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Divisive Princess

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Everything posted by Divisive Princess

  1. 1. How did you discover Lana? When and What Era? I discovered her in June 2011 when someone I followed on Tumblr reblogged Video Games 2. First song(s)? Video Games 3.what did you think? I wasn't THAT into it. I liked it but I wasn't crazy about it. It wasn't until I heard TIWMUG and OTTR that an obsession was born. 4. Your favourite song(s)? When I say I can't choose, I REALLY can't choose. So many beautiful songs. 5. Least favourite song(s)? Daddy Issues and Guns & Roses 6. What song(s) "grew" on you? Bel-Air 7. Whats your favourite Lana era as of now? (May jailer, Lizzy Grant, Lana Del Rey) I love all of them, but I particularly love the care-free, happy Lizzy Grant era. At the same time, I love that sad-core, vintage-y LDR and the stripped-back, heartfelt May Jailer so I really don't know. 8. Favourite Album(s)? Either BTD or AKA 9. Least favourite(s) ? UV 10. Favourite song preformed live? Video Games. I would probably choose a different song if I had never seen her actually perform it live, but I really had a moment when she sang it at my show. 11. First song/Album purchased/Downloaded? Paradise was the first album I actually bought with my own money and didn't torrent. 12. Favourite song quote/lyric? 'I'm that bitch that you can't fuck with' Such a beautiful and heartfelt lyric.
  2. I feel like Lana is trying to trick us into thinking that HM is some slow, brooding song, but I see right through that for the Kill Kill-esque song I know it's going to be.
  3. I loved the first snippet, but when I heard her sing it live, I REALLY loved the part I heard. But this most recent snippet has honestly bored me a little bit. I'm still hoping for a build-up in tempo since the lyrics don't really suggest that it's a sad song. However, I don't think this album will be a bore. If it's true that LIB and MTWBT (which is pretty much a given) is going to be on HM, I think there will be enough balance.
  4. I saw this too and I'm really not sure that they are. I asked the guy that made it where he got the lyrics, and he's yet to reply which seems weird to me. Where would they even come from? No one's heard more than a small part of the song. I do wish we had the rest of the lyrics though
  5. I'm literally obsessed with Hurricane, but I can't seem to get into any of her other songs, which is disappointing. Maybe they'll grow on me, but Hurricane was a favorite at first listen. Hoping the album is good, though!
  6. I was hoping Honeymoon would be fast and upbeat, but I don't even care after hearing the snippet. It's so beautiful.
  7. I honestly really don't like her new haircut. I'm not sure if that's unpopular, but I just don't think it's flattering on her. It seems to age her a bit. Come back, 2012 hairstyles!!
  8. Violet so deserved to win. It seems like out of the top 3, Pearl kind of became the fan favorite, but Ru would've been crazy not to crown Violet. Say what you want about Violet's personality, but she turned out every single look the judges asked for. I can't think of a look of Violet's that I was truly disappointed in. I loved many other queens this season, but Violet truly outshined most of them, so I feel it was a long time coming and I'm really happy for her. Also, I was rooting for Violet waaaaay before this season even started, and I just had a feeling that she would win, so I'm pleased that she proved me right.
  9. This concert was FREEZING. Even Lana was cold (poor thing in that short little dress and heels). Also, I couldn't find my ride we had to walk miles in the freezing rain (I was in heels, too). But it was worth it. Best night ever.
  10. Well that's annoying. They can't tease us like that. I was already working that into my merch budget
  11. I wanted silver vip so bad. They sold out quickly (because, if I understand correctly, the pit is really small) and the tickets I got are even more than what I would've paid for vip. Still disappointed about that, but I AM 6 rows away from the stage
  12. https://twitter.com/LDReyGlobal/status/599100755249733632 https://twitter.com/LanaDelRlley/status/600625838648905728
  13. It def seems like you have to ask her first, though. The videos I've seen of people just going for it did not end well...
  14. Sorry it didn't work out, but my mom wouldn't let me go with someone from lb anyways (she watches a lot of web of lies). That was the first thing I thought about when my original plans fell through. I was going to let anyone willing to go have the ticket for free because I know anyone on lb could really appreciate it. She just wouldn't let me The person I'm going with I know irl.
  15. I'm going!! I have seats though... but they're really close to the stage. I paid a ridiculous amount for them, too
  16. "There are roses in between my thighs and fire that surrounds you." I immediately thought of American Beauty...
  17. You can get Lana's exact dress here (and for such a reasonable price!)
  18. These two tutorials are kind of good for this look. I feel like they're close enough that you can work with it. It's actually funny because I got on her channel because I remember seeing a tutorial that was close to that picture, but I had no idea that she did one for that specific hairstyle. I don't have any personal tips tho :/
  19. Does anyone know where I can buy this specific issue? On the website I was looking at, they have 3 different covers and they all say 'Spring/Summer 2015', but none of them have Lana.
  20. I don't know who Kim is (and I don't care to find out at this point), but the bottom line is that that was a horrible, disgusting thing to say about ANY woman or person in general. If she said that about anyone else, I would still feel the same way. Picking on a girl who, in my opinion, has made herself very vulnerable to the press, is just a low-blow. I feel like at this point, people are dogging on her because they know they can without any serious backlash, and it's very sad to me. What a petty thing to do. I feel bad for both of them for different reasons.
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