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Atom Heart

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About Atom Heart

  • Rank
    Cyber Dolce Vita
  • Birthday 06/16/1997

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    Los Angeles
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  • Fan Since
    January 2012

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  1. Atom Heart


    is there an updated masterpost for allie anywhere? i havent been caught up since reborn leaked all those years back lmao. i just need corrected years and what albums these songs fall under? also do we have any outtakes for super sunset?
  2. Atom Heart


    I rose from the dead to specifically say the Kelela did THAT.
  3. Atom Heart

    Nicki Minaj

    If you actually read articles, Nicki's mother paid to bail him out of jail and Nicki had nothing to do with it.
  4. Atom Heart

    Nicki Minaj

    That still doesn't change that you came to the Nicki thread to bash her, get the f*ck outta here with that. As one said, go comment on Katy or Taylor or even Lana who glamorizes drug use, having sex with old men. And using people for money.
  5. Atom Heart

    Nicki Minaj

    You should probably find something better to do with your life.
  6. Atom Heart


    I already knew this was meant to be shady. It it's actually fairly commonly used by female models so they appear more sexy, open and friendly. It also breaks up tension in your face to make you appear less angry/stoic. In reality - she probably doesn't notice or doesn't care.
  7. This has nothing to do with you having catfish styled profiles of you, this is about the irrisoonsibilty of Lana's team and leaks that happen off of LB. Okay?
  8. It's a case of the pot calling the kettle black here, let's be real.
  9. I have a really hard time believing that Ben + Ed will actually post here because there seems to be an issue with the trustworthiness of those around her (including producers or friends or whatever) and it didn't leak on this site so they should be tracing the leaked material back through other forms of social media rather than running a wild goose chase around a forum that gets the remains of the situation via reactions in a thread. And girl, don't pretend like you were not privy to album information including the album's title and the existence of YAIL (and possible audio). You have full access to every single account here, and thus inside information from all sorts of sources, legally and illegally.
  10. okay i added what little info i found Sevda was in a 2010 Haribo ad Sevdaliza feat. Thirza Prak EP was planned for 2011 but it seems like it was either never done or taken offline relatively soon
  11. Atom Heart


    I think it's Simon's Demons.
  12. I don't think we paid latinas dust to that extent, Bianca and Latina are both Latin
  13. Atom Heart

    Azealia Banks

    can't wait to buy her bleaching products
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