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Sugar Venom

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Everything posted by Sugar Venom

  1. That's exactly my point. Elizabeth Grant is to Lana Del Rey as Al Pacino is to Tony Montana. Maybe it's a little harder for people to separate Lana because she also wrote/created this and isn't just someone hired for a portrayal, but surely you can't tell me you thought the Ride video was a documentary
  2. Sometimes it just sounds like you guys are criticizing Tony Montana for his behavior and morals and not stepping back to see or understand/appreciate the masterpiece that Brian De Palma created as Scarface
  3. Why does Lana always have a bunch of girls over?? Do they live with her or something or does she think covid doesn’t exist once you pass the threshold onto her property just bc she doesn’t show signs of having it Edit: also her face has been looking so good lately, did she stop getting fillers bc of quarantine or is it just her blonde hair/lashes doing something?? Whatever it is I hope she sticks with it. Sometimes people get fillers to help with migraines tho so I always wondered if maybe she didn’t really have a choice but to get them (I mean obviously she would have a choice but u know what I mean, they’re not for ~cosmetic purposes~)
  4. I once attended a lecture at SAM about the Yves Saint Laurent exhibit when it was there and ppl legit showed up in old jeans and dirty hiking boots with unstyled hair, I have no problem w ppl being comfy but that was one time I did feel embarrassed
  5. all I see is Lizzy Grant with her blonde hair, lashes and acrylics, baseball cap, short denim shorts, and keds (buying flamingoes of all things!). I don’t see what’s wrong about this I live in Seattle and that’s how people dress here too, it’s just casual lmfao (not trying to fight ily I just don’t know what the issue is, it’s not like she’s never worn these things before??
  6. As if her entire image/career wasn’t based on American pop culture and patriotism..... let her be campy There’s really no reason to be surprised by this unless you’ve only heard like 2 songs by her
  7. I miss when she would go on ig live around lfl I hope she’ll do that when we start getting more info about the album, or at least after it comes out to discuss the songs etc and get feedback or something idk. I have a feeling she’s probably hesitant to interact w us like that bc of her ig mess like her comments will just be flooded w hate/criticism :/ but I miss her. She could at least post on honeymoon
  8. Basically lana needs to ditch her instagram friends and start watching al pacino movies again And move out of California
  9. Idk if this is unpopular but idk where else to share this I think Born To Die, Paradise (I count it as it's own album, separate from BTD), Ultraviolence, and Honeymoon are all equal for her best album. I truly can't rank them Norman doesn't hold a candle to any of them, and Lust For Life sounds like someone trying to be LDR People who say BTD is overproduced and mainstream are missing the point. She's perfect the way she is
  10. okay we're kinda veering off topic now lmfao someone say something about cocc so we don't get warning points btd is still superior tho
  11. That's literally what BTD is, there are no trap beats in it either. NFR compared to Born To Die is like Whole Foods compared to the Palace of Versailles
  12. !!!!!!!!! It is literally her JOB to perform, right? She made a commitment and people payed their hard earned money and some even travelled from far away and stuff, although that extra cost is their choice and their responsibility, but still. It comes off as really rude and entitled when all she does is walk around and talksing a few lines every other song while letting the backing track do 90% of the work for her, with the same old tired setlist and no new songs, only says hi to Win, vapes and damages her lungs/voice, and then leaves. Someone NEEDS to get through to her and tell her or whoever is in charge of all this that all of her fans hate it. This literally can't go on or her ticket sales will start to fall. Which is scary for obvious reasons but also I feel like whoever is in charge of this mess is clearly missing the point, so in order to compensate and make her show more "appealing" they'll just double down on what's already going on. I am so afraid
  13. Anyone who says this album is better than born to die, ultraviolence, honeymoon, even paradise......... very sad for you. Very very sad
  14. Patty’s dead I said baby that’s alright with me
  15. Some possible COCC predictions: Season Of The Witch, Looking For America - acoustic heavenly layered vocals. Reverb! But I’m not sure this would fit something like COCC. Maybe her next album after this and she could include those country songs she did with Jack, and her cover of End Of The World would tie everything in so nicely! Doin’ Time - fun but still dark pop, it was kinda reminiscent of BTD for me but still a fresh sound. I wouldn’t mind a whole album like this Cinnamon Girl, Love Song, Venice Bitch, but mostly Cinnamon Girl - NFR 2.0 (this is what I was thinking too .... if we are all feeling this we better be careful not to manifest it ugh. Quick everybody think of something else lmfao) but the titles of what she’s told us so far just scream NFR to me......... -__- When it was still called White Hot Forever it was giving me such Untouchable 5 energy OR Lust For Life demo - I think bc the original album sounds so different from what we got, she might not have felt the emotional release when it was actually released. The sentiments felt really contrived, so when she was performing them, it probably still didn’t feel right. Maybe she still needs to get this off her chest. Plus I think sonically, this is what fits the name Chemtrails Over The Country Club the most, for me at least
  16. I don’t know about the we built a house part, but the intro def sounds like black beauty
  17. Lana with kittens!!! Hey now hey now this is what dreams are made of
  18. god i literally cant wait even tho im kind of doubting that i will even like the album the power she possesses
  19. a September release makes me picture fall season a la The Exorcist, don’t ask me why but I hope the music matches up
  20. Everyone in that pic looks so fake/extremely manicured it’s scary
  21. I’ve been gone so idk what u all are talking about rn but I would KILL for her to work with Nicole nodland again. That is all
  22. Speaking it into existence that this will be an album full of lust for life demo-esque songs wow I didn’t even scroll up to see someone else said this too lol. Strength in numbers, this will happen
  23. LFL and NFR were not Lana Del Rey albums and I think that's why they were disappointing to me and I didn't enjoy them very much. Lana Del Rey is tragic, dramatic, cinematic, larger than life, glamorous, etc. NFR was maybe like a modern May Jailer, idk who LFL was but I'm not interested in finding out anyways lmfao. I hope COCC brings the return of Miss Del Rey, though it really doesn't sound like it will. White Hot Forever was such a Lana title I'm sad she changed it :/ I'm really not interested in Lana's out of touch takes on reality lmfao. I go to her music for escapism, I don't want to hear lyrics about ipads or revolutions or that she has a tile floor and takes anti depressants or whatever or i'll literally kill myself like i need a break Jack's production is so boring and lackluster. ik yall keep saying "but that's what she wanted! that's what they were going for!" then.... that's sad for them
  24. She should write more songs about al pacino characters. This mature modern Lana is boring
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