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About iwasborntodie

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  1. My mum dragged me to see this documentary and I'm actually glad she did. A lost girl who needed some support whilst many around her either hid their head in the sand or sponged off her celebrity.
  2. Best: West Coast, Black Beauty, Ultraviolence Worst: Guns and Roses, Florida Kilos, The Other Woman
  3. Wow do you have any pics of your collection?
  4. I think she's got a lovely voice. I prefer the songs that she has sung on as a featured artist ie My Love than the songs she has released herself.
  5. Off To The Races - I thought Lana's man loved her with every beat of his 'cooking' heart. Duh.
  6. I think the story of Rob Kardashian is more tragic than that of Kylie. Clearly Pimp Mum didnt find him as marketable as the girls and he's in a right sorry state of affairs these days.
  7. What chance did she stand growing up in a family that's worth is based on appearance and Twitter followers. She was automatically lined up for plastic surgery subscription just by being in the family she's in. Would be more weird if she had abstained from it.
  8. Out of the 5 of them, Kourtney is the prettiest for me. Oldest as well but she puts her younger siblings to shame. There's still something really fresh-faced with Kourtney, the others, not so much.
  9. I would've said Khloe took that title.
  10. She's a very photogenic girl and looks pretty hot in photos. Not so hot when you see her on video. People need to realise when they get lip injections that the filler cannot tell where your lips end and the whole area surrounding the lips becomes enlarged also and that's when you end up with a duck/ape mouth.
  11. Love Big Bang Theory. I love the episode where they want to go for tenure and the academics suck up to Janine Davis. Love when Sheldon gives her the appropriate/inappropriate gift.
  12. iwasborntodie


    Didn't realise Sia had been around since the early 2000s think I first heard of her featuring on a Flo Rida song back in 2011. Elastic Heart is fantastic and that Maddie girl is extremely talented and a pretty little girl too. I hope showbiz doesn't ruin her.
  13. My god I didn't realise she was that VERBALICIOUS lass.
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