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pawn shop blues

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About pawn shop blues

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  1. See you all in two years when this album actually gets released (and occasionally checking in for the 900 times she's going to say it's coming next week and LB has a meltdown)
  2. I think cruel world is just too good to ever be topped for album opener. It sets the mood perfectly + hypes you up for the journey you're about to go on with UV.
  3. oh my god she didn't deliver on something she randomly mentioned on an Instagram live. I'm shocked. Beyond shocked.
  4. The picture + headline combo is one of her finest moments.
  5. She's going to sing Frosty the Snowman. She won't be in the actual Fallon studio, it will be a pre-recorded performance filmed on her cracked iPhone with a black and white filter. Chuck will film it which means there will be a lot of camera shaking and going in and out of focus. At the end of the performance she'll say she wishes she could be there in person but she's too busy. Charlie and/or Clay will be in the background doing nothing. The performance will be warmly received but then she'll get on Instagram later and write a weird typewriter rant suggesting COVID may not be real because she's been consulting with her crystals and she's "very in the know" about these sorts of things. She's get some backlash but she'll keep the rant up because she doesn't give a fuck.
  6. I've always loved how authentic Lana is with her fans. No bullshit. She's shown so much appreciation and gratitude to those who have supported her (and shown it in a genuine way, not just a fake PR-type way) but she has no problem telling you to fuck off too.
  7. not trying to be dramatic, but if anyone thinks this was a good visually interesting video, please get your eyes checked. like i get the concept she was going for, but it's so lazily done.
  8. the purple rain/pink champagne part is so annoying because it really sounds like the song is about to go off to another dimension and then it just slowly dies for the rest of the song. I keep getting my hopes up listening. They should have toned down the mixing/volume on the instrumentals during that part because it really sounds like it's setting the song up for a different direction (or had the song go in another direction like Venice Bitch).
  9. The reviews made this song sound awful. I don't think it's that bad. I want to hear it in the context of the album. I think it could work if the next song is a lot faster. That said, I hope the lyrics for the rest of the album improve because this is such a straightforward song that it's really boring lyrically. but as a whole, the song is not bad at all
  10. I wasn't sure what to expect but I think this is the only real way to cover Lana---just make it your own as much as you can. Lana's style is too specific to try and imitate.
  11. Lana looks like a 15 year old who just stole her parent's car and wants to post about how badass she is on instagram. This is embarrassing and it would be embarrassing even if she was 15, let alone 35. All that being said...damn she looks so good. That story is the best she has looked in a long time. Like seriously.
  12. This has such a strong Lizzy Grant vibe to it. But like a Lizzy Grant who is now Lana who is now rich and who is now going insane, or maybe just joking, or just in love with life, or possibly a little bit of everything, and who cares since life is a dream? That's the vibe I'm getting.
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