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Sugar Venom

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Everything posted by Sugar Venom

  1. I live in the same county as the outbreak that started here in Washington in the life care center. The grocery stores are out of pretty much everything, and my grandpa died last week (not from corona) and barely anyone is coming to his funeral because they’re all afraid of the virus I feel so bad all our classes have been moved online, and gatherings of 250+ are cancelled for like concerts, sports games, community events etc. I hope we’re still allowed to travel I’ve been looking forward to spring break for so long Edit: right as I was typing that I got a notif that says Trump might restrict domestic travel to Washington, I hope that means we can still leave tho
  2. oh wait I didn’t see that how come she never keeps it for more than a few days ugh
  3. I think her hair still is probably light, it’s just the harsh flash from the cameras and the fact that it’s at night makes it look a little darker. It reminds me of her btd era hair I hope she keeps it
  4. The tan and the nails yes queen I hope that reminds her of her old writing inspos where those are common themes and she gets re inspired lmao
  5. Banned for changing your iconic username too
  6. “I will make it up to you as always” doesn’t she have a history of cancelling shows and never rescheduling them??
  7. Sugar Venom

    Azealia Banks

    You can still love someone and not be happy with how they’ve been acting. I think she’s like the rest of us in how here we are on a lana stan website, so clearly we like her, but a lot of us have been expressing our disappointment or annoyance with her lately lmfao. Also I think Azealia just likes the drama of it all, like as a performance, and getting reactions out of people. I don’t think she’s as invested in all the things she says as people think she is
  8. I never thot I would say this but I’m starting to get really turned off by her behavior, coupled with the last two albums being very lackluster..... I just don’t really get excited about her anymore, unless I really lower my standards. I still am grateful for her music and still love her in a way because I did really connect to her before and her music has been the soundtrack to some of my fondest memories but I’ve grown as a person and so has she and ig I just don’t vibe anymore. that makes me really sad, she literally was like the person I wanted to be when I grow up. She’s probably had the biggest impact on me than anyone else. But when I look at her now, that’s not someone I want to be. I’ll always love her and want the best for her but at the moment... I don’t really like her
  9. Wondering why people think this has some of her best lyrics....... dropped a pin to my parking spot , I’m assuming where she parked the truck she just bought in the middle of the night . Also the audacity to say kanye west is blonde and gone and then date a cop
  10. The first time I heard mac I was upset and annoyed by how digital, fake, and manufactured the production sounded idk something was just off for me. I love the song now and I don’t really notice it, but sometimes I still do. In general this album just doesn’t do it for me and I’m really disappointed :/ I listened to it a few times when it came out just to hear it but I haven’t ever craved to hear a song off of it or wanted to replay it that much. I miss the dreamy glamour and drama from her previous albums and how movie-like they used to feel, I guess that’s part of the problem for me this album is so grounded in reality (I don’t want to hear anyone sing the word iPad ever in any context lmfao) that I miss the escapism I used to feel when I listened to her. Inch rested to hear the spoken word album and whf still but like..... idk. I feel bad lol . I don’t mind her doing what she wants and I’m not asking her to cater to my specific wants I’m just sharing my thots on a discussion board before anyone comes 4 me She seemed to really enjoy the Midwest on tour so I wouldn’t be surprised if that shows in white hot forever and tbh I’d be here for it. Maybe something similar to aka
  11. Obsessed with what celebrities think is appropriate to wear to church
  12. Sugar Venom

    Azealia Banks

    Has anyone bought her soaps before how long did they take to ship
  13. Sugar Venom

    Azealia Banks

    I hope she’s doing alright and finds somewhere she feels safe. And I hope her neighbor actually gets a real punishment
  14. Sugar Venom


    Finally listening for the first time and we have decided to stan! Does she have any unreleased or live performances I should check out??
  15. I found her through 1d stan twitter
  16. I didn’t mean the witch thing, I just meant in general nothing about that record seems to match. The album trailer kinda can go with the Love video I guess, which goes with the album cover but that’s all I can remember. Thinking about BAR, the new demo we have, and the music at the beginning of the album trailer (which did not reflect the album sonically at all) just makes me even more confused about what she was thinking or trying to do and what happened to the original concept like that snippet that was the supposed Love demo (idk if that’s fake if it is ignore this) that had oriental strings or whatever they called it doesn’t match any of this either eggs act ly
  17. Now that we have the lfl demo, what do y’all think?? Especially with the album trailer being a totally different vibe than how the album turned out. This album was undeniably a mess and it makes me mourn for what could’ve been :/ best american record, the lfl demo.... rest in peace
  18. Just popping in here to manifest that this will be her most spaghetti western influenced music yet. Thank you
  19. If the other dress is custom Gucci (I’m only assuming) and she didn’t wear it does that mean they keep it or she does?? Maybe she can wear it to another red carpet or do a photo shoot or something
  20. When are they announcing AOTY?? I can’t watch so I just have to keep checking here to see what’s happening
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