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About loleetah

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  1. I WALKED BY VALERIE YESTERDAY IN A PARK IN MANHATTAN. I wasn’t going to be a creep and follow her, but it was definitely her. She was on the phone, it could have been Lana on the other line …
  2. Quavo is so endearingly corny in the video, his mannerisms haven't changed since like 2016 peak Migos era but you can tell he means well
  3. I like it!! It's exactly what I expected of it. Will be a cute summer song
  4. loleetah

    Remy Bond

    Exactly how I feel!! There's plenty of artists inspired by her nowadays but Remy is just copy and pasting tropes. Also, I think it's hilarious that her Spotify bio says she "grew up in the Chelsea Hotel".... she was on Masterchef Junior https://masterchef.fandom.com/wiki/Remy_Bond
  5. loleetah

    Remy Bond

    My FYP fed her videos to me and I like Summer Song but I can't help but feel like she's just TOO inspired by Lana/Lizzy to really feel like she's her own thing? Right now it's too much like a tribute act
  6. For anyone wondering, she dined at Toro here in Boston, and the young girl in the photo is the chefs daughter!
  7. Oh no, feel better soon!! Were you also in the pit? I'm feeling fine, but I'll take some Emergen-C just in case..
  8. Hey gals, remember me? I have not been on here for years but I thought I’d make a return after this show. As my dear friend @Beautiful Loser said, I was in attendance in the pit. At this point there’s been plenty of info recounting what went down so I’ll spare you. But I was in line at 8AM (I’m a Boston local), and managed to secure barricade not once but twice thank the lord. It was truly, truly a mess but one for the books and I’m so happy Lana ended up performing. Also I was about two heads away from Ricardo who told me he loved my dress.
  9. Lana told a fan she met yesterday that didn't think WHF would be the title, but it would be a single from the album. We shall see if that ever comes to fruition
  10. I def agree NFR is more grounded and less dreamy than HM! A lot of the lyrics in HM I think are the most comparable though, songs like Terrence Loves You and GKIT, Religion and even The Blackest Day seem introspective like the NFR lyrics but with more of a fantastical edge. What makes them seem similar to me is the personality and mood. Musically youre not wrong that NFR is similar to UV, but without the biting attitude the lyrics have
  11. I think NFR is most comparable to HM in her released albums so far. The mood is completely different from UV and BTD, its similar at times to LFL but more in line with HM. Very introspective and withdrawn at times. HM is sophisticated and mature but slightly undercooked (sorry to use that word Lana) and NFR is a bit more fully formed as a mood piece. I think WHF will continue that but be a bit bigger and bolder with a more UV-like attitude
  12. She is. At Jones beach at least she was only down there for a few minutes, at LATTM it was like the last 10 minutes of the show
  13. I also don't think they're serious, if those pictures hadn't come out we would have barely known about him just like we barely knew about Joe and Chase who she wasn't that serious with either. I guess we'll see
  14. The quote in question is: "She is a creature born of trauma, possibly literally, if you take Lizzy Grant's teenage experiences with addiction into account; but certainly aesthetically." So Powers was insinuating that something had happened to Lana in her childhood to make her and her music the way she is. What I got from her statement is that she was upset by that claim because a. Her entire identity was equated to childhood abuse b. that insinuation could have an impact on her family and c. she wants to be the one to open up about things she's faced in the past first, not have some journalist suggest it to the world Maybe she did have a rough time growing up and reading that just really got a gut reaction out of her to react the way she did. I don't think we or anyone, especially a journalist in a published piece, should speculate if Lana was abused as a kid, it's disrespectful.
  15. You really think those references are making fun of abuse? They're never made in a joking way.
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