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Sugar Venom

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Everything posted by Sugar Venom

  1. I love the dress but I wish she did a colored lip and not nude, and some loose finger waves or a pin curl brush out would’ve been cute for her hair and matched the dress much better
  2. I think she was trying to go for a modern 20’s lewk bc of the year. It’s really cute!! I can’t wait to see red carpet pics where the camera flash will make it really sparkle
  3. She looks sooooooo cute and I hate to be this person but when people don’t iron their clothes, especially for an event, it bothers me so much it’s like my only pet peeve lmao. But wow did she lighten her hair??? My dreams are coming true Edit: more pix
  4. Jack being the kind of person who dates Lena Dunham for six years was definitely reflected in the production of this record
  5. tbh I didn't really mind the title until last night someone wanted to trade saved urls with me on tumblr and I asked if they had any lana urls and they said whitehotfevers, which is literally disgusting and I think they genuinely thot that's what the album was called so now i'm worried
  6. Oh no, what you said was fine! I guess I just didn't understand that you were joking lol I took it seriously and since I didn't know sugar pies were an actual thing I thought maybe you were implying that they tasted bad lol, since I've never had one I didn't know . Sorry for the confusion
  7. Frankly I didn't know it was a real thing I took it from a song where it was used as a term of endearment, I just thought it sounded cute. Are they bad?
  8. Mariners Apartment Complex 23 Venice Bitch 31 California 28 Bartender 61
  9. Absolutely beautiful!!! Like everyone else has said, you're so talented idk anything about Zelda (my dad game me a game for xmas but I haven't played it yet) but that's super pretty, maybe I'll give the game a chance lol
  10. banned for having someone irrelevant as your icon
  11. Banned for rude table manners (spitting out your drink)
  12. Keeping NFR in mind, the title WHF makes me think of something desert-y. Forgetting NFR and thinking of WHF it makes me think of songs like the untouchable 5. If somehow she could combine the two, I would be so happy. I just feel like NFR lacked the dramatic, cinematic soundscapes she just does so well with :/ I want it back
  13. 8 i didn't know you took that picture, it's so pretty!!
  14. i WANT her to serve custom gucci but.....................................................................
  15. Has anyone washed their cups yet if they ordered any?? I’m too scared to use them, I really wish they were functional I mean they are but like.... I have a feeling the design will come off very quickly Edit: also site is closed and needs a password now?? Is that just for the people who run the site to access it or did they give a password out in an email or something
  16. summertime sadness is THE classic.... I will not accept anything less than no. 1 for her
  17. I guess I have to be happy that Radio even made it in at 40 but she really deserves better.... the whole of BTD should’ve taken the top positions with Honeymoon
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