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Everything posted by californianfreak

  1. Yeah that's all I did! Idk it was just a thought, a massive reach but it just occurred to me that it is still possible considering the overlapping lyrics in other songs from NFR so far! And I thought it would be fun to speculate the actual title as we haven't got it yet Edit: I think HIAB has the potential to be a 'part two' to IYC, because IYC seems more hopeful and exciting ('make you real proud of your baby'). But HIAB seems like it could be later in the relationship where Lana feels she has not made him feel 'real proud' of her, and maybe done something to upset him, hence why she is now 'crying in the backseat'. So this is why I am seeing them as linked as well!
  2. So idk if this is news or not, but I went into my local Boots store today and was a total cringe asking if I could have the poster once the campaign was over, and they said the campaign will last until about September! I love this campaign it is amazing seeing Lanz just in your local shop
  3. So I thought I'd share my shower thought with you all It's a bit of a reach and it's not that exciting but since we don't have much else to talk about, hear me out So we know that the songs on NFR seem to reference each other (MAC references VB, VB references NFR). Well In Your Car and HIAB both talk about the 'backseat'. So what if HIAB is referencing In Your Car, and In Your Car's actual title is 'Backseat'?
  4. The only one I really struggled with was Ride vs Sad Girl
  5. Seriously though, I am surprised everyone seems so worried. All three songs which have been released so far seems to have been generally very well received by most people here. And not to be THAT person, but remember we have only heard snippets of the songs - they could easily pull a VB and Cinnamon and burst into a rich production! Remember when we first heard the VB snippet, and we thought it was going to be really slow with a minimal instrumental? And then we were all shocked when it turned into a psychedelic masterpiece! The only piano-driven song for sure we have is HIADT because we have heard it in full. HIAB may be piano-driven, but as someone else said it has been recorded by another device before being upload to IG so other elements of the instrumental could have easily been missed. And even if HIAB is piano-driven, it's not a really slow song like HIADT. And even then that it only two songs being piano-driven.
  6. Oh yeah definitely, but I am saying if Lana just wanted to do a piano-driven album, why would she hire a producer who has recently produced three albums which have a very rich production? Also, Lana said "Jack is demanding in the studio" and Jack does seem to have a style which is quite unusual and from what I have heard, makes it's way onto artists' albums. Ultimately it is Lana's album and she has the most control, but Jack strikes me as someone who will want to input his own ideas as well!
  7. Oh I'm sure it won't be on the same level as Tropico as it seemed pretty high budget! But it is possible that we have a short film? I'll admit I'd be surprised if I am right but it is possible! Like, we have seen over 14 minutes worth of footage for supposedly one song? Unless HIAB pulls a VB and becomes her longest song ever, it could be there is a short film using music from NFR! Or this is left over footage from the HIAB she didn't want to use and ended up as videos for MAC and VB. And Chuck did describe a 'series', which to me implies a bigger project.
  8. I don't think Lana would use Jack if it was just going to be an album full of piano ballads - I don't know much about reputation, but Melodrama and Masseduction had very rich production. As Jack is working on NFR, I would have thought he would put his signature stamp of much fuller production on it too. And there have been more piano-driven tracks on Melodrama (Liability) and Masseduction (New York, Happy Birthday, Johnny) as well as songs very rich in production. We heard part of the HTD instrumental, and to me it doesn't sound like it will be heavily piano-driven. It reminds me more of video games - a slow ballad with rich production. If Lana was going to make a piano-driven album, I don't think she would have wanted to work with a new producer, and would have worked with Rick again!
  9. So if we already have roughly 14 minutes of footage (ofc some of it is repeated and other recycled footage is used), then I wonder if there is a short film for NFR? Maybe like Tropico but lower budget? OR I remember Chuck described it as a 'series', so maybe there are a few music videos which link together to tell a story?
  10. WOW okay I had low expectations for the single cover but apparently I didn't set them low enough It's a GORGEOUS selfie, but wow I didn't expect it to be used as the actual cover art Anyway, I don't mind too much because although I'm not in love with Sylvia yet, I feel like it's going to be one of those songs which gets better with time. A bit like Yayo - I liked it when it was released, but wasn't that passionate about it. But a number of years later, it is one of my favourites!
  11. californianfreak


    Just discovered Girli! Currently obsessed with Hot Mess, Girl I Met On The Internet, and Can I Say Baby Also half of her songs seem not to be on Spotify? Does anyone know where I can download them?
  12. SCREAMING I didn't realise those loud bangs were Lana on her typewriter, I thought they were some oddly placed beats and I was shocked no one was commenting on it
  13. One day, they shall see the light One guy actually admitted he liked the electric guitar so that is PROGRESS
  14. SO at last night's new years eve party, I was given the rare opportunity to choose a song to play! Everyone looked slightly nervous/annoyed because they all hate my music taste As well as snatching the opportunity, I snatched everyone's wigs - I chose the longest Lana song in existence, Venice Bitch Me: "Enjoy people, this song is 10 minutes!" The people:
  15. Clueless All the Toy Story movies The Secret Life Of Pets (It's cute, forgive me) Kramer vs Kramer La La Land If I ever see Isle of Dogs, it will probably be one of my favourite films Groundhog Day While You Were Sleeping (I cry every time) I, Tonya Maleficent Ghost A Bug's Life The Help
  16. Fuck Charli Marry Obama Kill Danny Mario, Luigi, Toad
  17. Yes please!! Thank you in advance
  18. Some of the best lyrics from FROOT I'm your carnal flower, I'm your bloody rose Pick my petals off and make my heart explode From the concrete to the coast I was looking for a holy ghost Like the land joining the sea Happiness it followed me When it comes to love you're an easy fight A flower in a gun, a bird in flight You can paint me any colour And I can be your clown But you ain't got my number Yeah, you cant pin me down ​I see people and cars covered in gold ​And I'm happy to be on my own Watch my life unfold around me Like a beautiful garden ​I see flowers so tall they surround me Oh, my heart it became so hardened I also love the whole of Savages and Immortal lyrically especially
  19. FROOT is my favourite body of work by Marina, and one of my all-time favourite albums. I get what some of you guys are saying about the production, but that's one of the reasons I love it so much! Honestly its production is some of my favourite ever... there's something so nostalgic and comforting about it!
  20. No problem! yas the tumblr one! I haven't seen the black one, but the picture disk is stunning and very impactful irl! The quality probably isn't as great as the black vinyl but for me it is still good! So I guess if you're a sucker (pun intended) for a picture disk like me, go for that! If you care more about the sound quality, go for the black one
  21. I got mine direct from Charli's store, they didn't charge me customs so in the end I got my picture disk sucker vinyl for around $33 (~£26) which is the cheapest I have seen in the UK! Don't order it from the warner store though, because they'll charge you like £11 customs! In case you are wondering how I know about customs charges from both stores...... I accidentally ordered one from each store because I am a fool
  22. I ordered the vinyl too but nothing yet! Also has anyone's CD arrived yet?
  23. Okay so I've just tried to teach myself so I'll warn you guys this may not be up to your usual standard, but I have tried my best to copy the audio from YouTube and made some artwork if you wanna use it! I Must Be Stupid For Being So Happy - https://picosong.com/wjH5z/ Hey Blue Baby - https://picosong.com/wjHLA/ Artwork - https://imgur.com/a/sGtfwcI (The artwork is probably not gonna be that great because I made it on powerpoint [by this point, you can already tell I am SKILLED with technology] and there were hardly any decent photos from the event I could find)
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