Nancy-Sinatra" und ihre Musik als Hollywood Pop. "Wenn ich nicht absolut wüsste, dass ich singen kann, würde ich etwas anderes machen!", sagt sie selbstbewusst. Mittlerweile läuft es ziemlich gut für die 24-Jährige, obwohl ein richtiges Album erst Anfang nächsten Jahres erschneiden wird. Um es mit ihrem Idol Bob Dylan zu sagen: "All I can do is be me. Whoever that is."     Here's how it appears in the magazine (if you want the pdf hmu, the photo isn't better quality unfortunately but the file is): 
  8. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by yourboy in A source of the newly "leaked" radio interview + performance   
    I don't know if there was already a topic about this audio, but I couldn't find one except a status talking about it.
    Also, the interview section is not yet available so I am just seeking for a discussion to find the source of the radio audio that was found recently by Instagram user @@honeydelgrant. He/she (I am not sure) has found several rare old photos of Lizzy and some cool stuff on the deep web. (not that deep web. Just web that we aren't really reaching most of the times)
    The audio is:

    I have asked few of my friends and none of them had found out about it and I am sure there are people who want to find where this damn performance was from. I asked him/her where was this from and was told that it was from a random blog that had various unknown radio audios and Lana's was just tagged 98.3. (You can see my desperate attempt to get a new info on the comment section)
    I wonder if this audio is on our hidden interview section, so I just wanted to ask everybody for some help. Hope the supporters of the interview section might help me.. They are all very smart people (like PUPPY, evilentity and other smarties)
    I hope I haven't made a stupid topic that will be locked forever.  I am still so insecure about making a topic. I am always this creeper out here looking at stuff and disappearing in a sec.
    Thanks for looking! 
    +performance sounds flawless 
  9. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by WhiteIrishDrinker in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    Totally agree with you. I don't want her to be in a FULL Pop cheesy music trip. I need her to keep being unique, I don't want songs like Queen Of Disaster, Dum Dum, Damn You or anything close to that. That sound is so wasted. I know Lana loves vintage sounds but I doubt so much she will return to that 90s cheesy sound we can hear on some of her demos. Definitely something with Arca, Jamie XX or Mark Ronson. Vintage Pop like maybe 'Uptown Funk' or Electronic Alternative songs like The XX 'Angels', 'Islands' or FKA Twigs 'Good To Love', 'Weak Spot', 'Papi Pacify' or any song produced by Arca.
  10. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Cashew in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I would love to see her work with someone new and create an album with a new sound (or at least a sound that doesn't sound like it's from the BTD/Paradise era).
  11. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by letsescapelizzy in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    yes, agree.. was thinking the other day, every artist that really intrigues me and grabs my attention, usually
    ends up being from New York / East coast.. a lot of vibe from the big apple.. and it always shows..
  12. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    This totally sounds like Lana. When I think about meeting her I would expect it to be somehow awkward 
  13. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    I swear Lana has dresses like this.. Almost exact blue dress and sweater 

  14. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by gloomyharlow in Lana spotted yesterday visiting a beauty salon. She's went BLONDE!   
    I do hope she stops filling her lips. Big lips aren't a big deal anymore. It's the butt that's all the rage now lol










  15. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by May in Lana spotted yesterday visiting a beauty salon. She's went BLONDE!   
    when u thought the leaks were over but the paparazzi is suddenly asking about Roses

  16. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Lana spotted yesterday visiting a beauty salon. She's went BLONDE!   
    Lmao she always has the most awkward candids ilhsm

  17. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Lana spotted yesterday visiting a beauty salon. She's went BLONDE!   
    so cool cannot wait for a new shoot with proper styling hair and make up    and i don't understand the botched comments she looks the same as always ?
  18. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by toshi in Lana spotted yesterday visiting a beauty salon. She's went BLONDE!   
    She probably went ginger first as its safer than going to straight to blonde so really her hair is probably quite healthy.
    She looks lovely blonde, I never really liked her blonde on the photos before she was famous but I'm digging it tbh.
  19. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Lana spotted yesterday visiting a beauty salon. She's went BLONDE!   
    I would give an ovary to have her figure and I adore this colour on her. Grown up Lizzie indeed, amen
  20. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Dua Lipa in Lana spotted yesterday visiting a beauty salon. She's went BLONDE!   
    Lana Yesterday. She's BLONDE NOW! Thoughts?


  21. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    sounds like she was just extremely uncomfortable and felt awkward lol. social anxiety x10000
  22. Starsx liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    This totally sounds like Lana. When I think about meeting her I would expect it to be somehow awkward 
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