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Sugar Venom

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Everything posted by Sugar Venom

  1. i asked this in the other thread but it got ignored and probably belongs more here anyways so i’ve never heard a spoken word album before, will there be any instruments?? in my mind i’m picturing a whole album of Burnt Nortons, or is she literally just going to be speaking and that’s it
  2. i’ve never heard a spoken word album before, will there be any instruments?? in my mind i’m picturing a whole album of Burnt Nortons, or is she literally just going to be speaking and that’s it
  3. banned for winter layout, i refuse to acknowledge that it is december
  4. banned for placing your cold drink on a wood surface without a coaster
  5. banned for sharon tate being so beautiful i have to look away edit: nvm im too slow lol @@SparkleJumpropeNoose banned for messing up my post
  6. banned for making me think "bart,tender" like bart simpson being tender and also being a bartender at the same time
  7. why does she have two of the same dress? different sizes??
  8. i hope i don’t get stoned to death for saying this but i wouldn’t mind an ariana/lana collab album as long as they’re the only people on it and ariana doesn’t overpower her
  9. the hair and sunglasses are cute but boot
  10. banned for glamorizing cigarettes
  11. 10 it's so cute and pretty edit: i love that this is just like the same 5 people over and over again (including me) lmfao
  12. i wanted to hear what yall are saying sounds like mac so i found the finally/beautiful stranger/suga interlude(?) vid on complex and it sounds like harry styles' two ghosts like..... a lot . lmfao . i also hear mac too but mostly two ghosts
  13. cannot believe these fucking prices . i fall asleep in my lana del rey surf towel, i wear my chinatown shirt on skid row
  14. Sugar Venom

    Song vs. Song

    shades of cool vs heart shaped box (is this allowed?? i know she didn’t record it but she did such a good job covering it if it’s not then ignore that and use bel air)
  15. i agree w others that she seemed to really enjoy the small town midwest thing during tour and i wouldn’t mind if it seeped into this next album, hopefully it’ll be like aka and songs like 1949, on our way, etc i wouldn’t even mind her faux southern accent i pledge allegiance to the flag americana stuff but i don’t want any god bless our troops i’m dating a cop sentiments EDIT: unless it’s playing dangerous
  16. not currently (that i know of), but as a child i had this knitted rainbow poncho that was as bad as it sounds from my grandma do you own anything from a country that’s far from yours?
  17. because your wealth will be seized and redistributed why don’t we exist in the avatar (atla) universe
  18. banned for not being able to pin down when you became a fan to a single year
  19. yes, several lol do you own any family heirlooms?
  20. Sugar Venom

    This or That

    staying home warm tones vs cool tones
  21. banned for always having matching themed layouts and setting impossible standards for the rest of us
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