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Chris Cuomo

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  1. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by Immy's bitch in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I would never want to see Delicious released on an album, but I can't believe all the hate it gets. What's not to love about Lana getting sassy and being that bitch that you can't fuck with...
    Also Big Bad Wolf is fun and catchy as hell. Why all the hating on her less serious songs?
  2. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Does Lana still hate Lady Gaga?   
    lol not at all. amy was an addict and had one of the voices of our generation. gaga..well... they can't be compared.
  3. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    First of all, I'd like to say... nice topic man. This is a good thread. Now. I do miss the days when Lana would reply to tweets or common on facebook... but she has a larger fanbase. She can't reply to all those fans. Back in the day, she'd have 12 or 18 comments on her posts. Now she has thousands. She does sometimes (mainly on facebook) leave a comment for everyone. She'll post 'Luv you all x' Plus, she has said that she only uses these sites as promotional tools. In the end, I think Lana does reach out to her fans and loves them. I think you can see that by those videos up there ^
  4. peli liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in Songs from your childhood.   
    when I was 12 or 13, I'd always listen to these Russian Soviet Communist Childrens songs. I had no idea what they were singing, (probably a lot of propaganda) but it was always so beautiful. It really touched me *SONICALLY*
  5. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Did you know about Lana when she was Lizzy Grant?   
    She really makes me wonder if I should have reconsidered all those MySpace friend requests I got from floppy bands
    You know, it is weird that no original Lizzy fans are around. I mean, she had some audience on MySpace. Were they genuine or just being nice when they commented on her page? Do they realize she's gotten so famous but looks totally different and has a different name?
  6. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    First of all, I'd like to say... nice topic man. This is a good thread. Now. I do miss the days when Lana would reply to tweets or common on facebook... but she has a larger fanbase. She can't reply to all those fans. Back in the day, she'd have 12 or 18 comments on her posts. Now she has thousands. She does sometimes (mainly on facebook) leave a comment for everyone. She'll post 'Luv you all x' Plus, she has said that she only uses these sites as promotional tools. In the end, I think Lana does reach out to her fans and loves them. I think you can see that by those videos up there ^
  7. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by Allie in Lana Del Rey interview for GLOSS magazine   
    Invented beauty
    Decadent Hollywood star, ingenue little posh or hoochie from the periphery, all of that fits in the persona Lana Del Rey created for herself. – By Harold Von Kursk
    One video made with a collage of images on Youtube made her a sensation of the alternative music. And a super critized performance on TV turned her into an overnight pop star. If you think the path that Lana Del Rey, 26 years old, made until she came to the top was a little bit weird, you're very right – her universe is very strange, indeed. In the beginning of 2011, Lana was Lizzy Grant, a singer with bleached blonde hair (and lips way thinner) who circulated around the record labels seeking a contract. Until that, in june of that year she put on internet the ballad Video Games, along with nostalgic images she chose by herself. With her new name, lips and trendy retro look, she caught the attention of bloggers and journalists and her course started to change. Everything almost went down the drain in January, when her performance on the TV show Saturday Night Live, from NBC network, was crushed down by the critic. But the effect was the opposite: 15 days after, her album Born to Die, a collection of glamorous and dark songs, came to the stores and went right to the first place in charts of seven countries. She just released her 6th video from her album, Summertime Sadness (Lana now makes superproduced videos). And she is the face of the new campaign of H&M. Full of tricks or talented? GLOSS saw one of her shows in New York, in June and assures: both things. Fake, fragile, beautiful, bold, modern – she is all of that. Just not a conventional singer.
    GLOSS: You became a celebrity overnight. How do you see this so immediate success?
    LDR: I'm surprised! I didn't expect this, specially after being ignored for 6 years. I couldn't get my songs to be played and I had a lot of difficulty to settle shows. Everybody was complaining that my songs were too long and dark and that it would be impossible to commercialize them. They said that the video of Video Games was weird and scary [laughs]. It's very funny that now I have a contract [with Universal Music] and a team working with me.
    GLOSS: You moved from Connecticut to New York at age 18 and went to study at Fordham University. How the experience influenced your music?
    LDR: Being in New York was a very lonely experience, but also very stimulating in many ways. I met weird people, others wonderful and some not very nice. All of that enriched my music and what I wanted to say. I had to struggle to have my rent's money and to be able to afford others expenses. I know this sounds kinda cliché but that is what happened.
    GLOSS: Do you still feel alone nowadays?
    LDR: No, I feel better. I believe that, when someone finally has a success and people feel touched by your music, the sensation of satisfaction appears. But some of my songs still talk about the disappointment of finding an incredible person and things not working out. Being alone and not feeling deeply connected to no one isn't something easy to deal with.
    GLOSS: By your lyrics, it seems that you lived some complicated break-ups.
