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  1. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Interview with MTV - Next Music Video, Tour, & ‘Cola’   
    Didn't know this thread was about Barrie ! sorry SWM for getting off topic like i usually do 
    it's a dumb joke about me goin off topic w threads swm is in, not callin you a single white male but lmaoo
  2. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Interview with MTV - Next Music Video, Tour, & ‘Cola’   
    i dont understand y ppl think it's entirely abt barrie or isn't about Harvey
    Barrie only gave her that one line bc she thought it was funny and so out there
    if lana reuses lyrics from her unreleased catalogue that does not mean her new song is about the same damn person it was from the old song
    barrie is not a Harvey type character
    fuck she was literally going to lunches and being seen with him several months prior to the album's deadline for music, she wrote his name, the song is about Harvey overall, and the fantasy he gives. He's so rich and powerful he's pretty much a 'god' in sense of influence within Hollywood, he has diamonds and jewels and money floating above her head, she's his pretty baby because she's so damn young compared to him
    iirc the dude even said his wife would let him cheat on business trips
    'i know your wife and she wouldn't mind' 
    is literally a direct statement of that 
    EVERYONE knew about his abusive nature, it was a general Hollywood secret for YEARS, it was either you thought it was so outlandish and unrealistic you turned it to a joke- like Lana had done, as she was on good terms with him years after while the women he actually abused stopped all contact w him n the company.. or- you didn't do or say shit and hid in the shadows. 
    the lyric book is a notorious fuck up. her lyric books are KNOWN for being fucked up and awkward. 
    point blank final case the goddamn song IS about Harvey/ Harvey type of character as he didn't do shit for her in the industry besides songs (Y&B was not part of any Weinstein fuckery and that shit is one of her most known, especially moreso than Maleficent or Big Eyes.) that never really skyrocketed her net-worth or impression in Hollywood, but the Harvey she may have wanted in her song was gonna give her every damn thing she wanted.
  3. salvatore liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Interview with MTV - Next Music Video, Tour, & ‘Cola’   
    and i never found that interesting to talk about. Never was interested in Manson or references of him, but that's what American's do and talking about Manson isn't prohibited like talking about Harvey isn't prohibited just to remind you. But talking about having a consensual relationship with him now that he's a known rapist/harasser, and that many women for 30 years were afraid to come off as liars because rape culture makes the song embarrassing. Not the same thing that censorship is. All these women (and others) stayed shut because relationships with moguls were portrayed like in that song: it's their fault, they were the instigators, they wanted the jewels, the favours and to become famous, they started it, and thus they are lying about being raped. It furthers a toxic culture and lana is seeing it's doing more harm than good and she doesn't like it anymore. She doesn't like it, but y'all don't want to understand that. It will probably take her some time to start seeing things differently. 
    But if you're going to be like this and belittle me because I don't agree with you, all right. But you can't dump all examples into one mold and then talk about double standards.   
  4. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Interview with MTV - Next Music Video, Tour, & ‘Cola’   
    I don't agree with you, I actually think time changes perspective on things. What is general culture and what is hot piping current events are two different things, this is why people say "it's too soon". I am personally more affected by the Harvey Weinstein claims because i'm a young woman soon to be thrust into the workforce, 1960s sociopathic sex cults and murderers don't affect me the same way even tho they were horrific. They have relevance today and have been analysed/talked about enough that time allows for an artist to quickly cite them in their body of work; I'm not against Lana talking about dark themes and in fact there are elements of pedophilia , female subjugation/objectification that ring true and grounds her art in real life.
    And historically artists have always referred to the past to make a point about the present rather than use what is going on if it's sensitive and there's censorship. And I believe that an artist censoring themselves isn't losing, a good and mature artist probably is capable of getting their point across differently.   
    Like think about "The Betrothed", the novel by A. Manzoni: it's considered one of the main opuses of italian literature, the first italian modern novel and the first one to use modern italian. It was written when the country was under foreign (Austrian) occupation and it was strictly forbidden to talk negatively about the regimen but "lucky for him" Italy has already been occupied different times by other nations. Manzoni "pretended" (everyone knew it was a bluff/not real/jocking) that he found a manuscript in an attic about a romance and updated the language for current readers. But the book isn't just about that, (not only it tackles themes of human psyche and morality) it's about living under Spanish occupation, how it means for a country and its functioning and how it affects every strata of a society; and more importantly it was absolutely a critique of the "current" austrian occupation and somewhat a pamphlet for a free country.
