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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Oh no, I had no idea - I couldn't tell at all when I was in the crowd in London! Lana is such a strong woman, I'm glad if we could make her think of fun things for a few moments instead that tragic incident. Honestly. I hope she wasn't too upset.
  2. ^ I think you're someone who likes to have fun and joke around with friends, to be around people, but knows when to be serious. Someone who stands for their beliefs. And looks forward to Christmas?
  3. Niiiice guess! I might get a slight crush on some guy on the bus or train like once a year or so. And I like the sunrise but don't always take pictures of it... ok maybe I do only when it's extra pretty. ♥ Love you too!! Glad to see you around and when you're online. (you know, that tab in the bar that says "friends online" ♥ )
  4. Hmmm, not sure if I understand correctly? I bet there are plenty of girls (and boys) who loves both makeup and themselves? So no. Do you agree that band-aids for injuries should come in different skin colors?
  5. Laptop Mango or papaya?
  6. Maybe Postcards form far away (Coldplay)? What would you like to see tomorrow?
  7. I know Coachella turned out to be a single in the end, but wow, that's a lot of streams when the album has better songs.
  8. Am I the only one who thinks the way Lana pronounces "mon amour" in Bel Air sounds a bit... weird? Like amoire instead of amooouurrr? Not that I'm some kind of expert in French but...
  9. Brooklyn Baby On minimal volume, on repeat, while studying.
  10. I don't know if it has already been discussed here or not (because I wasn't even a fetus newbie here when UV was released), but do we have any idea what Brooklyn Baby might have sounded like if Lou Reed would be featured in it? I think it's so fantastic as it is and can't really imagine it getting any better, but what if Lou Reed would have made it even better..? Or did it have a completely different sound before the passed away? Did it have a different name? What do we know?
  11. Oh, I'm not used to e-bay so I didn't see the dealer's rating. But perhaps another lyric book will be available on e-bay soon and hopefully from a better dealer then.
  12. You can find it on e-bay. The book is similar to the booklets in the albums if I’m not mistaken. https://m.ebay.com/itm/Lana-Del-Rey-Journal-Book-Lyrics-Born-to-Die-Paradise-Ultraviolence-Honeymoon-/253259792612?_trkparms=aid%253D222007%2526algo%253DSIM.MBE%2526ao%253D2%2526asc%253D20150519202348%2526meid%253Deb2d56c78a0a4144a09b3b5a973e4a85%2526pid%253D100408%2526rk%253D1%2526rkt%253D1%2526sd%253D151805428714&_trksid=p2056116.c100408.m2460
  13. I can’t guess what her next album will sound like because she always surprises us. But if Yosemite isn’t in it...
  14. Crap, now I start daydreaming that I have enough money to buy some fabric and sew it myself.
  15. Not this again... Listen, people! Tomorrow Never Came is not a bad song!! It has a nice guitar, a lyrics that touches your soul even if you're #ForeverAlone like me and is great for any time of the year! Sean's voice is good! Lana's voice is good! Now sit there and think about it.
  16. I agree with you! Let Lana make a homemade video for Change and I wouldn't be mad at all if she added atom bombs or filmed in a bad iPhone quiality. Don't worry Best American Record/Architecture White Mustang wasn't very good. You missed nothing.
  17. Smarty? "Do I make you feel like Christmas time, put me in a party dress one time" In which song was Lou Reed intended to be featured in?
  18. Pawn Shop Blues Jump, Hollywood, Cruel World... In which song is Lana singing about wind, sun, supernovas, the sea and a golden car?
  19. Yes. Anti-vaccine people are stupid af and would probably never been born without vaccines and antibiotics. Do you agree that staying in bed is a great Sunday activity?
  20. Found by @salvatore ♥ Lana wore a Gucci wool and suede dress on 14th November 2017 for Artist & Management Awards in London. Appr. €1909.48 or 2260.68 USD according to this website.
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