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white gold

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  1. white gold liked a post in a topic by Harlem in Does your family know about Lana?   
    They'd played her a lot during her BTD dies but people in my family brush her off as a good singer but 'too depressing'
    like bye you've heard like 3 songs
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by white gold in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    they're still adorable tho
  3. white gold liked a post in a topic by Livia in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm sorry, I always get passionate when it comes to Lana
  4. white gold liked a post in a topic by Livia in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I translated some passages from interviews she gave to French press before and after she dropped UV:
    At first, she was very happy with her work with Dan: "(...) Dan is stubborn, dominant, he likes when we first test his ideas. It was exactly what I wanted." (Libération Next)
    "I had the whole album! I had twelve songs, I produced them all alone, but Dan opened my eyes. He told me that my songs sound too much like classic rock, too much in the style of the seventies. He took matters into his own hands." (Paris Match)
    This one is weird, but maybe it's just me: "At first, my album and the Black Keys one was going to drop on the same day - May 1st. But after four weeks of recording mine, he was so involved that he was thinking it's his record." (Les Inrockuptibles)
    But after the release and all the critics she received, she said for Grazia: "I was very happy about the release of Ultraviolence. But when I listen to my album, a few things that I felt when I wrote this songs tell me that I went too far. They have set me in situations I couldn't control, that I didn't want."
    I have some more quotes from Grazia who really shows that she had a bad time with UV era: " At the very beginning, my feeling was really good, but later, when I was wondering how to finish this album, I became more introverted."
    "[About being famous] I like to go out to dinner, but now it's impossible. Everyone has a phone, a camera... It's strange to say, but it's my everyday life: they take pictures of me even when I buy aspirin."
    Also she opened a lot during 2014, we learned so much about her and her dark feelings.
    Maybe I'm going too far, but I have a feeling that Dan changed her album a lot and now she regrets it because she don't feel the same anymore. It could also explain why she don't sing a lot of songs from UV during shows.
  5. white gold liked a post in a topic by expandableclitoris in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Omg the first one looks exactly like Wet Costco video. mess
  6. white gold liked a post in a topic by WisconsinPuppyLove in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I swear the film 'The Love Witch' was a biopic on Lana Del Rey...
    I'm so happy we have witch Lana, it was long overdue. But I think it was suspect ever since her freak music videos had some serious Charles Manson undertones.

  7. white gold liked a post in a topic by expandableclitoris in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    graham comments are a mixture of farfetched/shakespearean-esque texts and schizophrenic drafts
    i dont even know if i TRY to understand them or simply agree
  8. CrazySister liked a post in a topic by white gold in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I personally love astrology & tarot type stuff so I'm 100% here for this
  9. white gold liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Lana - Kulturnews Interview   
    So someone on Tumblr just gave me this. They said it's not perfect, so if anyone has a different translation, feel free to post it
    (At some points it makes no sense, I know, but I think we all get the point of what she's saying; it's the usual Lana interview imo)

    Lana Del Rey defends herself against accusations retort
    The iconic American singer Lana Del Rey still annoyed by the doubt as to its authenticity, which emerged especially in critical circles after millions success of her debut album “Born to die”.
    "I’m not a retort product," says the 27-year-old clear in an interview with culture news - and there is much more confident than they were during its debut in 2012, the one kulturnews Award which she received at that time as the best album of the year: "I feel for the first time during an interview not uncomfortable or in defense. “
    The head wind that blew in her face at the time, has soured her success, as she says in the interview. "I thought it was even quite terrible," says the native New Yorker, "that I could not really enjoy it all."
    Now Lana Del Rey gets a second chance: “Ultraviolence” will be released on June 13. (Jk / mw)
    Lana, you moved from New York to Los Angeles. Are you going to a real west coast girl?
    Lana del Rey: Let’s hope it! I like the culture and history of the west coast, especially California’s, very much. In my new video for the song “West Coast”, for example, working with my favorite tattoo artist Mark Mahoney, and I find the beach great. I am from Lake Placid, a ski resort in the mountains, near the east coast. If you come from there to the Pacific Ocean as the paradise of the end of the world feels.
