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Beautiful Loser

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  1. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Joe Biden Drops Out of 2024 Presidential Race   
    Well there's a difference between being a good leader and a good person
    By "good leader" I mean good at getting people to follow you, not necessarily good policies
    I can think of quite a few awful men who fall into this category
  2. shadesofblue liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in When was the last time you...   
    February! I saw Laufey. 
    When was the last time you saw a blue sky?
  3. Embach liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in You know you're an LDR fan when...   
    When you realize you’re in a cult for one of her unreleased tracks.
  4. Embach liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in When was the last time you...   
    February! I saw Laufey. 
    When was the last time you saw a blue sky?
  5. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by That Venice Bitch in A note about the recent drama   
    The guidelines are your friend
    And so am I ❤️
  6. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by That Venice Bitch in A note about the recent drama   
    This is definitely not about one specific event, argument, thread, etc. Like around the time the Taylor thread got locked, then at least two others around the same time, then the Zodiac leak and the tensions there. Then some users get banned. It really never cooled down after. The mod team has dealt with quite a few incidents since that necessitated this post.
  7. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by Elle in A note about the recent drama   
    Hi all,
    I wanted to check in with you all about the recent rise in drama that the mod team and I have noticed over the past couple of weeks. It appears that drama on the site among members is at a peak, so I wanted to pop in and remind you all that LanaBoards won't tolerate certain types of behaviour.
    It seems that the drama is especially high in other artists' threads and in world news threads, especially when it comes to hot-topic debates. While LanaBoards welcomes opinions and discussions of different viewpoints, it is important that these opinions are shared and discussed in a respectful manner. As stated in our rules, LanaBoards will not tolerate any posts that are meant to be purposely inflammatory (flaimbaiting to intentionally start an argument) rude, hateful, insulting, or otherwise crossing a line, and members violating this rule will be warned and given restrictions at our discretion. This is something the moderator team is going to be taking very seriously as it is our mission to have LanaBoards be a safe and welcoming space for all.
    Something we've especially been noticing a rise in is personal attacks towards other members and people including other artists, which is something we won't tolerate. Let this serve as a reminder that behind the usernames and profile pictures, we are all real people with real feelings. There's no need to make things personal. Please be mindful and respectful of this when communicating with other members. Again, we do welcome varying opinions and healthy, constructive debates, but please keep these respectful. Think before you press reply.
    Something else to keep in mind is that not all intense debates need to be made public, especially if they're veering off-topic of the thread. We encourage users to make use of our personal messaging system to have private discussions, but again, please keep these respectful.
    We understand that news is slow at the moment on the Lana front so tensions are a little high, but please don't let this translate into disrespect towards others. 
    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns - you all should feel comfortable to reach out to me or another staff member at any time about anything. We are here to help and keep this place safe and enjoyable at the end of the day.
    I hope to see things become more peaceful. I'm sending you all lots of love and I hope you all enjoy your weekend x
    Let's work it out on the remix~
  8. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in Trump vows to ban trans people   
    Absolutely disgusting. That’s already awful but I fear what else he’ll do to other groups of people and minorities if he becomes president again 
  9. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by heroindealer in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    also why does she always keep on pressing red vinyls, she should’ve ended it during honeymoon era when it made sense  they just annoy me for some reason like gurl a colour pallet exists for a reason istg so annoying 
  10. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Celebrity Mentions Thread   
    I’m reading Michelle Zauner’s “Crying in H Mart”, which is a memoir. Here, she happens to share a catch-up with Duncan, a friend of hers who is (was?) an editor at The Fader. He interviewed Lana, and it’s shortly described in the book.

  11. Embach liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Celebrity Mentions Thread   
    I’m reading Michelle Zauner’s “Crying in H Mart”, which is a memoir. Here, she happens to share a catch-up with Duncan, a friend of hers who is (was?) an editor at The Fader. He interviewed Lana, and it’s shortly described in the book.

  12. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Celebrity Mentions Thread   
    I’m reading Michelle Zauner’s “Crying in H Mart”, which is a memoir. Here, she happens to share a catch-up with Duncan, a friend of hers who is (was?) an editor at The Fader. He interviewed Lana, and it’s shortly described in the book.

  13. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Celebrity Mentions Thread   
    I’m reading Michelle Zauner’s “Crying in H Mart”, which is a memoir. Here, she happens to share a catch-up with Duncan, a friend of hers who is (was?) an editor at The Fader. He interviewed Lana, and it’s shortly described in the book.

  14. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I totally get this! Her setlist isn’t what my dream setlist is either.  I do think she should switch things up more with each tour because it has been similar for a while now. I just think expecting a new set each show on the same tour isn’t really realistic unfortunately 
  15. trailerparkdream liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Honestly, I’m effing tired.
    Please stop expecting a new setlist for every. single. show! It’s not realistic and I’m frankly tired of people in this fandom getting disappointed that she sings the “same songs” on her tours. Literally no other artist goes on tour and changes the setlist every night. Maybe one or maximum a handful, maybe, but it’s not common at all. And if they do, they have bigger shows than Lana, shows that last more than her 60-75 minute slots at festivals.
    Also, please stop getting disappointed at Lana for re-wearing a dress. Especially these Coachella-made dresses, they probably cost a lot to create, and they look stunning on her. Let her wear whatever she wants. As long as we’re not back to leggings a la 2017.
  16. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by Fuck Our Generation in The Last Dinner Party   
    Nothing Matters will be one of my top songs this summer (after Lana's songs)
  17. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by X8vinylScratchX in Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally   
    To be serious: I HIGHLY doubt this is staged for multiple reasons
    1: Trump is very paranoid about assassinations; he would never let a stunt like this happen
    2: That bullet was way too close for comfort. Anyone with shooting experience knows that a shot at that range just grazing someone's ear is possible
    3: Trumps reaction was natural. He was in fight or flight mode when he first ducked down and then looked back up, his reaction then turning to him pumping his fist and chanting was to address his crowd.
    4: Saying the photo looks staged is stupid since everyone has phones on them and anyone can take a picture at any time. If something like this happens of course people are going to take their phones out and record. A picture from that angle is not unusual at all
    5: Anyone with a gun is capable of doing this. There doesn't need to be a conspiracy for someone to try to shoot at Donald Trump.
  18. ni22 liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Ladies and gents and everyone in between... we have survived THIS.
  19. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by Thats why they call me Dita in Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally   
    Nothing can happen these days without it being a conspiracy 
    I would like to think if it was staged they would ensure no civilian lives were lost.. 
  20. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by DemonMic2003 in Whats everyones fav ship?   
    Its fine lol, tbh ever since they killed the one character in the movie i want nothing to do with that franchise
  21. DemonMic2003 liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Whats everyones fav ship?   
    Ah, well, I’m afraid I know nothing about that show, unfortunately. 
  22. DemonMic2003 liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Whats everyones fav ship?   
    In which franchise? 
  23. DemonMic2003 liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Whats everyones fav ship?   
    Link and Zelda in Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom. I know lots of people ship them in other games too but I’ve never really seen anything other than friendship at most in those games. In these two games though? They’re perfect.
    Also, Sylvain (the guy in my profile picture) and Dorothea in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. They both want someone who can see through their masks and accept them for who they are, and they both do that with each other, and they’re both flirts. I just know Sylvain would treat Dorothea like a queen, and that she’d give him the love he’s been looking for his whole life. They both deserve the world. 
  24. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by For K in Whats everyones fav ship?   
    Um the titanic was pretty dope 
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