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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. Love you guys and no shade but can we please stop with the Republican comments? They only perpetuate an attribution that Lana has already disputed on several occasions. And friendly reminder that the people in Lana’s life are all real people whose existences are not to be fictionalized or reduced to being solely a part of her career <3
  2. Another fan photo - reminds me of the photos she’d take with fans when leaving the Chateau Marmont in 2012!
  3. I think the last time was in August 2019, the day before NFR came out - he posted a Polaroid to Instagram and credited her as the photographer! Rob liked the photo as well https://www.instagram.com/p/B1wHoNsAVvV/?igshid=vz0rf68ctq4l
  4. Omg the end of Country Boy I Love You Vine!! Remix with Megan Thee Stallion confirmed xoxo
  5. So I guess the 2 albums she referred to in that tweet from November are this album and Rock Candy Sweet! While I’m in the minority of people who are actually excited for this album, I don’t see a reason to be outright upset over this one as it doesn’t seem to be overshadowing Rock Candy Sweet at all. I thought it was made very clear in Music Week and through Lana’s social media comments lately that there would be a regular 8th studio album AND a supplemental project on the side just for fun. Give it a chance, it’s Lana! We’re all here still - surely if you’re still on this site, then the music has kept you hooked!
  6. I would love if the live performance Lana and Nikki did last night would inform the sound of this record. Those steel guitars are something I'd love to hear more on a record from Lana <3
  7. I completely agree! The way people talk about her romantic life almost reads as though they don’t see it as anything more than content for her songwriting. I see so many comments about how she should go back to dating a certain person because it lines up with THEIR aesthetic vision for her records and that’s insane. Not just with Lana, but with any other celebrity, like you said. Even though Lana graciously tells us her life story within these songs, the life she is living is still very much real and I don’t think her being a public figure who selectively shares details gives anyone - fans or not - the right to harass her friends/family/partners or make light of the realities of romantic relationships. At the end of the day, we don’t know her and I’m sure if we were in her position, we wouldn’t want anyone making comments based on the very little/next-to-no information that they have.
  8. I love her hope she’s doing good out there!!
  9. Not that I necessarily think they broke up, but I guess it could speak volumes to the fact that a true relationship isn’t something that you have to force or chase like a butterfly, it just comes as is? I’ve often heard the famous trope that true love finds you when you least expect it, so maybe that ties in with the line “but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you”?
  10. Omg I thought it was Kristen Wiig cosplaying as Miss Piggy
  11. Omg! I wonder if there will be a song on the new album called “Happiness is a Butterfly”!
  12. She looks amazing as always! I wonder if that caption is lyrics or some motif for RCS? It definitely ties in with what the album’s narrative seems to be!
  13. It also makes me wonder what that says about the role of social media. It’s funny because I feel like as soon as somebody chooses to withdraw from it for the sake of their mental health, the immediate assumption is that something is wrong - and while that can be true, I feel like it’s often quite the opposite, as I think taking steps towards better mental health is a sign that someone is on the right path <3
  14. Another thing that really bothers me is how so many journalists disregard her creative output prior to 2011 as “plain Lizzy Grant, a failed songwriter” which is incredibly offensive. Not only is “plain” somewhat suggestive of a negative connotation, but it’s also just not true LOL! LDRAKALG is an album full of personality, character, and motifs that have naturally evolved into her later albums. I remember in several interviews from 2011, Lana would very diplomatically defend the album and you could tell she was always a bit perturbed at journalists suggesting she was a different person who did this total 180 in image and sound. Very weird...
  15. What’s funny about that is that Lana actually met Joan at her show in November 2016 and they posed together for a photo that Lana posted (which can be seen here). I guess Joan didn’t realize how famous of a fan Lana was back then!
  16. God Save Our Young Blood - a song where Lana is hardly noticeable - even making it onto this list and ranking HIGHER than some very personal, introspective songs (namely Is This Happiness) is terrible. What even.
  17. This is what throws me off a bit, because in November she said she’s working on 2 albums (which would’ve been after Chemtrails was already done), and of course, knowing Lana, she’s always writing. But then on January 11, she said to Annie Mac, “I don’t have 4 songs that I love for the next album” and then literally the next day, said in an IGTV video, “I already know what I’m doing” and now, as of 12 days ago, has a new album ready for June. So I wonder if she had a sudden burst of inspiration and laid pretty much the bulk of RCS down in a short period of time (much like how a good third of Ultraviolence was written in November/December 2013).
  18. @Elle @past the bushes looks like we got work to do!
  19. I’m sure she did! All of the songs on Chemtrails were written before March 2020, which is when they broke up, so Rock Candy Sweet must have been in the works as early as the beginning of the pandemic (especially since she said to Music Week that one of its working titles at the time - likely this one, “Rock Candy Sweet” - summed up the last 18 months of her life, which seems to be September 2019-March 2021)!
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