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  1. lili liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Create an Unreleased Lana Album/Playlist   
    Playlists are very personal and imo there's no right or wrong way to do them. They simply reveal how we like to group songs together when we listen to them. Please share yours!

    Personally, I'm obsessed with tweaking my unreleased playlists. Here's the latest edition of my "surf noir" playlist, in which I've tried to recreate/continue the feeing of "AKA Lizzy Grant." (I've finally given this playlist an actual name, beyond that of a rock subgenre )

    Florida Dark
    1. Heavy Hitter
    2. Dum Dum ("version 1")
    3. Come When You Call Me (A-M-E-R-I-C-A)
    4. You Can Be the Boss
    5. (Interlude) She Walks Into Mine
    6. Jimmy Gnecco
    7. Every Man Gets His Wish
    8. Trash Magic (Miss America)
    9. Fordham Road
    10. Kinda Outta Luck
    11. The Man I Love (fan mix)
    12. Disco
    13. Hundred Dollar Bill (1.0)
    14. Pin Up Galore
    15. You're Gonna Love Me
    16. Daddy Issues
    17. On Our Way

    (HunterAshlyn, if you don't share your "No One Even Knows How Hard Life Was" playlist, I will! Unless you don't want me to. I still listen to it sometimes.)
  2. ednafrau liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Lanaexposed Leak Holocaust   
    I don't think I'd be as big a fan without AKA. (Though I was pretty impressed by BTD.) But now that I know what she's capable of, I think I'm a Lana fan for life. Besides, it's the fan community that keeps me coming back here. As long as people still have interesting things to talk about, I'll probably still be here!
    (Where's a group-hug emoticon when you need one?!?)
  3. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    Sitar, this is such a great idea for a topic! :')
    In Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) - 3:20 - When she starts singing "Rai - Rai - Rai - Raise me up!!"
    Any song she has a country twang to her voice - I would love a country-inspired album
    In Gogo Dancer - 3:02 - "I know it makes you wi-ld, I know it makes you WIIII-LD!"
    The entirety of Sirens just 'cause I can kick it like that and be nonspecific B)

