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Sugar Venom

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Everything posted by Sugar Venom

  1. i feel bad that i’m shocked and excited i can actually hear her sing in these videos
  2. omg it seems like she’s actually singing loud enough we can hear her??? my concert is on wednesday i hope she continues
  3. thank you guys! yeahs it’s kind of on the smaller side, but i’m small also so i’m kinda worried i won’t be able to see her when she played here in 2014(?) i got stuck behind some like insane giant man, who also had a hat on that made him even taller :/ but i was there this june for wu tang, showed up maybe two hours before doors and got barricade so i’m djshgssg trying not to have high expectations cuz like u said they’re cyclepaths but the venue doesn’t allow camping so idk. i have early entry so i’ll be close regardless hopefully lmfao but idk how many early entry tickets are sold like if it’s quite a few rows or just a small amount so idk
  4. yall want to make me look like a clown huh! i need answers tho pls sjdhsgsh me and my friend are trying to plan out or day/night and this is coming up soon so i need to know
  5. i mean, hate both smoking kills slowly over time, vaping is giving lung diseases (& death) to teens and young adults who otherwise are in good health... i'd rather her not do either. did she say she was vaping to get off cigarettes?? i didn't know that. good for her!! but i still just don't want her touching either :/ i know recovering from addiction is incredibly hard and takes a lot of willpower and self determination (and outside help) but idk i'm just fjdhgvhjdfgshj concerned for her health. i wish she hadn't started either in the first place (i'm sorry i probably sound like everyone's least favorite mom but smoking in general just Really bothers me and i don't have the patience to be nice about it. it's all around evil) anyways i hope yall don't hate me or get offended i just don't want anything to happen to her hsfdkhjgkh edit: also should say that vaping is an addiction of it's own and i have friends who say they wanna quit, especially with all the articles coming out recently, but really don't seem to be making any effort like they know it's bad but think "that won't happen to me though" everyone thinks they're invincible until they're not. i might be a little bitter and projecting my friends onto lana but she doesn't seem to take it very seriously either, vaping on stage?? posting vids vaping to ariana grande and laughing when she said "don't vape" doesn't seem like she's really that concerned imo. i know it's her choice but i'm allowed to be concerned too
  6. not to be a square but her vaping *really* bothers me ... idk if that's what's impacting her voice/breath control issues but regardless it's like,, has she not seen any of the articles?? does she not care? besides the fact that vaping has been and will continue to be cringey af (be mad at me idc) it's literally killing people like
  7. is there anywhere i can watch this for free ???
  8. mine still says you’ll receive a text when your order is ready
  9. bumping cuz i posted that while everyone was asleep and i need answers lol
  10. how early do i need to be there to get barricade if i have early entry?? like i don’t wanna wait all day, can i just show up a few hours before or ??? also do y’all think it would be worth it after the concert to wait out back or has she not been meeting fans lately
  11. concert merch is notoriously marked up because it’s so easy for people to steal so they have to compensate for their losses
  12. my aunt is staying with us while she recovers from hip surgery and she knows i love lana (she's definitely not a fan herself tho lmao) and first thing she said to me this morning was "looks like lana del rey has a new boyfriend" idk where she gets her news but i didn't think that people really cared to read about her if they don't stan so i wasn't expecting this to be reported much, i guess it was tho
  13. as a member of the lgbt community and a woman myself i don’t really feel connected to “women” or womanhood in the sense that lana probably does. for me, it would be more meaningful for her to specifically mention her lgbt fans rather than just “women” or young women or whatever she says. idk why some of y’all get so mad, is it so terrible and unheard of wanting to be acknowledged by someone you look up to and that means a lot to you?? would y’all get mad if an interviewer asked her about a concert in a specific country and she was like “i love my *wherever they’re from* fans! i appreciate their support so much” cause that’s really all we’re asking for
  14. the first time i saw lana it was great to hear btd songs, but also she didn’t have anything else out besides paradise so i feel like she thinks her concerts are majority locals with the exception of her stalkers at barricade, so she caters to locals on purpose. maybe she’s scared ppl won’t know the other songs. maybe she’s not confident trying out new songs. she should do it anyways tho
  15. sorry if this turns out rambly, i’m tired lol.i tried to talk about this topic once when i was a newbie and i got yelled at :toofunny; so it’s nice to see a discussion being held now. i would so love for lana to acknowledge us specifically, unfortunately i don’t see that happening anytime soon :/ like other people have said i think she probably just doesn’t think about it, given her view as a cis straight woman. and it’s probably not that important to her bc i feel like her fans are her fans, they’re her babies, we come from all sorts of different backgrounds and she loves us all the same. i don’t think it’s a big deal to her, which i kind of appreciate. i’m so glad she doesn’t pander. with the church thing i don’t think she’s homophobic, she probably just doesn’t give much thought about it in general. idk if they have like whole anti gay sermons there in which case then she wouldn’t have an excuse but if they don’t mention it, she’s probably not even aware or chooses to “respectfully disagree” or smth. it’s probably hard for her to find places and communities where she feels safe and comfortable, so if that’s what she has with hillsong then i don’t want her to leave and be unhappy, idk.. obviously there are better more ethical (?) churches, but she’s gonna do whatever she wants so lol. i do wonder if she met her ig baddie friends there or if they introduced her to it, either way i don’t like them! skirtsandsuits personally spat in my face and called me poor
  16. the biggest act of homophobia was dropping miss blueeyes
  17. this has been happening to me too with her as well as other ppl and it’s really been getting on my nerves lately lol, i keep missing lives from my fave artist
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