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Kurac na Biciklu

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  1. Kurac na Biciklu liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    Being in crowds like that is the perfect opportunity for the virus to spread so they might want to re-think that decision.
  2. viktoria liked a post in a topic by Kurac na Biciklu in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    US goverment is really the biggest evil in the world that has ever existed
    I was so mad when I read what they tried to do
  3. Kurac na Biciklu liked a post in a topic by Party Party in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    the fact that it's spreading THIS fast is pretty scary. I'm not too worried for myself, but I am worried of catching it, then passing it onto someone who may be immuno-compromised or elderly. i'm out of work until April 2nd (if the pandemic clears up a bit), and i'm off of school until April 6th! 
    i'm currently in self-quarantine, i only go outside to take the trash out, or to walk my dogs. 
    sending love and luck to all, stay safe and wash your hands!  <3
  4. Kurac na Biciklu liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    I mean, they did vote for him...
    Don't get me wrong, I essentially agree with you, but as far as I am aware, the US have imposed sanctions on countries like Russia, China, Iran etc. for things that I'd consider less horrible than this. Just my opinion, of course. It's true that sanctions don't really help anyone, but sometimes they're the only way people like Trump and his government learn. 
  5. Kurac na Biciklu liked a post in a topic by pin up galore in Fiona Apple   
    "Fetch The Bolt Cutters" coming this year 
    Im so excited to finally hear what's she's been working on for 8 years 
  6. maxthehitman liked a post in a topic by Kurac na Biciklu in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
  7. maxthehitman liked a post in a topic by Kurac na Biciklu in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
  8. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Kurac na Biciklu in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    I almost called my dad this morning before 7 a.m. to come by car and picked me and my things up and to return to hometown
    I was awaken this morning by loud coughing and who knows what from the older man next to my room...
    God ... fear is so fucked up
  9. Kurac na Biciklu liked a post in a topic by Barry in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    Free Pornhub Premium for people in Italy lol
  10. Kurac na Biciklu liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    Ok I have to say it I think I have a respiratory infection and I'm secretely shitting myself and it's the reason I'm angry and got super mad at my classmates and I can't tell them
  11. Kurac na Biciklu liked a post in a topic by Aquemini in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    Times like these make me realize how much we take for granted usually.
    On the flip side, hopefully this will be over soon and we can count ourselves lucky for these luxuries and go about our lives with a newfound appreciation. That doesn't make up for all the lives that have sadly been lost and the economic hit that the most financially vulnerable will suffer. However, as Lanz said, change is a powerful thing so let's look at this time of change as opportunity for reflection and growth to create a better future
  12. True Romance liked a post in a topic by Kurac na Biciklu in Fiona Apple   
  13. deepseafishing liked a post in a topic by Kurac na Biciklu in Fiona Apple   
  14. Kurac na Biciklu liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    on the plus side.... this virus has motivated me to give up smoking   my lungs need all the help they can get babyyyy
  15. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Kurac na Biciklu in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    I ђђш
  16. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Kurac na Biciklu in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    A ђђ
  17. maxthehitman liked a post in a topic by Kurac na Biciklu in Fiona Apple   
  18. Ryusei liked a post in a topic by Kurac na Biciklu in Fiona Apple   
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