  4. SparkleJumpRopeKing liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    See my siggy photo, please and thank you.
  5. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Mariann in Lanaexposed Leak Holocaust   
    I became a Lana fan after listening to Born To Die album. At that time I didn't even know about the AKA Lizzy Grant album or other unreleased songs. I know that I would still be a fan if I had never heard any of them but now that I have I can't just forget them either. There are some real treasures among them that I have already grown very fond of.
    Considering future leaks I honestly think that we have had enough of them for the time being. The flood of new songs two days ago was the first time I actually felt bad listening to them. It's not that I didn't like them but there was just too much leaked stuff for a single day and it felt so wrong....
    If the leaks stopped I would still be here obsessing over Lana. If they don't I can't resist the temptation to listen to them. I just hope there won't be so many of them at once.
  6. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by NEAL in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Y'all know that a song is about Barrie when Emile incorporate bagpipes tunes.
  7. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Ok, come clean, who from this forum is this?   
    My friend literally sent me this yesterday with the caption "walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn" :creepy:
  8. Mariann liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Lanaexposed Leak Holocaust   
    I don't think I'd be as big a fan without AKA. (Though I was pretty impressed by BTD.) But now that I know what she's capable of, I think I'm a Lana fan for life. Besides, it's the fan community that keeps me coming back here. As long as people still have interesting things to talk about, I'll probably still be here!
    (Where's a group-hug emoticon when you need one?!?)
  9. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Cleopatra in Lanaexposed Leak Holocaust   
    That album pretty much solidified my love for her music and made me ditch Adele. I'm not even sorry.
  10. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Madrigal in Lanaexposed Leak Holocaust   
    I wanted to make this a whole thread, but I'm not ready. Here's my question:
    "When the leaks stop, are you still gonna be as involved a fan?"
    I think the answer for most of the forum will be No, but I'm not sure. To my dismay, we've never even had a month go by since February without at least one leak (and usually much more!), and I don't care what you say--one day they will stop. For now, it might to some of you guys seem like a big party, but when there's a drought, will you still be as active as you are now?
    Just a thought. I haven't thought it out as well I would've liked, but every single one of us on here needs to ask him-or-herself this. I mean it.
  11. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in 'Ride' - Music Video Released   
    I personally don't think she would have included the monologue and made the video 10 minutes long if there wasn't a deeper message she was trying to convey. I mean, the deeper message can be as simple as freedom, sure, but there is always more to look into with Lana. She's just mysterious like that and it's a part of her appeal as an artist and celebrity. I agree with Mattiern here.
    Art can be as simple or as complicated as the artist wants it to be, and it's the job of their audience/fanbase to figure it out to the best of their ability! Otherwise, I doubt Lana would have shared such an emotional video with us. She did it for herself as well as us, I think.
    I think you're being quite self-contradicting here. I see you sometimes on the Lanalysis thread, reading between the lines with others and trying to find out how Lana's lyrics connect to things she's done. Why not do that with the music videos too? You're right in that we don't need to find a deeper meaning, but some people really enjoy doing that and you shouldn't scrutinize them for it. I think it's a beautiful video as well, and sometimes I think people look too much into things like you said, while other times, I love trying to find out why she did this and why she did that. Just my thoughts on things.
    Anyway, onto my actual opinion of the video! I think it's gorgeous. I understand a bit of both sides of the headdress argument, and it's all speculation until Lana addresses the issue herself, really. Maybe she was trying to symbolize freedom or something, or just didn't think it would be such a big deal to people. I think it's insensitive too, but I'm kind of superficial like Lana is, so in all honesty my first thought when seeing the headdress was, "That's a really gorgeous headpiece, and Lana looks good in it." I do think the gun bit and its inclusion in that part of the song was overdoing it, but I see the points some other people made and it could have been intentional on her part to convey a different message. I definitely believe it's her best video yet and it got me even more excited for the album, which I didn't think was possible!
  12. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    If the original blue jeans video is in HD
  13. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    y'all doing too much with these conspiracies. This is libel. So what If he decided to mentor Lana in music so what? I can't but smh and pray for this man's career as an educator being run through the mud and being in question as we try to piece together these abstractions that Lana works with. Her mind is like a diamond.

    A great teacher should be able to recognize the strengths of their students and hopefully encourage growth as a whole person. He is clearly able to make a connection with his students as reflected by his popularity grades. Who knows what would have happened if he had never shown Lizzy classic hip-hop?
  14. Sitar liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Ride Headdress Controversey   
    OT: Sitar, your sig is synched up perfectly with OTTR right now and it's kinda mesmerizing...
  15. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Ben in Lanaexposed Leak Holocaust   
    You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.
  16. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Sam Gho in Lana settling down?   
    I am sure you have noticed that Lana bought a house in Beverly Hills. I think she moved in after she got back from Glasgow and had Chuck and Charlie with her, during the move. Barrie just joined her today (he posted a pic from her house on FB and Twitter), and Lana is of course busy buying stuff for the house (including the pony!). She now has her new Jaguar F-type to tool around (someone posted on ATRL that Jaguar gave her 3 cars!!) and all this makes it seem she is settling down after years of somewhat nomadic existence (Alabama(?), NYC, NJ trailer park, LA, London, Glasgow, Chateau Marmot). On one hand I feel really happy for her, on the other hand I wonder how it will affect her music and song-writing. Your thoughts?
  17. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Lana settling down?   
    I think it's great for her to settle down! Just sit back, and relax

