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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. So, if nothing happens on the 26th, is there a chance she'll at least address it?
  2. I'd be okay with a delay if she'd say something other than soon. And if she didn't have that goddamn idiot Ben on her team.
  3. Uh. I don't think the date particularly matters. What's letting, at least me, down is the fact that there are all these interviews and concerts and magazine releases and there still isn't concrete information about this album besides a title and an album cover. Nothing happened on the first three dates. Nothing is gonna happen tonight. Besides, midnight on the 23rd already passed. Midnight tonight would take place on the 24th. Because Lana and her team hates her fans.
  4. Do we actually know that she said the date though? She could have said anything in relation to the date (that it was delated, etc.) but not the date itself. If we're just choosing to ignore a man who manages this woman's career (however poorly he does it), then pretty much anything is possible simply because we believe it to be so. I simply can't believe that he's so incompetent that he wouldn't know whether the album was even complete or not, especially since it's typically the managers who deliver the finished product to the label. Nothing about this album roll out makes sense tbh.
  5. Do y'all actually think this record is done? We have confirmation from her manager that it hasn't been finished and we have an interview where she's clearly not even finalized a tracklist.
  6. This album still ain't even finished being recorded? Bitch, bye. The reason being that it's not finished.
  7. This isn't a good sort of surprise release. This is pretty much just musical blue balls. Putting out singles, building anticipation, but never actually revealing anything important is just...fucking with a fanbase rather than building up hype.
  8. If we have to wait until July or later for this album, I hope there's a big, non-Lust For Life related leak. Like the Steve Mertens version of AKA or the original Ultraviolence album or audio from her early live performances or something. Or a complete, live version of Pawn Shop Blues. @Elle if Ben and Ed spoke to you on the phone, could you call em up and just be like... "Pls tell me the release date. I'll make sure Lanaboards never makes fun of you or sexually fantasizes about you again pls."
  9. If I had to guess, that seems like a question that you'd save for last, like as a bombshell piece of info.
  10. The tweet that Ted sent out made it seem like Lana herself probably asked it to be cut. At least, that's what I got out of it. It would be odd for him to say it'd break Lana's trust if he told the release date (or release date related information) if it was just Ben or Ed who had cut it. But if they cut it out and not Lana: it's apparent that Ben and Ed don't like Lana's fans and never have, at least from the way they seem to treat us all the time. So they could be doing it just to dick us around.
  11. could be any number of reasons: - an attempt at a "surprise" release - a planned time for the release date announcement - the album could be delayed and pushed back to June, July, or further back - the album might not have a release date at all
  12. Ehhh How is that obvious? An actual surprise release wouldn't have ANY singles at all (so no "Love", no "Lust For Life"). There wouldn't be any promo or any announcements for it at all. It would just be dropped. Like Beyonce's self-titled album.
  13. He did ask. Dickhead ass Ben and Ed had it cut out because they couldn't manage a blind rat.
  14. once her album goes triple aluminum, she will.
  15. This doesn't make sense. Dua Lipa has zero potential for her album to even go wood. (This might sound harsh, but it's reality. This forum overestimates her importance.) To delay an album by a better selling, more well known, and more important artist - wasting what little promo we've gotten thus far - for someone who has no potential is...a terrible business decision. Honestly, if this album is pushed back it's not because of Dua Lipa. I'm leaning on the release either coming in June or not coming during the Spring or Summer at all. But, bottom line, until the album is on iTunes...the album could basically be vaporware at this point.
  16. "later this year" is always used when release dates are unknown. though, at this rate, I'm starting to come to grips with July or later as the time it'll be released.
  17. Does anyone have good quality mp3s of the entire set at the Weenie Roast?
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