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Sugar Venom

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Everything posted by Sugar Venom

  1. my order starts w 36 ugh guess i’ll be reviving mine in 2020
  2. i’m glad we’re all getting paradise/untouchable 5 vibes, we need to manifest this together ladies focus your energy
  3. i haven't seen any of the movies so i'm not really interested in the first place but this just feels so unnecessary, especially amongst a bunch of series/remakes/reboots etc imagine how tired we are.... kristen stewart does look good tho i can't deny that lol lana should've done a song for midsommar instead! may queen!
  4. the fact that they're doing all of this for a movie that no one wants except for like 5 of your local 16 year old queer girls who will think KS is doing gay activism and it WILL flop in the box office... the movie is so clearly pandering i cant believe they're really trying to make something of it tho i'm kind of embarrassed that it exists hjfgdskjhve yall cant sell something just cuz its women the more ive listened to it the more i like it even tho it IS a mess... the video saved it this i wanted her to harmonize w one or both of them so bad
  5. THE VIDEO IS SO GOOD OH MY GOD I'M SO GAY LMAO ari's part in the song and video is definitely objectively the most boring even tho its her song(?). lana and miley's personalities shined through and ariana looked pretty but that was it for her lmao. lana and miley's parts are so much more entertaining and engaging . i love the video!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. i just listened to her verse and WHEW....cannot say i'm looking forward to the rest of the song though lmao . i want a whole song of just her like that it reminds me of freak
  7. i want paradise era lana back, i've planted the seeds and i will see the harvest!!!
  8. i don’t remember what it was exactly, but i think someone was able to achieve a similar effect by stretching /distorting a wood grain texture over the pic? or clouds or water, i don’t remember but in general i think it was probably wood grain. i can’t remember where i saw this but if you search “how to neil krug” or something on this site i have a feeling it’ll be in the resources thread lol edit: and recoloring the pic even if you already have a color version, put it in b&w and don’t try to be super exact when choosing colors trying to make them “realistic” it’s quirkier when the colors are off edit no.2 lol: tbh flowers, trees, paint strokes, spills/splash textures, fire etc all would work well. esp using nature as a double exposure type effect
  9. i agree that this is kind of vague but i’ll participate too if you still need people!
  10. can someone link me to a recording i was eating dinner and never even got a notif for it
  11. if it’s more iphone footage of lana and her friends walking around .... i have to laugh
  12. literally cancelled my other merch order from her other store so i could buy stuff from here instead i hate this staggered release shit, it’s so evil (so are these prices)
  13. i pre ordered the uo vinyl the day it went up too and mine says available to ship on sept 5th :/
  14. omg i love it!!! what font is that btw?
  15. i don’t wish for her to change anything, i definitely appreciate the albums for what they are and i understand it’s what she wants and all that, it’s just my personal preference to have a fuller production, or at least one that doesn’t sound cheap(?) idk i literally feel so bad for saying any of this because i love her so much lmao i don’t want people to get the wrong idea. i just don’t.. Get jacks production i guess, it doesn’t connect with me. i don’t think nfr is a bad album by any means, i’m just not a fan of the way it was executed. idk. i don’t wanna fight with people or come off like i don’t appreciate her artistry but i’m having trouble wording this i vibe with lana, but not with jack?? i still adore nfr and the sentiments she explores are touching and i’m incredible grateful for the album, i just don’t like the production atm. it’ll probably grow on me the more i listen too, like mac is one of my fave songs and it means so much to me personally but i really didn’t like the production upon first listen
  16. i’m glad to see other people not happy with jack’s production omg. i remember the first time i listened to mac i didn’t like it at all because it sounded so .. fake?? like electronic and void. like everything was done with downloaded midi keyboards and not actual instruments being played by human hands and recorded. i’m not a fan of any of the other people he produces for either or his own music so maybe it’s just a personal taste thing but the production on nfr (album as a whole) just seems very flat, dull, empty, emotionless, etc. there’s like no depth to his production at all. maybe it’s just a personal preference thing again and it’s just not a sound i can personally connect to but others very well may enjoy it but like idk.. overall jack just seems really Lacking as a producer in my opinion. i think the thing that bothers me the most is how simple it is and i’m kind of confused at lana because production wise the last two albums have felt very regressive, especially following honeymoon which was incredible so i just don’t know if her taste has changed or like what happened to make her go from ultraviolence and honeymoon instrumentals to lust for life (the absolute most basic) and nfr (a step but from lfl but still not that great). like what happened lol sorry this is probably really repetitive i’m tired and don’t wanna look back over it
  17. lana will cover joni ... i have been saying this since we were predicting the lfl tracklist i have planted the seeds i WILL see the harvest eventually
  18. that’s the kind of vibe i associate the words “white hot forever” with they make me think of the kind of vibe/emotions/settings/circumstances/whtever presented in paradise and the untouchable 5 or like they would fit in there especially with like angels forever or ride or something like that AND i said i know she’s past this so i’m not expecting that’s what it’ll be i’m just
  19. i got like halfway through venice bitch last night and had to pause it and take my headphones off so i could hold my cat and cry so i’ll have to have another “first listen” and make it through the whole album lol (it was not the music that was making me cry though it was because i had something else on my mind and it didn’t feel fair to the record to continue it but now i feel like i gotta wait till night again to listen so
  20. white hot forever is giving me paradise/untouchable 5 vibes and i know she’s definitely past that but..... my heart yearns
  21. okay laid eez took my antihistamine as promised and will report back in 1hr and 8 minutes.... wish me luck
  22. i don’t do drugs so i’m going to take a benadryl before i listen
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