    LDR: It's hard to be with someone, waiting for something pretty to be born and then, suddenly, everything going wrong. I was with a person who I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. We were clean and sober, and I needed someone who would respect that. But it didn't work out. When I thought I've had found someone who could take care of me and that I could take care too, I saw everything fall apart.
    GLOSS: Are you shy?
    LDR: I'm very introverted. I don't feel easily comfortable with people when I meet them and I get nervous when I start to talk.
    GLOSS: Is that a problem when you sing live?
    LDR: I think my shyness and my nervousness already became visible in some of my performances. I'm still learning how to deal with that. I keep telling myself to relax on stage, try to feel the music and not to think in what is around me.
    GLOSS: Why do you think that, in a time of Lady Gaga and so many overstyled artists, people are critizing you so much for inventing a certain image for yourself?
    LDR: Thanks for the observation! [Laughs.] I don't think I put a big effort on creating an image besides using dresses rather than exotic costumes. Sometimes the clothes are kinda retro, what matches my music and videos. And it's just that. I think my voice and and lyrics are provocative. But I don't get the rage level of some critics about me.
    GLOSS: The music video for Video Games was the great responsible for the turning point in your career. Did you expect the material would have the impact it did?
    LDR: I thought the images would catch attention and help me to have more followers on the internet. And that maybe it would be good when seeking a contract with some record label. I never thought it would be so watched [the video has today more than 60 millions of views]. I dedicated myself a lot to the material and it gave me a great creative satisfaction. So, I'm proud of people liking it so much.
    GLOSS: Many people invented thousand of theories to interpret what the images of the video are meant to say...
    LDR: The truth is that I had no money to make a video, then I started to make experiences with the images. I think it increased the impact of the music, but when I see the music video nowadays I feel like changing a lot of things, specially the images of myself. Now that I have a contract with a record label and money to produce, I'm very happy for not having to make my self videos. I participate in the process, but I love the fact of being able to work with real professionals. I prefer to concentrate in the songs.
    GLOSS: Why is "Born to Die" the title of the album?
    LDR: In childhood, I kind of freaked out when I realized that my mom, my dad and everybody I knew would die someday. I think that, somehow, this philosophical crisis stayed with me and reappeared in the time I had to give a title to the album.
    GLOSS: In some interviews, you said that music isn't the most important thing in your life. Is that true?
    LDR: I like music and composing, it's just that it's not the fundamental point for me. I have interest in many things and I don't see my life only spinning around music, although I'm super-involved with that at the moment. But I'm very happy with my album and even more to know the amount of people that like my songs. I guess I should think about that and don't worry about nothing else. I would like people to think about me as a good person. Maybe it's ingenuity of me saying that, but that's what I am.
    Building Lana
    Where the singer went to find inspiration to create her cool visual
    From the femme fatale from the 40's, Lana took the attitude and the hair
    The thick and slightly open lips are the mark of the french actress
    Lana adores eyes well contoured with black eyeliner
    Every now and then, Lana appears with the hairstyle that Elvis's ex used in the sixties
    One more embellishment of a femme fatale: huge nails!
    Necklaces, rings and sneakers complete the visual
  8. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    I think it's her choice. She is on Twitter and she DMs fans she's met. I'm guessing the Twilight trio has millions and millions of fans and none of them are on Twitter or Facebook just because they don't want to. I would love Lana to just tweet something sassy once in a while like she did two-three years ago, she can't tweet millions of fans.
  9. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in You Will Die When You Hear What This Delusional Xtina Stan Said   
    I don't think this sort of stuff is worth making a thread about. There's always status updates, the random conversantion thread and the shoutbox. I don't mean to be mean or anything. just saying.
  10. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in Lana Del Rey covers CLEO mag.   
    You do know Lana use to be really easy to reach out to... and still is in many ways. Just a couple months ago you could of commented on her facebook status and she would reply. Just a couple months ago you could of messaged her on youtube and she'd respond. In several interviews she's stated she doesn't really use social media that much. Only as a promotional tool. So maybe she doesn't respond to all her fans tweets. Does she have to? No... not really. So just because she doesn't reach out to her fans on twitter and other social media websites any more, doesn't mean she doesn't reach out to the fans. Because she does.
  11. HeavenBaby51 liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in You Will Die When You Hear What This Delusional Xtina Stan Said   
    I don't think this sort of stuff is worth making a thread about. There's always status updates, the random conversantion thread and the shoutbox. I don't mean to be mean or anything. just saying.
  12. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Should "Paradise" had been on the Paradise EP?   
    I don't think it would fit the vibe. Bel air could've been called paradise though, i think. roses, bel air, take me there. palm trees in the light- feels like paradise or something lmao
  13. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in If LDR AKA LG was signed to a more successful record label...   
