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  1. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    it's nice to see we're coming into an age where celebrities more openly call out bullshit journalism. 

  2. BLOODSHOT liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    good for her for speaking out publicly about it, I bet mom + dad grant were ready to 5150 ha after reading that headline
    [now tell us who fwwuttt is about pls]
  3. Rayse liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    good for her for speaking out publicly about it, I bet mom + dad grant were ready to 5150 ha after reading that headline
    [now tell us who fwwuttt is about pls]
  4. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by HONEYMOON in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    Interesting to see both sides. I think her response largely stems from the reaction the article received.
    She was pretty civil apart from calling the journalist boring. It's not a big deal tbh.
  5. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by beyondthedope in Ultraviolence Era My Fanmade Covers   
    I just did these quick today and really liked how they came out. I hope you guys like them I wanted them to all to fit together.



    Love to hear what you think!
  6. Kommander liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    Boring but pretty. Seems like they didn't really know what to do..
  7. Trinity liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in If you could choose ONE unreleased song for Lana to release, which would it be?   
    prolly tired of singing the blues cos its amazing.. hearing it live would be >>> and it fits in w/ the other songs of this era
  8. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Lana Del Rey to Dagbladet: "It makes me so mad." (15.06.2014)   
    Heeey, I thought these Norwegian interviews were pretty good, so I'll translate another one from Dagbladet. 
    On the performance in Bergen
    It was amazing. Totally amazing. 
    It's 2 AM at night and Lana Del Rey (27), is relaxed and elated at the same time. 
    Dagbladet talks to her an hour short after her performance in Bergen that held place night till sunday. She has already concluded that tonights concert was one of her most memorable performances ever.
    Lana: "I got this feeling that no matter if I sang jazz or one of my new singles, people would be there with me, and have a good understanding of who I am."
    The album
    Both VG and Dagbladet gave Lana a score of 5. Lana describes the album as a mix of the psychedelic 70's, West Coast fusion and underground jazz. 
    "I am not as formal anymore, I feel more spontaneous now. It is more about snapshots of what has influenced me, both the good and the bad."
    - "You sing about money, booze, power and sleeping your way to the top...?"
    Lana: "Everything I sing about on the record is a combination of things that have happened, and things that people think have happened. Money Power Glory, as an example, is about how people interpreted me and misunderstood me. It is sarcastic response to that. West Coast and Cruel World is connected to the excitement I feel when I'm at the west coast, where I live now after I moved from New York. Everything is about how others see me, and how it has affected me."
    - "In other words, you're taking a stand against the prejudice?" 
    Lana: "Yes, that is my answer. I felt very sarcastic when I wrote some of those songs," she says and laughs. (OMG I can almost hear her cute and loud laugh as I'm writing this  )
    Unfortunate circumstances
    For she can laugh, despite how mass media has painted her picture with sad and heavy paint strokes.
    The 27 year old, whose real name is Elizabeth Grant, has previously told a tale about how she got sent away at the age of 14 because she had drinking problems. Also about the cult she was part of, and got used by. And her many rock and roll boyfriends. 
    Not to mention that she sounds unmistakably sad in many of her songs. But is she?
    Lana: "It depends. I really don't know why everything has to sound so bittersweet. I have felt peaceful and calm while writing nowadays, reflecting on experiences I have had. I was sarcastic, upset about personal stuff in my life and how it has been. But in a more reflecting way than sad this time."
    - "Do you depend on a certain amount of sadness to make your music?"
    Lana: "No, I don't find it to be like that. I think I have been unfortunate with circumstances, and it has affected my writing. I am in a peaceful state of mind now, but I haven't exactly been very happy in a while either." 
    It makes me so mad
    It may seem like Lana Del Rey adds her fair share of fuel to the fire. Not long ago she said that she often felt sick, without knowing why. And then we have the quote that has gone global since it was published by the Guardian: "I wish I was dead already."
    - "What did you mean by that?"
    Lana: "This is another way of sensationalizing whatever I'm saying. It makes me so mad (or it pisses me off, Idk what the best option was). I talked to the writer for three hours, and he saw my show. When you're in a room with someone, it's not just about what you're saying, but it's also about your personality and how you are as a person. It's about reading between the lines. I don't understand why he felt the need to take it so literally," she says. 
    "To top it off he asked me very leading questions. He talked about Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse, asked me a lot about death and pumped me for answers and how I felt about dying young, because I was sad and had been through a lot (I can imagine her saying this with a very snarky undertone  )".
    "He wanted to know if I had thought about dying, and yes, sometimes I have. But not always. Only on those days when it all becomes too much. Then I have days where it affects me less. The way he wrote it made it all seem so much more shocking than it really was."
    Happy behind the wheel
    So Lana Del Rey is not sad all the time, in case someone was under that impression. She feels her best when cruising around in California, where she currently lives. 
    Lana: "I spend a lot of time by the sea, on the beach, with good friends. I love recording my music. And I love going to concerts, watch rock stars perform, like Courtney Love, The Who and Gun's and Roses."
    - "Do you feel like media gets too caught up in this one side of you, the sad one?"
    Lana: "A bit. It's also about being obsessed with one persons concept. It is why I have chosen some of the songs I have chosen on the tracklist on Ultraviolence. But I understand it too, the way it is. It makes a pretty good story, but it doesn't have to become fictionalized either."
    Sensitive and imaginative
    - "What is it like to be you?"
    Lana: "It is beautiful and confusing," answers Del Rey, after thinking it through in silence. The she elaborates: "I am an imaginative person, I like being caught by surprise in life. But I am sensitive too. I find it hard when things gets out of my control."
    "But I still manage to enjoy moments of true beauty, like being here tonight, while it's still bright outside and the skye is blue. I like to capture that in songs, and my biggest passion is still writing. It makes a good manifestation of all the unease, and all that confusion gives life to beautiful things. I am blessed to have that to hold on to."
    - "You seem grateful?"
    Lana: "I am. When it all comes down to it, it's all about the music. That's the one thing in my life I can't do wrong."
     I'm worried about Lana, she's not happy nowadays? What happened to "I'm happy"? Is she hitting another blue period?   
  9. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by Sitar in If you could choose ONE unreleased song for Lana to release, which would it be?   
    For a millisecond I thought she'd incorporate it into FMWUTTT
  10. Wryta Thinkpiece liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Liz Phair   
    H.w.c speaks 2 my soul tbh
  11. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by MahaMaha in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    " 'I had a seven-year relationship with the head of this label, and he was a huge inspiration zo me', she told the Fader. 'I'll tell you later when more people know. He never signed me, but he was like my muse, the love of my life' "
    I don't care about K anymore..
  12. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by lafleursauvage in New interview: Radio.com with Lana Del Rey   
    Original source here


