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Sugar Venom

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Everything posted by Sugar Venom

  1. maybe she blames us (gays) for her depression cuz we’re responsible for her fame
  2. omg sooooooo much a lot of people i talk to are really into grunge/punk and no matter how hard i try and whatever playlists they make me etc i just can't do it. every time my friend tries to educate me on punk or grunge it just sounds so pretentious and then when i listen to it it's even more embarrassing it just sounds awful. like why would you want to listen to bad music on purpose? i don't get it also ariana, i liked DW for a while but unfortunately i grew out of it and had to pretend to like sweetener, and marina too she's not bad i just don't really grab onto her music like i do w other artists yknow. at least marina seems chill but ariana is so performative it exhausts me the same amount as listening to HIADTFAWLMTHBIHI . even liking DW was just half me trying to bond w my friend who stans her. i do think the album is good it's just not as great as i used to think it was, especially since i've discovered a lot of incredible music since then it just seems average in comparison also today's new hip hop, i'm glad people are enjoying it and it's something new and moving the genre forward and creating new trends and mannerisms and aesthetics etc and like that's really really cool to witness in real time but ........ the music....... i can't believe . i tried listening to that one shek wes(?) song when it was popular and i was literally dumbfounded that THAT was what all my friends were raving about like ........ wow . maybe it's incredible and i'm just missing something or maybe it sounds better if ur drunk or high or something but i'll never know since i'm sober lol
  3. i just wanna know what the point of insulting her appearance is. like what are you accomplishing
  4. women: *put as much effort into their appearance as the average man* y’all: omg is she okay? she looks dead
  5. y’all seriously should log off and go swim in a lake or something w ur friends then come back
  6. he looks like that snapchat filter that turns you into a man literally exactly
  7. this low key was gross i felt so uncomfortable reading it also didn't know what moby looked like until now.... tragic
  8. someone show lana this thread i am screaming we have truly lost it
  9. i always thought of old money like she felt distanced from that time - not necessarily that she was implying she was physically old? like i'm 20 years old, i recently got in touch w my friend/crush from high school that i haven't talked to in four years which isn't really long at all (we were sophomores when we stopped talking but had known each other since like 7th grade), but i feel much older than i was then obviously bc of linear time but also in terms of maturity and stuff and in general that part of my life is pretty far from me now so it feels old, not me . like it's just far removed but it doesn't mean 20+ years have gone by. thats what i always thought of, especially bc i can easily relate to the lyrics with regard to the thing w my friend even while we were still friends so it's not like i was looking back on our relationship as a 55 year old woman reminiscing lol i haven't read the past posts so idk how old money has to do w nfr so i hope i don't get any warning for being off topic but lol i'm really goin thru it rn and lana singing the feminine pronouns in doin time is the only thing sustaining my will to live at this point like i am just a pile of dust . lana please feed us your children are dying
  10. she was holding up a conversion therapy brochure from hillsong
  11. the part by her fingers is bothering me so much did she do this herself on her phone like god she looks so gorgeous tho curls are my absolute FAVORITE even if this is a recycled selfie
  12. and the snippets i met along the road were my only summer
  13. when u say versions do u just mean like alt versions? or demos included? cause i just looked in my itunes and i have two damn you files, one is 4:01 like the pico and the other one is labeled demo and it's 3:51. however a while ago i deleted my lana library to redownload from a masterpost bc mine was too messy and behind on leaks etc. so these aren't what i downloaded when it leaked, i only remember downloading one damn you anyways, that one that broke your ears from youtube lol. the demo one sounds like it has louder vocals but i don't have time to listen to them carefully rn so idk the other differences
  14. Sugar Venom

    Song vs. Song

    driving in cars with boys vs jealous girl
  15. hello its the most famous woman you know on the ipad... maybe she's pulling a U2 and nfr will come pre downloaded on the next release of the ipad? wasn't they keynote speech she was at for the ipad pro? solved it laid eez pre order your ipad now and thank me later <3 mpg was her coming out as a capitalist
  16. i always couldn’t understand why she chose those ig girls as her friends but i also just realized she sings about being in the popular group at school (tiwmug), maybe she’s always been this way? idk but i just looked through their instas for the first time and my mood legitimately dropped and i almost feel like crying bc it’s that frustrating, it’s literally just them being rich and performative and fake deep. there’s like no substance or even self awareness it seems. do they not realize how braggy their posts seem?? what i still can’t understand is WHY lana is friends with them... what kind of relationship do they even have. how many of us would die to be friends with her and always keep her best interest in mind, it feels like they’re just using her tho and like djdgzgzgzgsb grr i don’t know what else to say it just feels really bad
  17. don't think she's particularly homophobic, but i'd really love to know what's up w her attending hillsong and beverly hills hotel and the general disdain for her fans lately. didn't she write love and coachella for us last year?? but anyways, let's not forget /// (tbh still don't really know what to think of this one ) and most importantly (under a spoiler cuz it's long) anyways i hope the song she chooses to cover for nfr is You Don't Own Me by lesbian icon Lesley Gore! EDIT: actually, all jokes aside, covering this would kind of be a serve
  18. but like i said in my above post, she’s clearly been taking a break as we’ve seen from her spending time w her friends and doing fun activities and overall not mentioning music or her career. if lana del rey is on break then why does she have to dress up as lana del rey? but what she has released has her own bare faced selfies as the covers. so she probably wants us to accept her as she is and anyone who doesn’t like it is free to leave but it’s not her problem and she’s not going to change for them. take me as i am take me baby in stride / and who i am is a big time believer that people can change, but you don't have to leave her when everyone's talking, you can make a stand cause even in the dark i feel your resistance you can see my heart burning in the distance baby, baby, baby, i'm your man in my opinion... she’s changed, but that doesn’t mean we have to abandon ship and go find someone else to stan, she still has more to offer. people are gonna talk about how different she’s acting, her lack of makeup and hair styling, casual clothes, overall more laid back attitude and change of perspective in lyrics, and those of us who stand by her can stand up for her and defend these changes. she knows people are gonna be resistant to these changes especially cuz normally she’s known for her glamour. but the “i’m your man” lyric distances herself from traditional femininity and what type of performance is expected of her/the roll she’s expected to fill as a woman, especially one known for her submissive lyrics. i think she knows what she’s doing
  19. we have no idea what’s behind the “lack of professionalism” .. it could be her or the label or something entirely separate like we have no idea. but either way, lana as a professional.... isn’t all the stuff we’re mad at her for her managers job anyways?? we know ben and her label are busy with different Shiny and New artists, so i feel like she’s probably just been left to herself and is just kind of meandering until people have time for her again, and she’s probably using it as a well deserved break. we’ve been really lucky with the amount of content we’ve gotten from her over the span of her career, not every artist releases so much so quickly and consistently, not to mention the hundreds upon hundreds of unreleased and alt versions and demos we have and the even more we know of but don’t have yet but could potentially in the future
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