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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I see only music as well... I thought I saw the merch the other day, but now I can't find them... ugh, why can't the new merch stores just linked from her official website, this it so annoying!
  2. Yeah, I thought so too... can you buy it yet?? O___o I though it wasn't released yet, but I haven't checked her store for a while...
  3. WHY WHY WHY HASN'T THIS BEEN ANNOUNCED PROPERLY BY LANA OR HER STAFF???? Source: http://store.universalmusic.com/lanadelrey/ I'm so lucky to already have bougt a vinyl from the store... but I'm not going to any of those dates. Hope there'll be a code for the upcoming European dates as well.
  4. Racing jacket?? I thought that we could only buy the windbraker jacket? Are those the same but different names?
  5. Omgggg this mango tastes so GOOD, I'm glad I bought another one for discount as well!
  6. My tastebuds loves it, my brain loves the sugar but my teeth and body clearly are clearly haters. Love it I guess? But I mostly pick water if I can. Hairspray?
  7. Apple, raisin and cinnamon flavored tea... and it only tastes like hint of sour apple.
  8. Beautiful Loser

    Song vs. Song

    Video Games VS Yosemite
  9. Does anyone have the list of countries where LFL got the number 1 spots? They were a lot, but I can't remember which... I just think that those countries might be more lucky for any future Europan tour stops.
  10. I need to win on lottery and fails all my classes if I should have a chance to go.One of them is manageable. I don’t think you need to buy anything this time, I think Lana would have said something if that was the case. Feels a little bit too much to spend money on merch/music and concert tickets within 2 days. :/
  11. I have to agree, this era has been great for me, especially since I joined LB in late May - it was crazy right here then and I loved it - it felt like being at home, finally some fans I could fangirl with! Otherwise I've just kept myself updated on Twitter, but this was soooo much more fun here! Yay! And oh, I didn't know about the thread issue, I better stay away from creating any more game or conversation threads then. I don't want a second round of error pages..!
  12. Ok, I understand that you're disappointed but: She did say earlier that she would have 6-7 dates for the European leg and then come back later in 2018 - don't lose your hope yet. She did play small concerts in the U.K. and performed at festivals around Europe this summer, so I think it's natural that she isn't coming back there so quickly. Also, I think other parts than southern Europe might be a little too cold to have concerts in April, especially if you're queueing outdoors, so I understand why she isn't coming much further up around that time. As a k-pop fan, I've seen a lot. "World tours" with only S.Korea + a few other Asian countried + 1 or 2 stops in the US (and, although very rarely, a stop in Europe too, usually London). I would count the LFL World Tour as a proper world tour since she is having concerts in North America (sadly only one stop in Canada though), Europe, Australia, Middle East and said that she'll be back for Europe as I already wrote. More festivals this spring in South America and if she's kind enough, I hope she'll bless her fans there with proper concerts later in 2018 - perhaps fall or winter? Yes, it's been a messy spring this year. She felt like she wanted to change and add a few songs when most of it was already written since the world around her changed and she felt different as a person. I really thought we would get the album in May too, but like so many stated here on LB, it was never confirmed, only rumors. But they did say that it got delayed, so I suppose that it would have been released in May. But hey, stuff happens, right? I don't know how you are as a person, but I had a hard time to get used to both Ultraviolence and Honeymoon since they sounded so different from her previous work. But now, years after, I love them so very much! Don't be quick to judge, give it a longer time to see if you really dislike it so much. And lastly, I don't know if this was worth a thread on its own? Why not post this comment in the post-release thread instead? No hard feelings.
  13. Can you guys, like, bring me too, I wanna meet you and be crazy on a Lana concert together.
  14. Maybe the announcement of the dates got delayed because of the Catalan Independence Referendrum as I thought? It looked pretty bad there for a while.
  15. Well. I won’t go abroad this time and especially not in the middle of school stuff in spring. Lucky Italian and Spanish fans! I knew she’d go to south of Europe! I’ll keep on hoping that she’ll come back later like she said.
  16. I actually did for a second and was like, "but I haven't seen anything from Lana about the dates???" and doubted it within 0.8 seconds. I'd love to have them... but nah, I'm too broke for that. I'd rather buy a tour ticket instead. Lol, wait what, the release date is in October but the same merch on the American market goes are released in December??
  17. As someone who grew up on Persian dates, I wouldn't mind. Ok, I would, she promised us tour dates and not sweet, sticky dates. I want what I was promised.
  18. I dunno, the lyrics are just boring to me (except for the first verse) and it just goes on with "your white mustang..." without any feeling in it. It was different in Pretty When You Cry or God Knows I Tried where you could hear some emotions. This... meh. I thought it would grow on me, but nothing's happening so far. I have a feeling it'll be at the bottom of my list together with 24 and Dark Paradise.
  19. Hm, maybe it got postponed like the clear vinyls? Mine (my clear vinyl) was supposed to be shipped in late September but got an e-mail with the message that it got delayed for October 6. Also recieved an e-mail that it shipped on October 5th so I will hopefully recieve mine soon! All the new clothing merch are shipping in December as well.
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