    Talking to Lana Del Rey about her music is like trying to grab smoke with your hands.

    Her contemplative nature makes her muse on tangents, from Elon Musk to the Jesuits to the Laural Canyon sound of the ’70s when trying to put the meaning and inspiration behind her songs into words. All the while, she remains open and honest.

    During a sit-down interview in a quiet studio at KROQ in Los Angeles (a Radio.com station) Del Rey’s demeanor in person was disarmingly relaxed and quite charming. Some critics have been quick to dismiss her as an inauthentic fabrication, but as she talked about her new album Ultraviolence (due out June 17), she came across as someone in complete control of her music and rapidly accelerating career.


    How did the album come to be calledUltraviolence?

    I think the album was called Ultraviolence before I even had the songs. That’s because I just really love words. I’m kind of inspired by just a one-word title. For this one, I had a motif of hydrangeas in mind. Mainly because these flowers I love are in shades of blue and violet, and when I was talking to [producer] Dan [Auerbach of the Black Keys] about inspirations and color tones, this sort of high violet vibration was on my mind. Maybe because blue is connected with jazz and also sorrow.

    What inspired the album’s first single, “West Coast”? It definitely expands the dimensions of your sound.

    “West Coast” as a demo sounded really different, and I never felt like it got where it was supposed to be until I met Dan Auerbach. I was telling him that I was really interested in…that my heart was in jazz, and my mind and my roots were in jazz and that I wanted to make a record that was sort of this mix of beautiful jazz undertones and a West Coast fusion, kind of inspired by the Eagles and the Beach Boys and this sort of Laurel Canyon revival thing that was happening in the ’70s. So I went to Nashville and he reproduced “West Coast” and yeah, I don’t know…I loved it.

    Dan said that everything on the record, all the songs have this kind of narco-swing. So whereas the beat and the verses on “West Coast” were really direct, the chorus naturally slipped into this half-time beat. I just remember everyone at the label being like, ‘God, it’s getting slower at the chorus?’ And we were like, yeah!

    On your most recent U.S. tour, one of the highlight of the shows was when you would go out into the audience to meet people, sign autographs, take selfies and accept gifts. What inspired you to have such intimate moments with your fans during concerts?

    I mean, it’s definitely different than what I ever expected a tour would be, if I even was lucky enough to tour, you know, in my head when I was imagining what I’d maybe be able to do. I was a shy performer for years. I never really dipped into that well of excitement that the audience brought, not until I went to Europe last year for my four-month tour. I think when things are more difficult personally, you find yourself genuinely turning to the audience for support. It’s not something that I thought I’d ever do, so yeah, it is overwhelming and it’s touching. People bringing letters and they really want to talk. Because I always feel that my energy level stays the same during shows, it’s kind of at this mid-level, but everyone in the audience is at this manic high-level. For me, the show is always about them. I find myself just getting lost watching them, because they’re so animated.