    That's a good question. In all honesty It's most likely for her benefit that things worked out the way they did. There are so many bands and artists that sign to a major label that don't make it or sell records and don't make any money due to how record contracts are structured. An advance is just that an advance. Bands have been advanced tens of thousands of dollars for recording and to buy a van to tour and they end up either not making any money or just barely anything and this is without benefits.
    I have a feeling that a major label would try to sell her as a Florence and the Machine or Fiona Apple or an Alanis Morrissette. Nothing wrong with that, but the chances for success would have been less since musical tastes tend to run in cycles.
    I actually think that "failing" as LG aka LDR was a good thing to happen to her. Gave her a chance to reboot her career. There is no rebooting of a career if you fail with a major label--none.
    Things worked out for the best. She got a second chance.
  14. Alex liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in If LDR AKA LG was signed to a more successful record label...   
    I think if her record did work out... things would be very different. And I wouldn't want that tbh.
    I do hope they re-release Aka, but I doubt it. Maybe she should slowly start putting two or three songs from AKA on her next records. Like she did with yayo on btdpe
  15. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by Hellion in Did you know about Lana when she was Lizzy Grant?   
    I am Mr. Campbell.
  16. cola liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in Underrated Lana Songs   
    Playing Dangerous.
  17. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in HYPOTHETICAL: MTV Unplugged with LANA   
    Ahem. It struck her VISUALLY n SONICALLY.
  18. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Album fan art   
    Fisting isn't my thing tbh
  19. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in First impression of Lana?   
    "not sure if would or would not bang"
  20. Viva liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    1-If you had the chance to go back to normal, take all the fame away, would you and why?
    2-Do you want kids?
    3-Is there other videos you made for the songs on btd that you have not released?
    4-Do you know about some of your older songs like 'Munny Hunny' leaking? How do you feel about leaking in general?
    5-Is your song American about barrie? (Doubt she'd answer that tbh)
    6-Do you watch a lot of tv? What are your favourite TV shows?
    7-Is K dead? (doubt she'd answer that too)
    8-Which music video (not including the homemade ones) are you most proud of?
    9-What's your least favourite song on BTD?
    And, yeah...
    These questions...

  21. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    Me: Hi, Lana, very nice to meet you. Please sit down. May I call you Lizzy?
    Lana: :ermm: Sure, honey. What are you going to ask me?
    Me: Well, Lizzy, first, I must say that this is a huge honor. I'm a huge fan, I used to be on a Lana Del Rey forum, ran a Lana blog, and everything.
    Lana: K What are you going to ask me?
    Me: OK, let's begin then.
    1. You've made a lot of comments in recent interviews that indicate that you are sort of finished with America. What do you have to say to your American fans who helped make Born to Die the fourth best selling album of the year?
    2. What is it about death that entices you? Is that something of which you have a lot of experience with?
    3. If you could choose how your life would be in 5 years, what would it be like? Are you still working, having children, or traveling, etc.?
    4. There has been a lot of controversy on the internet regarding your unreleased music leaking, even an album of which you wrote at a very young age. Do you feel- sort of- exposed (lol) with all of this music out there? Do you think any of the music will be used in the future? (I'd mention some of my favorites I.E. You can be the boss, never let me go, etc etc)
    5. A lot of what you do is rather ambiguous, and it seems like you kind of like it that way. However, a lot of fans want to know- what is the meaning behind the Summertime Sadness video?
    6. There was great controversy when you appeared on SNL. One newscaster called it "the worst outing on SNL ever." It seems as though this one incident and the negative media following it has caused you to sort of drift from America, even though you do have a strong fan base here. Do you think you'd ever appear on SNL again, if asked? Are you afraid of negative reviews?
    7. Many people call your music "anti-feminism", mistakenly I must say, as the very forefront idea of feminism is that a woman should be able to do as she likes. In addition, you won GQ's woman of the year and appeared nude on the cover, when all the other winners appeared clothed. Do you think the industry is tougher for women?
    8. Who are some of your favorite female artists and influences?
    9. What are your favorite beauty products? What type of hair fall do you use?
    *Bonus question: You seem to have a distaste for live performances but enjoy being with your fans and bonding with them. What is it about performing live that bothers you?
    LBR she'd walk out before answering any of these questions, except maybe the last two. And she'd repeatedly ask me "Do you really like my music" to which I'd sing "Everything I want I have- Money, Notoriety, and Rivieras" so she knows that I actually listen to it.
  22. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    Just one...
    Who the fuck is K?
  23. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Strangest Rumor You've Heard About A Celebrity   
    That Lady Gaga is a man.
  24. DaytonaMeth liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in Lana Del Rey Make Up game   
    her hair looks greasy though :brit:
  25. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana Del Rey Make Up game   
    Tried to make her look like TayTay:

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