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Sugar Venom

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Everything posted by Sugar Venom

  1. is there any chance a box set might be added later (possibly when merch maybe hopefully gets updated??) or like... is that it
  2. just saw that the pre order goes up at 5am im............ i hope she does a livestream soon like when she premiered the love video, i stayed up the whole night before (not on purpose) and ended up watching the sunrise and then made some breakfast and watched her ig live and love and its such a precious, calm, peaceful, wholesome memory i want it again
  3. can’t wait for y’all to hate this sites matching theme later too
  4. i thot it was gonna be more nature-y so now i think that sweater is just some sweater she bought and not merch, i’m so sad lol now i gotta find out where i can buy it
  5. so where is the MERCH i still want that damn sweater
  6. that pic is actually super cute, i don’t want y’all to laugh at me for believing it but i want to have fun lol. i adore it
  7. i didn’t miss that part, it was the reason i asked the question in the first place! maybe i should have been more specific in my question or something idk i don’t wanna make ppl mad again. i was just wondering if people felt like all the NFR related swearing was unnecessary/tolerable/used more correctly to their taste/still don’t like it etc. like, if they thought the swearing was still in the same vein of how she used it on cherry or not and how they felt about it
  8. to the ppl who take issue with cherry for the cursing: how do y’all feel about the cursing in NFR? all the lyrics from snippets we’ve heard, titles, the actual name of the record etc? venice bitch? i don’t mean to start a fight i’m just genuinely curious, from ur point of view
  9. she’s literally not pregnant i can’t believe yall. women have tummies
  10. so then... what is the tea on neohumanism like can ppl post receipts on them?? i’ve been ignoring them until now, but now i’m inch rested..
  11. are we going to see lana on a surfboard like actually surfing in her beautiful makeup and cute bathing suit this is going to be so cute and fun i can’t wait to see it omg
  12. so what ever happened to her wanting the book out first? is it gonna be a bundle now?? are we getting the book later?? did she already drop off the 33 copies she bound herself in obscure bookstores for her dearly beloved cali fans?
  13. i just tried the merch store link, which used to bring me to shoplanadelrey.com/password, now only brings me to store.lanadelrey.com what is she doing
  14. yeah i’m in the US! weird, maybe it’ll update worldwide soon? what about the merch store link for you guys?? does that go to the password one too or not
  15. the “music store” link on her site now redirects to shoplanadelrey.com/password too
  16. posted in the thread for the videos but sharing here too i said it earlier but didn’t notice two more ~ besides marvel & dc comics, the muscle guy also tagged arnold schwarzenegger and skydance, apparently it’s a media company ? their bio says “Skydance tells big stories and builds bigger worlds including across film, TV, and interactive.” what do y’all think
  17. the muscley guy tagged marvel and dc comics in his post, as well as arnold schwarzenegger and skydance - a media company?? says they tell stories thru tv, movies, and interactive.... hm
  18. when i first saw the logo especially considering it’s for her merch shop i thot it looked like a fun surf shop logo, like remember that yellow sailing shirt she had on her shop for ages?? i’m envisioning that kind of stuff, i’m not really a fan of comics so i prefer my idea but the strong guy did tag marvel & dc comics in his lana post
  19. the vinyl will be andy warhol flowers for the tacoma dome, specifically this one i wont accept anything else
  20. the first time i heard the snippet i thought it sounded like a bop but from then on i kinda got worried that it would sound obnoxious and quickly tire out and i just listened to it again and idk... i’m afraid
  21. aw i’m sad i missed the vinyl color thing i would’ve wanted to include my sunset swirl anyways i’m not surprised she only said next month again and didn’t give a real date but it makes me wonder why?? she has to have a date picked out by now obviously, maybe she wants to be super low key or she wants to do something special bc this record does seem really special.. which also makes sense if she’s want to keep it low key and not draw a lot of attention like how honeymoon was really special and its release was really low key too. i’m so excited tho omg honestly i’m gonna love it no matter what it looks like idk why it already holds such a special place in my heart and i only listened to the snippets 5x max with very long time periods in between and i’ve held off on listening to mac/vb/hope a whole lot bc i wanna hear them in context of the album. even if she puts another selfie or grainy overexposed iphone pic of trees as the cover and makes the vinyl some color that totally doesn’t go i can tell i’m just gonna love it so much that i’ll wanna hug it/her and cry lmfao also just had another idea omg bc of violet bent backwards over my ass what if the vinyl will be a pretty just before sunset at the beach blue (i’m visualizing that one pic from pams ig story where she said on set(?) and there was a grassy field and a pretty blue sky(? don’t even know if i’m remembering this right lol) and violet splashed and maybe a few hints of green or another floral/nature-y color ?? i can’t think of what it’s called but the pattern i’m thinking of is when it’s like throwing paint on something that’s spinning so it comes out from the center but is still obviously thrown on and kind of fuzzy/undefined but kinda stripy/dotted? in my head i’m imagining it mimicking a lavender field and having a much lighter purple like that too but idk
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