    When you return to the stage, you’re usually just laden with gifts from the fans. What’s the most memorable gift you’ve been given by a fan during a show?

    A boy brought me a silver jewelry box, and etched in it was this T.S. Eliot poem that had been my header on Twitter. It was just this comment about a rose that had the look of a flower that was always looked at. So he knew that that was one of my favorite quotes, and I found that to be so very thoughtful.

    In your current cover story with The Fader, you talked about having a keen interest in science and technology.

    I majored in metaphysics in college, that’s what I got my degree in. And the reason I chose that was because the Jesuits who were teaching that subject, they weren’t just theologians, they also had backgrounds in science. Obviously the quest for peace, the quest for knowledge of something bigger is…that’s the end game. That’s what I’m really interested in. But technology, I believe, is bringing us closer to maybe figuring out some of those questions, and I think we’ve really seen that in the last ten years. I’m interested just like probably anybody else is. I guess meeting people like Elon Musk and people involved in the tech world in different ways has been interesting to me.

    I wanted to ask you about the Ultraviolence song, “F—-d My Way Up to the Top”…

    Oh, God.

    In an interview with Grazia in Germany, you inferred that it was in part a response to another popular female artist who’d said derogatory things about you in the press.

    What do I say… I put so much time in putting a narrative to the track listing together, and then I’m so stupid because I should just know that it’s totally gonna be disregarded because I just set myself up. Let me put it this way, every track that I put on there and every track name and the order that it’s in tells a story that is important to me. In my mind, the narrative for this record ends with the last track, not the bonus deluxe stuff, all that business. It ends with the cover of Nina Simone’s “The Other Woman.” And without even really saying more about that, the decision to end with a cover of a jazz song and the content within that, it’s kind of telling in its own way.

    And so is “Having F—–d My Way Up To The Top” being toward the end of the track listing. I would say the track having more of a hip hop heavier beat, whereas the rest of the album is live and organic…it kind of drives this one particular point home. It’s hard when you’re doing something in the studio, you kind of feel like your story about it is going to end there, but then in interviews you’re never really sure how far to elaborate…there’s not much I can really say about it that’s going to help you understand. I’ll just wait for you to listen to it.


    In addition to Ultraviolence, you’ve had immediate success this year with your version of “Once Upon a Dream,” from the Disney movie, Maleficent. What are your memories of that recording session?

    It was great, because I did that song with my best friend for the last ten years, Dan Heath, who became one of my producers. He and I have such a great thing going. We did it at home actually, at his home studio. We recorded on the same mic we’ve used on a lot of my other songs that we’ve done together. It was exciting, because we love Disney. We love the history of Disney. So, it was really natural and nice to be involved in a project like that.

  13. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Flipside   
    Reminds me slightly of her "Brite Lites" performance at this show:
    She may wish she was dead already, but alterna-rock Lizzy lives! 
  14. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    ohmuhgod slay me hon

    the guy looks like eric roberts kinda
  15. Hellion liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana's interview for Neon Magazine   
    she's so desperate for male approval it's so odd..
  16. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Create Fake Lana Song Titles   
    Fallen Angel
    Forever's Not Eternity 
    I Put a Hit Out On Her
    Wicked Luv (You're Not Good for Me is tha demo version, jsyk)
    One Last Kiss (Beso de la muerte)
    My Made Man (Mafia Wife, Mafiosi Princessa)
    Devil Drug Delite
    Jail Break
    Tha Lonely Queen
  17. rubytuesday liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana's interview for Neon Magazine   
    she's so desperate for male approval it's so odd..
  18. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by lafleursauvage in Rolling Stone reveals collaboration between Lana Del Rey and Brian Wilson   
    Oh my gosh! Lana and Kacey Musgraves is on the list! MY TWO FAVES!!!     
  19. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Rolling Stone reveals collaboration between Lana Del Rey and Brian Wilson   
    Will this finally bring @@Monicker back from the dead? 
  20. Blythe liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana's interview for Neon Magazine   
    she's so desperate for male approval it's so odd..
  21. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana's interview for Neon Magazine   
    she's so desperate for male approval it's so odd..
  22. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    It was in one of the threads about her old private Facebook. They had a bunch of screenshots and she mentioned AG in one or two of them.
    They really are extremely creepy. (They'd have "Young People's" meetings where the young girls would be coerced into having sex with one of the older guys, and that occurred in multiple spin-offs of the Atlantic Group and Pacific Group.)
  23. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by rubytuesday in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    ^ Part of the Pacific Group (of which Atlantic Group is a branch of) is also partly run/overseen by a man named Jim. I forgot she was part of that, there's a lot of horror stories about the PG groups and its branches.
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