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About BloomForYou

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  1. BloomForYou

    Charli XCX

    Obviously I can't stop anyone from saying things, but it's all based on 'he said she said' with no proof to substantiate those claims other than people insisting they know things they don't. It's okay; thank you for understanding To those asking for songs, I don't have anything - I shared everything I had and left the site because my job was done. This account was never about power, teasing, or lying like all of this Dbree/Discord nonsense. There are much more serious things happening in the world than Charli leaks and I want to remind those who are young fans caught up in leak/dox/harassment drama that they have the power to step away from the Internet and focus on real life before they dig a deeper hole with very bad people (hackers, scammers, etc.) who are taking advantage of them. This is the last post I will make, thank you to those who have always been kind <3
  2. BloomForYou

    Charli XCX

    Hello, I never aimed at returning but I've been given no choice at this point Let me make a few things clear: -I did all I could to help fans by posting things a certain person "obtained" who was happily torturing and teasing fans for years -I tried my best to clarify information that I knew was correct (apart from a few errors) -CTMP "final 2018" is fake, I had a friend make that to troll that one person who was being very rude to me and that is the only time I misled anyone and realise that I was wrong in doing so -I have not leaked anything for a long time now nor have I been associated with any single type of leak since -The phone call you all are sharing is not me or related to me in any way and was most likely posted by certain person (who has a history of doxing/harassing/stalking random fans) to exact revenge on me thinking I leaked things that I had nothing to do with -For the sake of Charli and her team, if you read this, please secure your accounts as it's obvious another breach has occurred This account will be deleted. My mission was accomplished long ago and there's no need to bring up this account anymore Hope you all have a safe and great 2021
  3. BloomForYou

    Charli XCX

    ag and easyfunn, it's from the same session as official https://www.instagram.com/p/BWfKHKkhSwc/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BWdtu17DNat/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BWnESXthN-K/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BWculdlhwrk/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BWddXQjBItX/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BWp6_e_B2mN/
  4. BloomForYou


    not them leaking a 2016 rihanna reject watermarked the desperation here's full HQ and untagged https://mega.nz/#!kVIQWKoT!ec2IWfv4QezL37M1haJQMvLLjIz9IksAdbeDDA6Mu8k
  5. BloomForYou


    def not... it's just a random 2017 song
  6. BloomForYou


    can you stop? if you're going to leak songs can it be old songs that aren't going to be used? these actions have a huge effect on the artist and her label. stop being inconsiderate.
  7. BloomForYou


    um.......... can you guys stop leaking songs that are going to be released? you're going to ruin sophie's album for everyone... just stop
  8. BloomForYou

    Charli XCX

    liquor was written in 2016 by charli but she gave it to some other girl at the time, nothing came of it so I guess she wanted to see how she sounded on it herself in 2018. it was originally from the offline session in feb 2016
  9. BloomForYou

    Charli XCX

    don't have any, just know of them
  10. BloomForYou

    Charli XCX

    yeah there are tons of other punk songs that never made it to the b side tracklist which was all scrapped anyway
  11. BloomForYou

    Charli XCX

    sadly no, that's actually a rework by AG, it sounds like the best version tbh
  12. BloomForYou

    Charli XCX

    I don't think I have this
  13. BloomForYou

    Charli XCX

    I won't be leaking anymore 2018 songs because they still have a chance at being released/repurposed so please forget about them for now.
  14. BloomForYou

    Charli XCX

    forgot to say thank you, was not expecting to hear generation braindead!
  15. BloomForYou

    Charli XCX

    really didn't want to leak this cause it's kinda new and may have had a chance at being released but oh well https://mega.nz/#!QcxX1YKQ!qCc9ewsXa3FYP02untUAKypQfodi0YYjOXdwsL3xlLw
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