    A lot of artists flirt between what is acceptable and what is taboo, and it is a widespread belief that time changes perspectives, there's no strict rule to how handle events except of what the general population think. It may not seem logical for some but it is for me, I understand that if we cared, we will always have to deal to what is average/acceptable by popular standards. And maybe it upsets lana personally how someone she knew was harassing maybe raping so many women, when something makes you this uncertain then you take it out until you can articulate your feelings better and you (and in this case) society have/s healed.Also the crimes aren't even the same, sexual harassment and murder aren't the same. Murder victims are cold dead and sexual harassment victims have a hard time to be heard to be believed ,that's why it's delicate; and this is just to see things one way before i write a novel about that too. I mean I don't really know much about the philosophy of passing of time, but if I did i think I would do a better job at expressing myself because Time allows for things to become from personal to belonging and available to everyone. So if you can't see how things can change when time passes we will never agree. Anyway in a broad sense I expect an artist to be smart about their art, not everything should be spoon fed in a low context matter where everything is super direct, and artist also have the ability to change their opinions. Lana had a some time to process the weinstein matter, by the time this interview happened a lot of articles talked about "cola" specifically so she knew what everyone was thinking. She made the decision to take it off, and probably she discussed that with the interviewer beforehand that's why it seems she's heavily suggesting. Just because an artist seems to "cater" and to "self-censor" doesn't always mean it's a bad thing. They are people too and when new information arrives they also need the time and take a step back to think about this on a greater perspective and scale, this is how people continue on learning and maturing.  
  5. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by American Bottom in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Ok so here's the Bass Boosted Cherry. But I'm not sure what you all are listening on and didn't want to break your headphones or whatever. So I made two versions.
    Normal bass boost : http://picosong.com/wn9VH
    Hella Bass Boost: http://picosong.com/wn9XE
    @@Lustrouslines @@kitschesque @@Clampigirl
  6. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I love this @@vodkaa, i'll keep it short tho. 
    the song is cute and the instrumental is gorgeous on its own but I still think Lana and Abel should have been capable of coming up with better, at least in terms of execution. I still don't fully understand what she wanted to convey in this track, since in the video she seems to put down a black notebook before getting up and dance with death/the edge lord/the weeknd, anyway if this wasn't the title track and if lana had made more videos I would like it more. Lana and Abel singing in a high register is something of a     for me, i prefer her spoken word and his "secrets" voice. 
  7. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    !!!!! THIS! basically what i tried to say in 5 times as many words 
  8. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I love this @@vodkaa, i'll keep it short tho. 
    the song is cute and the instrumental is gorgeous on its own but I still think Lana and Abel should have been capable of coming up with better, at least in terms of execution. I still don't fully understand what she wanted to convey in this track, since in the video she seems to put down a black notebook before getting up and dance with death/the edge lord/the weeknd, anyway if this wasn't the title track and if lana had made more videos I would like it more. Lana and Abel singing in a high register is something of a     for me, i prefer her spoken word and his "secrets" voice. 
  9. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Let's stir some shit 

  10. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Escapism in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    The song's cute, but I don't really listen to it that often.
    As for the video
    it could have been way better. There are some nice scenes in it, but it's pretty forgettable especially considering some of her other mv's.
  11. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Yes ma'am
    So this is my full opinion on the song. Lust For Life has some GOOD lyrics. It's empowering and I admire Lana for putting something out there so different to what she's done before. I do think it's more stylish than Love, but still I did not go crazy over it for several reasons. Abels voice is nice but this song did not bring out good parts of it, other than 'he can sing like a girl' (which I cant even do, being a female, so props to him really). I don't even think it brought out the positives of Lana's voice. Don't get me wrong, the deep half-talking in the verses is sexy and alluring and I love it, but from the bridge it kind of loses me. I think she could have experimented more with how she sung the bridge and chorus of this song tbh. It sounds 'generic', and too boring-pop for me. Maybe others had this opinion too, I'm not sure, I never asked. I just knew most of us were not so crazy about it. 
    The greatness and superiority of the instrumental cannot be appreciated until the vocals are completely removed... It sounds very sci-fi and fantasy without vocals, and like someone (was it @?) said "like stars twinkling", which you just CANNOT hear when there's vocals. so when the instrumental was leaked I had a whole new appreciation of the song. I think, to be REAL... If Lana had done something a bit more exciting in the bridge and chorus of this song it could be my favourite on LFL, and a well-worth-it title track. Cause lets be honest. its forgettable...
