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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Yes, dozens. I love them, actually. Like, I am wearing one right now. Do you own a barbie?
  2. What's your favorite line from Old money?
  3. She denied those rumors when asked about in an interview, but we all know what really happened
  4. Tbh, I am hoping for something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0aBtTsqrB8
  5. Serial Killer Watch the prey until it's alone so you are ready to strike
  6. I am so happy Lana finally receives the critical acclaim she has always wanted
  7. What about Summertime Sadness
  8. She could become iconic with her awkward acting though... The robot chanteuse
  9. Surprise VMA performance Sent to radios the next day Radio deal Controversy for the hit me and it felt like a kiss line, she is talked about Bizarre video racks in tons of streaming points Another radio hit If only she cared
  10. She would get dragged even harder than for her "I wish I was dead" comment
  11. You just know it's gonna be the Black Beauty video she has referred to years ago though
  12. Brooklyn Baby. Old Money is my favorite track, but BB needs all the exposure it can get, even non-fans seem to like it
  13. Because this is HER show She wants ALLLLLLLLLLLL the attention she can get
  14. Let's start an online petition! If 200000 people sign it they must consider it! :woot:
  15. I have had the secret fantasy that there should be a Disney Princess and Movie based on Lana and they always sing a lot in Disney movies so Lana could do the voice for the character and sing 5-6 new songs in the movie and oh my gawd, it would slay so hard
  16. Why are all the mixes rough though? Does Barrie like it rough or what? O.o
  17. That's like staying at the Hilton and then walking over to a crapshack every 20 minutes
  18. inb4 "it's coming you little bitch..." comment Anyway, editing is probably taking forever
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