  18. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Harlem in Lanaexposed Leak Holocaust   
    I can link a tumblr that has the list on right? (My dead one I never use)
  19. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Ride Headdress Controversey   
    I can relate to this. Both of my parents are Cuban, i am ethnically 100% Cuban. Though i was born in America, i was raised in a Cuban household, learned Spanish before English, was immersed in a specific Cuban community, but i really haven't felt any connection with Cuban culture since i was very, very young. I have essentially had an American experience, that is, i am culturally American. And i have certainly gone through times when i didn't necessarily feel American either.
    When it comes to identity, for me personally, the truth is that, as a white, middle class, heterosexual, cisgender male, it hasn't been important, it's not really an issue. Of course that's because it's not a necessity to me, being that i belong to the demographic that holds the most influence and power around the globe. I am of the dominant, privileged group. It's often an uncomfortable thing to negotiate and reconcile with myself. Fortunately, i don't feel the need to blame myself for these things that i was born into, and i'm still figuring out the different ways in which to think about my position in society, in the world.
    It would be insane to believe that the world is only what i see and experience. Despite the amount of time i spend on it, i really, really, REALLY dislike the internet. It depresses me, it overwhelms me, it makes me feel hopeless, etc. One of the biggest factors in my feeling this way is seeing how homogenous things have gotten and keep getting, and the way that it all becomes so oversaturated, and so rapidly. Sometimes it seems that everything is melting into one, that the same things reach everyone, that everyone thinks the same, that everyone is the same person. Then i remind myself that there are always specific things--ideas, places, people, etc. that i gravitate toward, which are contributing to and shaping my limited reality. I am only exposed to a very small facet of culture and life. Most of us are. Humanity is so diverse, the human experience so varied, that it makes my head spin.
    What's the point of all this? To all of us: get the fuck off of tumblr.
  20. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by ednafrau in Ride Headdress Controversey   
    perhaps i'm wrong, but i interpreted that fluorine meant that this type of appropriation that strips things of their true meaning is rampant in this tumblr day and age, not that it's OK for it to be so. it's fundamental that we question everything and not accept the status quo and and just give up and shrug and think "that's just how things are". no way! this is a great discussion because it helped a lot of people transcend their individual, possibly uninformed perspective on this and other matters. lana herself has appropriated images just because they're beautiful to her and by changing their context gives them a new "artistic" connotation. her glamorization of the mob is terrible, for example, when you think of the people who are subjected to the tiranny of the mafia in italy (and worldwide). i think it's worthwile to debate and give things real thought. that's what i love about this forum: through themes that stem from lana-related discussions, everyone reflects on important issues and shares their views and in that, we are mutually enriched by other's outlooks and personal experiences and sometimes reconsider previous stances. hopefully all of this can lead to broadening our horizons and transcending the limitations of our geographical and mental locations
  21. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in 'Delicious' Rapper   
    EXCUSE ME!!!! Match Made in Heaven is flawless also Daddy Issues [i'm stuck with both on my head lately lol]
    I think it's another one the MMIH sounds deeper more mmm manly (?)
  22. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Fluorine in Ride Headdress Controversey   
    I don't mean that people shouldn't be allowed to be inspired by their own heritage. That makes for great art, too --- look at Lana's Americana obsession! Instead, I was taking issue with the stance that they should be limited to their own cultures when finding artistic inspiration, something that is quickly becoming impossible as the world globalizes.
    For example, when a Japanese singer decides to make an R&B record, isn't that technically "cultural appropriation?" Hardly anyone would say so (I think), but that's where this line of thinking eventually ends up. So much of art is cultural theft, and I'm personally against telling people what "should" or "shouldn't" be used in art just because it may not be considered politically correct by everyone.
    Besides, things like caricatures and stereotypes are far more damaging than someone from one culture borrowing from another because they find beauty in it, as Lana has done here. This creates a positive association, not a negative one.
  23. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Cleopatra in LANA SLEUTHING   
    Well, I believe if Miss Hannah would answer the question, maybe Lana wouldn't have ended it 3 minutes short.
  24. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by litewave in Would Lana be as well-liked if she wasn’t attractive?   
    I tried listening to Tool some time ago, they are not shy about esoteric references but I don't find their music very melodious, sorry!
    About Lana's beauty, I sure find her beautiful and obviously many other people do too, so I think it makes her musical expression of the feminine archetype more effective.
  25. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by ednafrau in Would Lana be as well-liked if she wasn’t attractive?   
    monicker, i just love everything you said. i've thought about these matters but never put them into (eloquent) words. 100% agree! you should have a music column in a good publication (magazine/newspaper, etc). and then, one day they'd ask you to interview lana and it would all come full circle!

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