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  1. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana's 2009 selfie in WHO anti tobacco campaign   
    Damn, smoking even causes racism. Who knew?
  2. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by daddyauerbach in Instagram Updates   
    UM shes spoken out about gun violence, hexing donald trump, and kanye west even after stalkers broke into her house so clearly she has the conscience to speak out about things that are important to her even amidst all of that
  3. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by daddyauerbach in Instagram Updates   
    i can guarantee you that anyone having an issue with lana's silence have donated, signed petitions, called the DA, or maybe even protested. including myself. And these are all fans no matter their race. These are fans who are sharing with followers that they know in real life and on their fan accounts FOR lana. These are fans who don't have millions of dollars and a fan base with the population of a whole country. They feel pain too.  Their mental health has been affected as well. And they still donate, and share, and call, and protest.  Lana had no problem telling people to fuck off if they didn't agree with her. Now she's too fragile and delicate to help support a critical and important social movement. Got it. 
  4. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    Fr there are huge Lana stan accounts now shading her (as they should tbh), like there's so many Lana stans who are poc and I feel like a lot of white stans forget that 
  5. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by daddyauerbach in Instagram Updates   
    who the fuck cares if people call her a hypocrite. its the RIGHT THING TO DO.
    and newsflash: she has a platform because she's a singer. just because that's how she makes her money doesn't exclude her from using it to help support social change.
  6. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Instagram Updates   
    @ This is pretty long so I’ll keep it under a spoiler.
  7. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    I just think it's kind of interesting that she clearly likes the aesthetic of woodstock, the beat poets, idolises Bob Dylan etc but if she had been an artist at that time there's been little to no indication she'd be anything but a sell-out that people like Dylan would hate for their inactivism lol.
  8. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    Definitely not but some people get prompted to listen to what's going on, consider it, donate etc. People are really getting themselves caught up trying to excuse her silence. When she wrote a song about being at Coachella and feeling like she was at Woodstock, writing a song about wanting an America without gun violence (just before dating a cop lol), calling out Kanye West in his comments and a song, doing spells against Donald Trump she was your woke queen, but nah, just after calling people dragging her on twitter a "race war" it's fine that she stays silent and doesn't post donation links or anything to suggest she cares. And it's unreasonable that people are pissed about that apparently. This happens every single time I swear to god.
  9. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    shut up bitch
  10. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    Lol can ya’ll stop defending her and saying “well maybe she’s doing something behind the scenes”. Okay? And? She has millions of followers and while backlash is possible, if she cares enough, she’ll post. She’ll bring awareness. Simple. End of. Nothing more about it. Silence speaks volumes.
  11. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    some of you care more about lana’s reputation than lana herself. please understand that this isn’t something where her words can be twisted again; IT’S THE MURDER OF AN INNOCENT BLACK MAN THAT WAS KILLED BY POLICE. it’s only right if she SPEAKS OUT, SAYS SOMETHING, POSTS A LINK, STANDS UP FOR PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, SHOW HER LOVE AND SUPPORT TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY. many of her fans have started turning their back on her and unstanning and that’s completely justified. it’s time for her to start recognizing her privilege and get herself out of her bubble. her not posting about BLM is speaking VOLUMES and everyone else who isn’t posting about it is saying a lot. this isn’t about her receiving backlash (she’s been there done that) it’s about having a VOICE for the people who struggle to get their voice out there. grow up and stop kissing her ass.
  12. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    Wow you guys are really on the wrong path. We're talking about the DEATH of a men. How selfish you and Lanz and ben could be to ignore that? She should post something. Also I'm tired of her, her management and her bands ignorance. Everytime we complain about something they find the mistake on us make us look stupid and rude. This happened with BLM now, tour cancelation last year, setlist issue 2 years ago and maybe more when I wasn't following LB. I don't think I'll be able to stan her anymore. Maybe listen to her songs but that's it. And this coming from someone who defended her for 4 years now. I'm tired and I can't do this anymore when she keeps making mistakes over mistakes.
  13. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    i think people need to understand that this isn’t a standalone incident. this has been an ongoing issue for hundreds of years. in recent events take sandra bland as an example, philando castile, alton sterling. if sean didn’t speak out then he won’t speak out now. if you search his @ on twitter with blacklivesmatter nothing comes up, but if you search his @ on twitter with bluelivesmatter, tweets will come up. but anyways i don’t really care for a cop’s opinion on this matter, all i know is that he’s probably in support of the cops and that’s that.also on the suing topic- i recently found out it’s near impossible to successfully sue a cop in the USA. this video explains a lot
  14. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    ...having a criminal record doesn't make an extrajudicial murder of a black man by a white police officer excusable. These protests aren't just for him, either. They're for every black person who has been murdered by the police. Please get a grip on reality. 
    Edit to add that this wasn't why he was being arrested. He was arrested because someone assumed his $20 bill was fake. Because he was black. So stop with this.
  15. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by daddyauerbach in Instagram Updates   
    now i understand where you're coming from.  so you mean to tell me, even though he paid his debt back to society, its all of a sudden okay that a white cop (THAT KNEW FLOYD, they were coworkers) suffocated him for damn near 10 minutes until he died even though he was not resisting and begging him to let him BREATHE because he was accused of paying with a counterfeit $20 bill that was actually real... you need to educate yourself TRULY 
    and if any famous people actually backpedal because of that please let me know 
    AND EDIT: these protests are for breonna taylor, george floyd, ahmaud arbery, regis korchinski, and ALL VICTIMS of excessive force. 
  16. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Instagram Updates   
    She can start this week then!
  17. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by daddyauerbach in Instagram Updates   
    the lengths and hoops y'all are going through to justify her publicly ignoring this situation is astounding 
  18. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    idk about you guys but I’ve lost a lot of respect for LDR today...she’s so aware of everything and she still hasn’t said a word. she was active last night on ig and she couldn’t even bring herself to post anything regarding the black lives matter movement. insensitive and disgusting behaviour on her behalf. i hope she AT LEAST reposts a link for a petition
  19. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by daddyauerbach in Instagram Updates   
    Her silence is her privilege. It has nothing to do with reputation because if you were outraged enough and desperate enough to ensure that accurate information is being spread as far as possible you would try and help.  
  20. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Instagram Updates   
    Joining the chorus of those saying her silence is reprehensible. It doesn't matter that some will criticize her for the timing - she should use her platform for good, particularly after just having been romantically linked to a police officer accused of discrimination. 
  21. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Instagram Updates   
    but he's a good cop

    he gets it

  22. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by JamiDelRey in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    idk If I should’ve put this post in the unpopular Lana opinions thread but part of me feels no interest or desire or need or even wants for this album for some reason maybe it’s the whole way she went about everything with the IG controversy rubbing me the wrong way maybe it’s cause there’s been plenty of good new music coming out (Gaga charli carly etc) maybe it’s cause most of it’ll probably be produced by Jack I don’t know but I have seemingly zero hype and would’ve rather her waited and reflected with time until she was ready to fully reinvent her sound and songwriting process again cause the whole bland generic love song vibes w Jack’s Disney production were all glitzy/sparkly and great upon first listens but over time NFR got stale quick
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