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Sugar Venom

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Everything posted by Sugar Venom

  1. wish u all would realize a celebrity social media doesn't matter in this situation. u guys are so mean, it's clear she wasn;t actively trying to be racist and she's not ignoring the criticism she's been receiving. be nice, the way to get ppl to consider what you're saying is not to yell at and berate them. you know she wasn't trying to be hurtful. u guys are way performative like u were ready to disown her without even giving her a chance lmfao. she probably needs some time to process everything. i'm sure a lot of us who have been discussing this are white, wasn't there a time when you realized you needed to unlearn biases you didn't even know you had? didn't happen over night, did it? or were u all just born perfect angels, immune to the racism we've been exposed to since the moment we were born? every white person is inherently racist, it's not bc we are trying to be. it's because thats how society has conditioned us, and we benefit from it. you need to actively be aware and critical of your own thoughts. if this is her first time realizing this, wouldn't you rather help and support her in making these changes?? do u really want to give up ur fave artist just like that? idk do what u want i guess it just seems like sad for everyone involved
  2. the fact that anyone watched this long enough to notice she was in it
  3. werk n e ways: she is not personally obligated to do anything. yes, it would absolutely be the right thing to do, especially considering her status and identity, but she is free to make her own decisions. it would be great of her to use her platform for good, but being angry if she doesn't is a waste of energy. life is precious. don't waste your time being upset that a woman, who has on multiple occasions shown her ignorance so this isn't really all that surprising, didn't make a public statement about police brutality. there's just way better uses of your time and energy. do something that makes u happy. her acknowledging this really won't do much in the grand scheme of things and she probably still needs some time to process the criticism she's received + apply it to look at this tragedy in a new light ,before she comes out and makes a statement about it rt
  4. idc what celebrities have to say about politics. To expect them to speak on current events just to acknowledge it.... really is just virtue signaling and social performance. Yeah it would be great if she shared a donation link or a petition but when celebs do that its like :/ you're sitting on millions of dollars and you want little unemployed me to donate?? itsjustnotrealistic.gif . The best thing she could do is donate her own money, and use her platform to elevate the voices of black activists rather than adding her own commentary. If she said something herself it would just look like damage control, and it would be hard to accept as sincere from someone who was very recently (and maybe still) involved with a known racist cop. I also understand wanting reassurance that your fave cares about you but we can't really force her to talk, nor is she obligated to. And theres a huge chance that if she does acknowledge this, her post might just make you even more disappointed in her depending on what she says. Like literally she's just ignorant and privileged and got herself in a mess, but idk it just feels like a waste of everyone's emotional energy to hope she says something and to be upset with her if she doesn't. She might be doing some deep thinking rn and reevaluating her world views based on this tragedy and people's criticism of her posts. We'll just have 2 wait and see in case anyone got it twisted: I am not under any circumstances saying you're wrong for wanting her to say something. I just want u guys to stay healthy and happy especially during a time like this, where it's so easy to get overwhelmed and start a downward spiral. Miss I believe in the country America used to be LDR acknowledging this isn't like super important in the grand scheme of things. Sharing petitions and donation campaigns is really nice but the best thing to do is organize and take action. the revolution will not be televised live tweeted . And also, pls take care of urself bbys. Don’t get too worked up over something like this, it’s out of your control and it’s not worth your energy
  5. okay here r my COCC theories: 0. in the cocc in the cocc in the cocc pit i'm your pilot 1. a direct progression from NFR, just a little larger like Venice Bitch/Cinnamon Girl-esque songs, maybe FIILY/TG or Looking For America idk 2. Doin' Time - not really a heavy album, full of fun bops. maybe short like an EP 3. based on her ig post, she could probably pull a 180 from Norman and go with a more girly or seductive pop diva vibe a la Ariana. like DCMA if she was the only person on the song or when she attempted to cover break up with ur girlfriend, basically same as above but very feminine like Ariana is I guess and still more moody than completely for fun when this was still White Hot Forever I was imagining a more untouchable 5 sound like Angels Forever and JFK, I have no fucking clue what kind of music would match a title like Chemtrails Over The Country Club and I'm not really sure I want to to me it sounds like just more NFR, which I wasn't really a fan of lmfao . I want songs with bridges and lyrics/sounds that are dramatic and larger than life, like it lends itself easily to escapism . I don't want references to modern technology/current events/politics :/ it's really depressing and feels like brain rot . if miss thing sticks with this venice locals only california poet who takes anti depressants and has a tile floor and hangs out with women who rely on instagram for their career i..... it's literally so depressing and i hate engaging with it. it doesn't click with me at all i want this phase to be over asap lmfao ooh or like an album of black beauty, i can fly etc...ok im done
