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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I’m certain, too, that this will be another album with (piano driven) ballads. Quite the opposite of what I expected when I read “revenge album” and working with Mike Dean. The three singles are great though, especially the when it comes to lyrics, but... Hm, I don’t know. I kinda long for an album with less ballads next time, something to surprise me because I’m expecting her to, like, “only” write ballads in the future. But knowing me, I’ll probably happily take whatever she’s willing to put out.
  2. The way I check this thread once a day, tops... She really had me excited for a while there, now I’m just... eh. I guess I’ll hear something newsworthy when school has started and things are busy again.
  3. Billboard article about Jack, and he mentions working with Lana a little bit: https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/9603256/jack-antonoff-producers-now-digital-cover-interview/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social I remember watching Lana play [Joni Mitchell’s] “For Free” with Zella Day and Weyes Blood — this completely remarkable moment at the Hollywood Bowl [in 2019] — and her being like, “Let’s put this on the record!” Like, holy s--t! Of course! How could it not go on the record? That slipping of time — different generations of singers, playing songs of older artists they love at the Hollywood Bowl — of course that goes on [Chemtrails Over the Country Club]. Lana about Jack: “What can you say about Jack Antonoff? For me, the magic of working with Jack was that he had that contagious energy when I had nothing more to give. He dragged me into the studio, I riffed over four songs and never did another take on them again. It’s one of the first times I just ad-libbed and had fun without thinking about what would end up happening to the songs since I made my first record. (Maybe I did a little bit of that with Ultraviolence, but that was a long time ago.) Besides his contagious energy, Jack plays any and every instrument you could ever imagine, from steel pedal to drums. He’s like a one-man show. You get to choose the genre, and he plays it all out. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a producer myself — but when it comes to musicianship, his talent is one of a kind. I love him, everybody loves him, and he’s very deserving of his ever-growing prestige.”
  4. I think we only have live recordings
  5. F that lmao so unprofessional if they were to do that
  6. @Dominikx4 I would demand my money back if I haven’t received my order after 1 month. This really sucks, I’m sorry.
  7. 1. This guitar 2. A white dress 3. Heart-shaped sunglasses 4. One false eyelash 5. The unicorn notebook 6. Her vape in pink crystals 7. Her typewriter
  8. Oh THAT video, I thought you meant an official video! (I had forgotten about this one tho so thanks for the reminder )
  9. This. I find it sooo weird that some people (on here, on twitter, on internet in general) just start hating on a person in Lana’s social circle because they a) get a bad vibe from them or b) just don’t want a kind of music they think they’ll get from Lana’s interaction with them. Or, c) hoping that they’ll break up so we’ll get another “ultraviolence”. We really don’t know much, if anything. It’s just so, so weird to me how some people can be so strongly opinionated about someone they don’t really know. Lana’s an adult, I’m pretty sure she can make her own decisions who’s good for her to be with and who isn’t. If her friends make her happy, we should be happy too. I would never wish for her to go back to being depressed again, never. I’m here to listen to whatever she writes, and I might not always love every single thing, but I’m here as long as it’s good and as long as I’m interested. Sorry for going off topic, I guess.
  10. I always saw the TJF as some impromptu cute thing she did with her siblings. BB had real video editing and lighting though. But I guess it’ll be another Pretty when you cry-video; stored and never released. :/
  11. I wouldn’t say he’s the only one who influenced her. What about Nikki Lane?
  12. Welp. I hope she’ll still release the video for Blue Banisters.
  13. Ok I finished the last and final book two days ago (started reading it last summer, didn’t have time to read in peace until recently) and I loved it, I really liked the end too. This series truly feels like a modern classic, and I’ll definitely buy my own copies one day. I’ve borrowed my mom’s copies the past year. Honestly, I can’t recommend these books enough. I also saw that the third TV series season will be out soon-ish? I look forward to watch it a lot.
  14. Okay okay okay so I've listened to the album several times already and it's FIYYAAAAHHH how I've longed for a rock album like this! Inhaler delivered, and I knew they would after listening to all their singles! In My Sleep is my new favorite, it's just... it sounds like a proper rock song, I don't know how to describe it. Strange time to be alive is an odd one, but I really like it too. Didn't really know what to expect, but it's a good interlude before the super good closer track. I joined that discord server they advertised about and took lots of screenshots, I'll put them in the spoiler below:
  15. This puddle is our ocean, you and me, like green frogs Watching the waves motion, your black tea, my wooden clogs Laying in the green grass, frogging in the golden sun No need to feel jealousy, it’s just me and you, hun I shouldn’t be allowed to write lyrics
  16. Lemme be delulu for a moment Monarch butterflies for happiness is a butterfly Lightning bugs for Thunder Green frogs for...??
  17. I never got a notification that she posted a selfie
  18. I dreamt that Lana was going to have a concert at a farm, and Mike Dean was behind some cow fence and I tried to make him spill if he and Lana had made some more songs together. I also threw a frisbee to the cows lmao.
  19. Never underestimate the power of a Lana stan
  20. “Here’s the deal - ‘cause I know you wanna talk about it” would be a great opening line for an album to be honest. I’m not sure if I would want WW to be the opening track though.
  21. Hey @nothinggoldcanstay, just letting you know that I merged your thread to this this one. I wouldn’t be too upset with Lana, I know at least of another band who had to cancel their festival stop because of the pandemic and they never announced that the festival isn’t on anymore.
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