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  1. liam liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Cholas del Lanas Del Reyyyyyyyyyyyy

  2. liam liked a post in a topic by Harlem in Game of Thrones   
    i finished watching it like weeks ago now but ugh can season 4 hurry up 
  3. liam liked a post in a topic by LastWordsNTime in What's the last CD you bought?   
    Santigold - Master of My Make-Believe
  4. vmbb liked a post in a topic by liam in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    His eyebrows are amazing. I'm jealous 
  5. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by liam in Azealia Banks   
    Just watched the full set! She is outstanding.   Not keen on the futuristic weird outfits that she's been performing in lately though.
  6. liam liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    I think there are a lot of critical things you can say about Lana~ but picking about her body is pretty low. Obviously she had insecurities about her appearance, given the procedures she's had and the fact that she blocked someone and told them to go fuck himself for calling him ugly. Calling her "fluffy" and "flabby" is so mean, especially when you consider the fact that there are members here who may be her size or larger. There is nothing wrong with a soft girl, it's actually really refreshing to see. She's like Kate Upton's body type (without the obvious )
  7. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by liam in Azealia Banks   
    Fuck. I forgot to watch the live stream of her Glastonbury performance 
  8. liam liked a post in a topic by TIARNZUS in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Getting in some work before the weekend, Lana Del Rey shot scenes for a music video on Friday (June 28) in Chatsworth, CA. The sultry songstress had several wardrobe changes throughout the shoot, including a firey red bra and panty set with a dollar bill hanging out from the underwire.

    Other clothing choices were more demure, especially as the 27-year-old hopped in to an old blue convertible in a long, flowing white dress. 

    Enjoy the pictures of Lana Del Rey shooting a music video in Chatsworth, CA (June 28).













    UPDATE: Confirmation that the project is the previously hyped Tropico short film.

  9. liam liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Did Adele Copy Lana's 'Paradise' Wrist Tattoo?   
    At WhateverShow Award - Adele & Lana bumping on each other :
    Adele: Hi! Y&B is beautiful, I love Jay-Z and his work.
    Lana: Yeah yeah I know. Nice tattoo btw.
    That's an uncomfortable situation for Adele. I feel bad and unoriginal when I meet someone having the same shirt or shoes on the street, tattoos are supposed to be forever, that's power x1000.
  10. Sitar liked a post in a topic by liam in Azealia Banks   
    Pretty sure she bought 90% of her twitter followers. 
  11. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by liam in Azealia Banks   
    Pretty sure she bought 90% of her twitter followers. 
  12. liam liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Your Favourite Lana Remixes   
    If you like that This Charming Video Game mashup, you just have to hear this one.
    Similar style but even better because it uses Lana's vocals too, maybe you'll like it:
  13. Sitar liked a post in a topic by liam in Lorde   
    She really has a medieval royal look about her in this video. I love it.
  14. liam liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    i hope that i'm not stressing people out. it seems as if i like to talk about things people don't always seem to be comfortable talking about. the "underbelly" of humanity, i suppose you could say. its interesting, but can get a bit draining i realize. so please don't take what i'm saying too seriously -- these are merely my own observations and attempts at understanding her peculiar behavior, and why she lies and acts out in the way(s) she does. and its nice to generate discussion on lana in a more theoretical sense i guess =p 
    i think we should revive @@Moniker's thread about whether or not she'd be as loved if she weren't so beautiful. because i also wonder -- would she be as crazy if she weren't so beautiful? so histrionic (re: lip licking)? so vain and narcissistic (re: lyrics)? so paranoid and pessimistic (~anti me)? i kind of feel like the root of her insecurities / neuroses / eccentricities stem from the seemingly vast disconnect between her outer appearance and her inner world -- and the resulting disconnect between the way people perceive her and the way she actually is. i think this interviewer puts it best: 
    "she is capable of shifting swiftly from a kind of coltish innocence (*2) to vampish knowingness (*1). It’s a quality that is hard to pin down ... a kind of doubleness, a sense of duality and merging contradictions. She is a person into whom you can read a lot."
    (1) -- at 2:20 ... after the guy 'woops' at her, notice that knowing little "ha" she does. it didn't require any thought, and it barely phased her. it was rapid, like a reflex. she knows what she does to people -- men in particular 