    As for the music video, I think if it was a better song the music video would be appreciated more. Perhaps if Abel had a more subtle role in this song, like Lana did for Party Monster? Cause even for remixes, Abels voice can't be edited out...
    ok bye 
  12. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in Donald Trump - Events And News   
    As a student of psychology, I cannot believe how many symptoms of mental illnesses and personality disorders Trump exhibits constantly.
    Unverified feelings of superiority, delusions, tendency to cause conflict, argumentativeness, high levels of disagreeableness and skepticism, neurotic and psychotic tendencies, repeated lies and the list goes on.
    It is a shame there is a rule in the USA where psychologists are barred from speaking up when they believe a political candidate may have a serious mental illness or disorder that could severely impact their ability to carry out their duties. There's actually a movement in America right now by a number of mental health professionals who want to reverse the 'Goldwater Rule' so that they may voice their opinions about when they deem a candidate to be largely unfit for the role. 
  13. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Donald Trump - Events And News   
    >joined oct
    >1 post
    >this comment
    who r u
  14. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Donald Trump - Events And News   
    i thought u were cute n puzzling but now..ugh 
    lana don't like the fuckin dude, period

  15. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   

  16. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Donald Trump - Events And News   
    i don't give him any credit whatsoever, from what we have noticed since the elections, trump:
    doesn't have the ability to have empathy
    feel remorse or grief 
    always thinks he is right about everything and he can do no matter what 
    doesn't have the ability to know what is right from wrong even when it's basic knowledge 
    doesn't ever learn about his experience and that's also a problem for his administration, it's like we're in a loop where we've been through this over and over 
    i'm not coming at you sis, not at all; you're not wrong.  i'm just saying that instead of being a person who actually has built confidence over the years and has toughen up, all he has that works for him are traits of a character disorder and he's keeping us hostages. At least he grew up super rich and isn't very smart? Because if he were capable of learning maybe he'd look like a proper president and he'd fuck the world even harder but even in that case you can notice what is wrong and see through to his impairments. 
    the only good thing about this shit show is probably that the some of worse people are showing their cards, he's allowing some people to be their ugly self in public (not everyone, there are still other people "smart" enough not to come out about their bad behaviour and such). But that's positive if you are a privileged person living here who is actually from the future and hangs around us because they need to understand what the f has happened for their thesis on human behaviour and the relation with the political condition they are groomed in. Or just an historian who want to know what really is going on. 
  17. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Donald Trump - Events And News   
    the jfk files have been scheduled for decades now http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41708854 is he announcing it like it was his idea and he's doing it on his own volition?? he might be disappointed by his job but he's really thriving on being the center of attention  
  18. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Blue Rev in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Still feels so fresh when I listen to it all the way through. I love how the record is sort of enigmatic as well. Lana just released it and didn't do much promo or interviews for it and we know the least about it compared to the rest of her albums, which is probably intentional as the songs and videos reference wanting to go unnoticed/living away from the limelight (Honeymoon and HBTB vid, HBTB, GKIT, SS etc.).

  19. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    White Mustang gets better with each listen. 
    When i heard her instagram snippet i thought it would be the most beautiful on the album, then when it came out in full I was 'meh'. When the video came out i almost hated it. But now with each day I love it more and I dont skip it anymore! 13 Beaches and Heroin still make the most beautiful on lfl tho
  20. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Sooo true. And even if the album seems a little bit messy with all the different sounds, those three blend together so well and Heroin-Change-Get Free too. So it doesn’t really matter if the album doesn’t have a coherent sound all the way through like UV or HM.
  21. VegasBaby liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lana and the Harvey Weinstein Controversy   
    about that, i've wanted to post this on the unpopular lana opinions for some time but laziness: if fmwuttt is to lorde, i'm not comfortable with lana calling an underage brazen girl a whore    and i don't even like Lorde 
  22. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in Taylor Swift   
    Honestly was lowkey getting ready to stan her when she first started this era with all of the dark imagery and sounds but so far nothing after Look What You Made Me Do actually stayed in that vein. 
    For me it's LWYMMD > RFI > CIWYWT > Gorg 
    Her lyricism and aesthetic always seemed so dull and uninspired to me, like its so recyclable from every other song and image out there (let's not even start with how much she copies Lana with the whole "vintage" theme and even steals her melodies).
  23. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Cloudbusting in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    ^y'all if she doesn't win as the nicest member this year i'm rioting.
    OT - I love how well WTWWAW, BPBP and TNC blend so well. It's like the hippie part of the album 
  24. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Kind of off topic, but I love your posts. And I hope Yosemite will come to its senses and start being serious and see how much you love it.
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