    You’ve worked yourself up within about three years from the unknown Pop-starlet one of the biggest stars in the world. Spazierst you on the beach and think: Wow, I’ve come damn far?
    Del Rey: I think only in terms of my new, casual lifestyle, but not in terms of career. I have other things more important, and I raced not certain.
    What makes you so sure?
    Del Rey: I have a big family, I have not make sure to stay down to earth, that happens all by itself I am absolutely not an egotist. When I sing, logical, then it comes to me. But at home it’s still much more to Charlie and Caroline, and about what they want so. I make extremely sure that it goes well and they both get what they need to be happy.
    Charlie and Caroline are your siblings?
    Del Rey: My brother and my sister. We all live together under one roof. The two are 20 and 25, I fit a bit on it. With Barrie, my friend so we are four. I threw this anchor. The house, the relationship, all that I have longed very much as a kind of life, and now I have it. At the same time aiming my career, strive my plans rather away from this stable domestic situation. I must look like I’m the urge for - can bring solid ground under their feet with my ambition and my desire to move forward as an artist, in line - emotionally and literally. At the moment I have no idea how it all should work.
    In the title song of your second album “Ultraviolence” you sing “I love you forever”. Is this a barrier song?
    Del Rey: No, “Ultraviolence” look back on my time in New York. I was for a while part of a sloping underground scene, which was dominated by a guru. He believed in the concept, finished close people first and then rebuild. I fell for him because that time I longed for security.
    "Ultraviolence" is a rather quiet, sometimes anthemic and very atmospheric work. The hip-hop elements of the first album “Born to die” missing.
    Del Rey: That’s right. The big headline in “Ultraviolence” was “feeling”. The first album, it was due to the work with producer Emile Haynie, who is an old friend of mine that some songs as a 90-HipHop-Beat got.
    How did that Black Keys frontman Dan Auerbach produce the album?
    Del Rey: While I was working on “Ultraviolence” already in the Electric Ladyland Studio with Rick Nowels, I met Dan by chance at a restaurant in New York. He was with a few friends on the way to a strip club, and I’m just called. So we all clean in the store. There was “Summertime Sadness”, and we began to dance together. Then we look at so on, laugh and say almost simultaneously: “Would it not very funny when we would go into the studio together” I liked to Dan that he was so spontaneous that he just enter “yes” said to me and my creative ideas and decisions. Six weeks later, the plate was ready.
    "Born to die", your debut album was to revive the 60s. Which decade was the inspiration for the style to “Ultraviolence”?
    Del Rey: Surely the 70s, from bands like the Eagles. But also a feeling of the early 90s comes to me, in the song “West Coast” you can hear the beat and the synth sounds of then clear out.
    The people, as “Video Games” came out strong doubts about your authenticity, the authenticity of your music.
    Del Rey: Oh God, yes … That was a huge issue.
    Here you have developed despite all classical influences a unique musical language. One recognizes a Lana Del Rey song immediately.
    Del Rey: Thanks, that means a lot to me when you say that. I’m not a retort product that I have to clarify again. My music had initially not easy because it was just not as typical and unmistakable attributable to a genre. I have had luck sure - but also a good nose.
    You agree that you decided this controversy to you? No one claiming more that you’re a made drawing board product.
    Del Rey: Possible, yes. You can not create lasting values ​​in pop music, if you have nothing to tell, or if you are merely a fleeting phenomenon. I already know for sure that I can later tell my children my whole life story through my songs. So I do not know if I won. But I know that today I feel for the first time during an interview not uncomfortable or on the defensive.
    You start now to truly love your life and especially your career?
    Del Rey: Yes. I found it myself quite terrible that I could not really enjoy it all. And I wanted it so much.
    "Ultraviolence" appears in early June.
  10. white gold liked a post in a topic by Livia in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I have the same theory too. When I listened to Love, I asked myself what song it reminded me and I thought that it has Fine China (UV outtake) vibes. So I looked for Ultraviolence era interviews and I found so many of them, but this one really brought my attention:
    "Ultraviolence is a look back on my time in New York. I was for a while part of a sloping underground scene, which was dominated by a guru. He believed in the concept, finished close people first and then rebuild. I fell for him because that time I longed for security."