    (2) on the other hand ... if you listen (to the interview below) from the beginning you sense that their interaction is full of sexual tension. not surprising since she's cooing more so than speaking. he's pretty forward at one point, asking if she ever takes people back to her room after shows or something (1:50) and lana like, yelps in surprise lmao. but then a few minutes later... he's like, oh, well i love the visuals and the palm trees on stage; so much so that i spent an entire song watching the screen instead of you (5:45). she's like ... oh, yea, yea, ok, blah, sonically, blah ... its good that they're there cause ... it... they... uh... [sad voice] you can look at them instead [/sad voice] 
    so on the one hand she's a true fucking vixen, on the other she's like a fragile ceramic doll. she needs to be loved, admired, adored. at the very least, she wants your eyes to be on her, it seems. how do you reconcile those two characters (jessica rabbit vs. dolores haze) into one person? i mean, i honestly believe that those are both parts of her true personality, and not some character that she puts on. but like i said before -- how must people in her everyday life perceive her? how do you trust that person when you can't understand or process their fundamental energy? if you notice, some of her lyrics are narcissistic praises of her own beauty right before she tosses some acid in 
    a large portion of her lyrics are heavily rooted in her beauty and how others perceive her beauty. it kind of shows how powerful / sickly pervasive that aspect must be in her life. on the one hand, its why some people are so drawn to her. on the other, its why some people are so repelled by her. its not like she has some obnoxious personality -- she's usually pulled back and rather reserved in her demeanor. so its like, how do you deal with that kind of hate? having a genuine ~anti me perspective? no wonder she seems bipolar -- adoring and grateful with fans when she's being admired vs. arrogant, elitist, and pessimistic when she's being criticized. on the one hand, she has to wonder: do people -love- me for my talent or my beauty? will they still love me...? or, do people -hate- me because of my beauty, in spite of my talents? (this has definitely been the case, especially in the beginning of her career)... she must wonder -- if they don't acknowledge my singing or songwriting, is it because they can't look past my face? or is because i don't even have talent? this might sound reductive, or shallow even, but i think there's a bit of truth along these lines. because like i said before, people seem to be ruled by their emotions and their emotions are rarely fueled or supplemented by logic. and nothing can surpass your brain and hit you in the stomach (or nads) faster than a beautiful person. and sadly, beauty tends to garner a disproportionate amount of interest (both positive and negative), and that happens to be a culturally / temporally transcendent fact
    all i'm saying is, it must be stressful to draw such vitriol from people for no reason other than how you look. it must be painful and irritating to have your talents refuted for reasons other than an actual lack of talent. i feel like she has to downplay her focus on looks because people will automatically deem her to be superficial. there are lots of things she has to be careful about doing or saying -- because like the interviewer says; she's the type of person you can read a lot into. people are going to be quicker with their snap judgements. and if you're uninformed or unfamiliar with her or any of her work, you're likely to hold a very wrong opinion
    TL;DR -- beauty spurs a wide range of emotions in people. can it play a negative role in a person's development? distort perceptions of themselves and the world around them? fragment your personality? am i stressing people out?
  15. liam liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I don't know why it's becoming "worrisome" that Lana appears to have a multi-dimensional personality. While I love when Lana's humble and sweet, interviews like this are delicious to the brain because it's fresh. It's human. It's what a majority of the media asked for when they said she was just an emotionless doll.

    I don't see much of a different Lana, I've read a few similar interviews from a few months back, so I'm not sure what is really the problem with some of her responses. I laughed with her, I took humor out of a lot of her cynical responses. I don't know, I read this a lot differently than it seems others have. Everything just seemed very casual and facetiously "uppity" to me, while also keeping the "I don't give a fuck" rather real and clear.

    That's all I see here, just someone with substance whose feelings are raw and uninhibited. Which is as they should be. I don't think it's her growing an ego, I think it's just her getting her backbone back and being able to articulate her feelings fearlessly without feeling like she owes the world someone sweet and lily-livered. Sorry, I'll take a Lana who can be humble some times while giving the critics a clear middle finger while she spills salt in their wounds with a smug smirk on the occasion. She may be talking about how it's affected her, but if you look at where she is now compared to what a lot of articles and reviews had to say about her, all of it sounds very "Look who's laughing now?"