  6. Smaller, more intimate venue = more confident lana = better vocals. Let’s hope bc of the virus that they stick to smaller venues or limit the amount of people in larger venues so there’s less ppl to spread it, and we can have nicer shows again. It’s probably unrealistic to wish for the dancers to be gone so I’m at least hoping they stick to being in the background and not up front blocking her from ppl who have side view seats lmfao
  7. i don't have the best relationship with my father but if anything i'd rather just not say anything, or say something pretty general. i just couldn't imagine my own actions between me and one other person affecting my whole family especially when we have to come together for holidays etc. it puts her parents and siblings in a kind of awkward/difficult position like they have to pick sides or something. idk maybe i'm completely wrong we don't really know much about her family but this is just my two cents. i guess i just find it awkward that this is so public, i'd understand more if she posted it on like a private fb or something but lol also i'm only 21 but i have such bad baby fever so i totally feel her on that, however if she gets a child before me i'm going to be so upset jealous
  8. We are all aware it’s a casual outfit lmfao This is so sad tho I was hoping there were more than one made I wanted one
  9. It’s definitely a skirt and cardigan set, the skirt just has a deep waist band and the zipper is what’s making me think it’s vintage athletic or just athletic inspired clothes. It still looks like a tennis outfit to me @@electra Regardless your comment was mean spirited and unnecessary, like what was the point of it? Clearly people do care bc several of us have said we’ve searched for it too. If it’s not allusive I would love if you could tell us what brand made it and where we could purchase, thx
  10. This made me start looking for it again lol, to me it looks like some vintage knit/crochet tennis or golf set so that’s what I’ve been searching (along with “pattern” sometimes in case someone handmade it and it wasn’t mass produced). Has anyone had any luck with different search terms??
  11. I was looking for it a few years ago as well and would still love to find it
  12. I always thought she was saying “my cigarettes *are* diamond rings” in the last girl on earth. I thought it was supposed to be an innuendo like how people get addicted to cigarettes and have to buy lots of them, and it can be expensive and definitely a waste of money and a bad habit, but for her she’s buying diamond rings at the rate people buy cigarettes. Her spending is just that frivolous. I thot it was really clever and effective given the context and the rest of the song . I guess not lmfao
  13. I got into her when I was in 7th grade and it’s because her music was just so good :’) I didn’t listen to anything that wasn’t on the radio before her, but music wasn’t as important to me then. She’s what made it important to me. I found her thru 1d stan twitter I’m a bisexual woman but I didn’t know that until a few years ago, and I’ve never been attracted to her. I’ve met other gay women who like her, and a lot who absolutely hate her because of what she stands for. In my experience the lesbian community on tumblr is like really obsessed w discourse and so I think a lot of girls don’t like her because of her “problematic” things like the headdress in ride, her name being Lana Del Rey, when she said she didn’t care about feminism etc and like generally her dependence on men in like a “I can’t live without you” kinda way. But to me it seems like they’re just performing that for other people because these aren’t really like.. big issues you could argue. There are more pressing matters lol. What drew me in tho was the femininity as others mentioned and the campiness but I think mostly it was just how heartbroken she sounded and I definitely identified with that. I’ve always been an outcast at school and her music was so beautiful and dramatic it was a great source of escapism. I think that’s why I’m not so much a fan of LFL or NFR I miss the swelling strings and drums and larger than life feel she used to have. I’m not so interested in her as a yoga pants and matcha latte kind of woman but I’m not mad at her for outgrowing that lol. Sorry if this reads really weird I’m super distracted lmao
  14. sis u can be nice about it
  15. Mom/parent influencers are so gross where is her brain
  16. Revisiting BTD/Paradise.... whew. I can make my peace with the fact that Lana is no longer (or rather never was) this person but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss her lol
  17. I’m rewatching out of boredom during this quarantine so I started with Roanoke because that one I barely paid attention to and thought was boring/not very engaging, and I don’t remember it being this scary I finished it the other night and it’s my fave season now
  18. 10, Legendary, I want the full quote to be immortalized on here somewhere built into the site like the lanaboards banner
  19. it’s not a Lana lyric! Lol it’s from The Rolling Stones “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking” *yall can ignore this it’s just a reply, don’t rate me lol*
  20. 8... entertaining to watch but he spilled all over the counter
  21. My doctor allows online consultations via Skype because my school is far away, maybe there’s something like that? You should still call and ask though, and go in if they recommend it. You’ll feel better once it’s over with instead of putting it off and making your emotions even more intense. During your appointment you can ask if you should tell your friends/classmates etc, so you don’t have to decide for yourself. In the meantime, of course drink lots of liquids, get some vitamin C in you (get those fizzy things you dissolve in your water like Emergen-C or Airborne or whatever they’re called), disinfect your phone, doorknobs, computer keyboard/mouse, keys, toothbrush (you can put it in the dishwasher) and whatever else you might touch daily. I wish you health and strength
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