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About landofGodsandMonsters

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    Lake Tahoe, California
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  1. My vinyls from her store won’t be delivered until April 1 but they are currently in transit.
  2. As long as they are marked shipped they will count towards first week. You don’t have to receive it first week (even tho the 28th is still first week lol)
  3. My vinyls from her store, target and Amazon have all shipped. Where y’all buying delayed vinyls?
  4. Not her fighting with BTS random for #1, according to HDD. Lemme go buy a few cd’s
  5. The mixing is so annoying. Margaret being wayyyyyy more quiet than the rest of the album. I have to turn my headphones up to max volume and it’s still not high enough lol. Grandfather is the best song of her career. I CANT.
  6. I always thought candy necklace (the version we have) was an odd choice to put between 2 interludes of completely different vibes. A glitch pop CN would fit way more appropriately between those ludes so HERE FOR IT
  7. https://www.iheart.com/content/2022-05-24-dua-lipa-lands-role-in-barbie-film/ it’s over. personally I love Dua, think she’s a good artist. Could be very interesting.
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