    Even when she says that she is disconnected from other artists. I don't think there's anything uppity or egotistical about that. So many artists have had the same answer, she's no exception. You do get to that point as an artist that you start feeling like you identify more with yourself and your experiences than you do the experiences of other artists and the work they did based on those experiences. She's growing self-sufficient as an artist. And she sees that other artists just aren't doing the same thing.

    I don't know, I didn't grab anything worth breaking a sweat over. She's complex and sometimes her feelings are conflicting, that says a lot more than most artists and human beings. She has substance, it just isn't always the sweet, soft-spoken kind. And I like it that way. She's fallen in shit and walked out in gold so many times, sometimes modesty just isn't warranted. It especially isn't warranted when you've taken every article and review about you to the chin so many times. Lana should be entitled to saying "Fuck them, I know what I do and I do it great." There isn't enough of that. Right away so many people chalk it up to having an inflated ego.

    It can never be just being secure in your craft, loving what you do and knowing that you do it well; I mean, who does that? You've got to be an idiot if you don't stay on the ground long enough to let everyone else throw a few extra kicks on you before sticking their thumb in the air like they're Caesar, like their opinion of your talent is all that can validate your existence or worth as an artist. (CUE THE EYEROLL)
    ... Get real. Every time an artist finally starts being more self-assertive and fending for themselves and all the time they invested into their work, right away no one wants it anymore. I'm sick of insecure artists.

    And this isn't to anyone here, this is just a random rant, I'm just growing as tired of the "Where's Lana gone?" kind of responses as I've gotten of what most of the general public and the media in America has had to say about her like as if they have not let a single talented soul slip through their fingers in the past decade. Lana hasn't gone anywhere, she's just not cherry-picking what thoughts she wants to showcase for her interviews. And I fucking praise that.

  16. liam liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I think mainly American will feel bad about this interview. If I were American I would... But I'm not. The feeling I get from this interview is that she's weird and socially awkward because her interests are disconnected from the real world's issues. She's really into her thing and forgets about the rest. I liked the interview though. I like her "I don't give fuck anymore, I'm no longer trying to please you" attitude.
  17. liam liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    i actually really love this interview, again, i feel a lot of a connection with her. i thought the questions were very interesting and i loved her answers. the more i read about her, the more i'm fascinated. 
  18. liam liked a post in a topic by sweetlana in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    Deep interview imo
    ''The first day that anyone ever wrote about me, as soon as I put “Video Games” up. Everything they wrote was fucking crazy. Like about my dad, about me, like having millions of dollars, and all this shit. I was like, “Really? I thought I was supporting everyone!” [laughing] Everything was not true. As soon as the first person wrote about me, the articles became just blatant, all-out lies. I consider it slander. If I cared more, I’d kill them.''

  19. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by liam in What Are You Listening To?   
    M.I.A - Bring The Noize

  20. VegasBaby liked a post in a topic by liam in What Are You Listening To?   
    M.I.A - Bring The Noize

  21. liam liked a post in a topic by Charlie in Calendar 2013 (1600x2450)   
    Just a couple of drawings and illustrations of Lana (I do others also you can look on my deviantart http://chazdesigns.deviantart.com)











    If anyone reposts anything I WILL genuinely hunt you down, so please respect it please.

  22. DUKE liked a post in a topic by liam in The Official Apple Thread   
    iOS 7 looks hideous. I thought it was Samsung. It just doesn't look like Apple at all... why would they do this? 
  23. MaryTeamLana liked a post in a topic by liam in Video Games - Bangkok Version (Parody)   
    Shit, this is amazing! One of the best Lana covers I've seen (not that I've watched many, but still...). I don't like the B-B-Baby Jessie J crap that she does though. 
  24. Elsemarie159 liked a post in a topic by liam in Video Games - Bangkok Version (Parody)   
    Shit, this is amazing! One of the best Lana covers I've seen (not that I've watched many, but still...). I don't like the B-B-Baby Jessie J crap that she does though. 
  25. Deleted User liked a post in a topic by liam in Video Games - Bangkok Version (Parody)   
    Shit, this is amazing! One of the best Lana covers I've seen (not that I've watched many, but still...). I don't like the B-B-Baby Jessie J crap that she does though. 
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