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playboy barbie

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  1. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by jvcx in Chemtrails Over the Country Club Merch & Media Drop   
    So another Honeymoon/LFL box set with an ugly ass bland cover, a 60€ Times New Roman sweatshirt and a face mask that looks like a menstrual pad with blood on it. Cool.
  2. Lustformoney liked a post in a topic by playboy barbie in Chemtrails Over the Country Club Merch & Media Drop   
    the red record honestly makes me nut im literally going to cawksuck neil for that picture 
  3. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by details in Charli XCX   
    considering how much songs charli has to her name, we could do that and i wouldn't be surprised if some of the fake titles turned out to be real 
  4. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by xcxc in Charli XCX   
    I miss @1000Times 
  5. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by kallumlavigne in Charli XCX   
    1 night is top tier. 
  6. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by running in Charli XCX   
  7. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by blameitonme in Charli XCX   
    we are entering the charli features on 15 collabs/remixes and then releases an album era and i am so excited for it! feels like 2019 again 
  8. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by CoochieSwirlC in Charli XCX   
    Literally her after listening to that song
  9. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by DaddyATRL in Charli XCX   
    Because only us edgy gays were and are here for it. Didn't they at first had to edit the video adding the studio version because the sound was fucked up and then they deleted it all together. The comment section was ROASTING Charli too so overall not a good look. 
  10. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by LiCKRISSH in Charli XCX   
    Ikr its epic
    This one still has the audio
  11. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by Danny Milk in Charli XCX   
  12. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by Danny Milk in Charli XCX   
  13. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by DaddyATRL in Charli XCX   
    This might be too much to ask but maybe someone has a list already. Can someone post every unreleased XCX song produced by SOPHIE (or all in general, that will do too)
  14. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by Danny Milk in Charli XCX   
    hold on
  15. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by I Come In Peace in Charli XCX   
    I believe in Lucy Liu supremacy
  16. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by rockwellfckingnorman in Charli XCX   
    ykw imma go spill in the miley thread so if you care about that fad see you there
  17. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by Foxes in Charli XCX   
    we were all so happy that day... it's hard to imagine how terrible things would soon become 
  18. TrashMagiq liked a post in a topic by playboy barbie in Charli XCX   
    hey yall reading all of this information hurts because of what couldve been but i see yall wrists being limp again quit that shit pls

  19. Foxes liked a post in a topic by playboy barbie in Charli XCX   
    hey yall reading all of this information hurts because of what couldve been but i see yall wrists being limp again quit that shit pls

  20. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by KeybladeMeister in Charli XCX   
    It's been 4 years since Charli performed Bounce at Jimmy Kimmel which marked the end of the XCX World era...

  21. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by Danny Milk in Carly Rae Jepsen   
    I started listening to her and Kiss and Emotion are amazing (And her duet with Danny L Harle)!!! 
  22. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by rodamik in Charli XCX   
    Guys I know it might not be the right time and I'm quite conflicted myself as if I should go ahead or not, but - I've split and (kinda*) remastered the 2016 SXSW live set from SOPHIE & Charli. Should I post it? Should I wait? Let me know...
    (*recording quality is still kinda crappy and wasn't continuous, so some tracks are prematurely cut - missing intros or not seamless transitions) 
  23. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by OverYourHead in Charli XCX   
    I’ve never really minded if taxi got an official release or not so pls don’t think I’m being ~that~ guy and I’m not trying to be disrespectful in anyway but I think it would just be super cute if she released it as a little homage/tribute and a nod to all the Sophie x Charli superfans and have all the proceeds go to a charity Sophie supported or something
  24. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by soaringHigh in Charli XCX   
    We shouldn’t even be paying attention to those turds. Like go ahead and tease a snippet and type some ‘edgy’ shade towards us.... we could care less. After all they tease to feel like someone pays attention to them cause probably IRL they’re just a bunch of losers. Tbh if I had any unleaked file either I would keep quiet and enjoy myself or just plain out share it. The more we meltdown and beg the more power they have over us.... PLUS 1000times just shared a whole vault and as we learned we didn’t have to beg or get teased often with 3 second long snippets. So fuck those “leakers” 
  25. playboy barbie liked a post in a topic by Shanice Jones in Charli XCX   
    can someone link me to Paris in the best quality we have, please? 
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