    It's basically the definition of "solve et coagula", her Instagram bio. Judging by interviews, it seems that she doesn't like UV that much and she said that if she could, she would change it. I still think her tweet refers to more than just witches spell on Trump, it's kind of a hint behind the main idea.
    Like I said in one of my replies in this thread, she's really into that kind of stuff. She studied metaphysics, she's seeing a medium Fleur, and Chuck even have tarot cards.
    I think that this album will have UV vibes, even if she says that it will remind BTD, but we all know that she says things and it happen to be the complete opposite at the end. 
    I'm sorry if it's all messy and has many misspellings, I'm half asleep
  11. white gold liked a post in a topic by My Sparrow Blue in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    In Lana's last two albums, there were themes of cults. In the Ultraviolence song she referred to a cult leader, and the song was over all clearly very dark and melancholic but disguised by lyrics that sounded romantic at times. Freak both lyrically and visually had themes of cults in it. The song was an invite for people to go to California and be a 'freak' and make their purpose known ('screw your anonyimity') which in my eyes makes me think of a cult, especially when there were cults like the Manson Family in California. The MV also served up physcadelic visuals and also kool-aid, which was a reference to the unfortunate Jonestown massacre/cult.
    Anyway, I think this album is going to have in parts of it a cult theme too, and that is where this witch stuff comes in. When people think of Wiccans and Paganism, they often think of cults, and often not in a good way either. In the past some followers of paganism have been responsible for cruel things (e.g Sacarfices), but today they are generally peaceful and tolerant religion. Most pagans strive to be as loving as they can to the Earth and others, and are not evil. But there are heavy misconceptions and stereotypes around witches and Paganism. This has lead them to be ostracised and mocked unfairly. Anyway I think Lana might use this as a theme. In the song/aesthetic/MV her group of people, possibly Wiccans, are misunderstood because of stereotypes, when really all the want is love and peace. The mistakes of their past generations are behind them, and all they want is change.
    I think that would be a really interesting aesthetic and meaning, but I'm not sure how it would fit with the retro space theme. Wiccans use astrology, so that might be how it could fit. I'm just going off the pictures and dates though.
    Lol I'm probably just over thinking it.
  12. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by white gold in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    i will literally roll over and die of happiness the day she performs PWYC live 
  13. white gold liked a post in a topic by therealmikedealer in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
  14. chrisgomezxx liked a post in a topic by white gold in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    i will literally roll over and die of happiness the day she performs PWYC live 
  15. slang liked a post in a topic by white gold in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    they're still adorable tho
  16. cherriesinthespring liked a post in a topic by white gold in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    they're still adorable tho
  17. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by white gold in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Love is basic (from an artistic perspective, imo) but that's also why it's the perfect lead single. It has a clean production, relatable lyrics, and a familiar sound. It's accessible and will likely net her some commercial success. WC was my fav lead single but that's just me--and I think it's healthy to acknowledge that your fav lead single might not always be the "best" lead single for an artist. Sometimes yall demanding af
  18. Paris Hilton liked a post in a topic by white gold in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    they're still adorable tho
  19. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by white gold in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    they're still adorable tho
  20. singintheblues liked a post in a topic by white gold in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    they're still adorable tho
  21. white gold liked a post in a topic by katya in Charli XCX   
    bounce is so much better than after the afterparty 
  22. Elle liked a post in a topic by white gold in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    i will literally roll over and die of happiness the day she performs PWYC live 
  23. white gold liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    slé, thanks to me and my 3 purchases of Love
    I hope we'll get a physical release, too so I can gift some to friends
  24. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by white gold in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Honestly I've been lurking these forums for a while before posting, and while devil's advocate type personalities like @@leaked_version get on my nerves irl, they can really good for online communities. I've never seen you be anything but contrarian in threads, but that just helps us talk about Lana in a more pointed fashion tbh. This wasn't a drag at all btw, just an observation
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