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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Cinnamon Girl can be some kind of cinnamon tea, with chocolate truffles on the side. Love song'll be some kind of pasta dish, with fresh oysters pref.. I wonder which track Jumbalaya would be..
  2. So. was the version we got the final or the demo?
  3. This. is. my dancefloor. I fought for. this feelin' devotiooon
  4. Yesssssss definitely something like this. I was thinking of some sort of reduced citrus variant jam, to mix w the overall sauce. maybe have a raspberry and mint leaf on top to sort of moderate the palate after eating. that or some kind of lemon zest but this is so so so goooooood / @@Barttender what's ur take ma friend
  5. I'm not sure, I'm not sure, but I imagine some liquor heavy desserts for anything Honeymoon Salvatore'd be some kind of fresh caviar, over a spiced poached egg, garnished w some sort of tart glaze reduction. Honeymoon'd be some salted caramel flan, with liquor-soaked grapefruit/ semi sweet citrus Cherry, a cherry fruit tart w a hint of some citrus extract for addded aroma Religion, a Baked Alaska Flambeeee
  6. I was honestly just gonna say I made one. and then- hahahahahahahahahaha!! The other's more food based if anything. Swear, catering a menu already BEEEEEEEEEEEENN oh wait: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/11483-lanas-music-as-flavors/
  7. Ah jeez as inspired by the collector's guide thread : http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/11481-lana-del-rey-collectors-guide/ What flavors come to mind when u think about Lana's music? Any type of dish/dessert/drink etc. .. . Like, Salvatore'd be some kind of fresh caviar, over a spiced poached egg, garnished w some sort of tart glaze reduction. Honeymoon'd be some salted caramel flan, with liquor-soaked grapefruit/ semi sweet citrus Cherry, a cherry fruit tart w a hint of some citrus extract for addded aroma Tequila Sunrise for GKIT The list goes on. Ok, go
  8. @@Ben Mawson this would b a DREAM. and mm yeah! I love visiting museums in my city, and maybe it might be a stretch, but imagine an exhibit with a ur cafe attached to it like jeeez what do we need to do to get that to happen.... I love love LOVE all of those ideas, n being self-sufficient that's real good of ya and girl. same. just- same. +1 I'm honestly so tempted to get a cafe/menu/flavors thread goin. Maybe in a bit. @@RormanNockwell I know ur love of lemons, maybe u can participate too? but mm yeah Imma cut that convo short on here op op
  9. Can u imagine the SODA POP FLOATS. I wonder how it'll be curated etc. I miss Cola.mp3 ngl Do u think UV snacks'll have some kind of spice? Would Paradise b considered savory. Honeymoon'd probably have the sweetest snacks
  10. Ur basically already sorta doin part of that so I hope u get noticed.. and Ohmygooodddddd nooo don't get me excited I would facking visiiiiiit whattttttt. and that's not even like. that's- what WHAT consider me a customer like W H A T. It's time's like these where I wish Lana had more enthusiastic managementtt I think so too.. I loved how easy it was to access, and the pop up shop was a nice touch. Wish she expanded more on it... I'd say keep up the great work but like we already know u've been.
  11. This might be like a weird comment but. Imagine her team collaborated w u on future merch bc what u have. That or u could b contacted for a future Lana exhibit who knows
  12. Some. I'm putting a spoiler just bc. ASIB Pokemon The First Movie Avengers: Infinity War The Pursuit of Happyness
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFic-xaLsPs
  14. So..twitter's sorta useless. I. Ï . She's so GAY. Fucking FAB U LOUS
  15. ok so um. i'm speechless rn bc: like. what happened.
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