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  1. Summersault liked a post in a topic by rdp in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    :awkney: :awkney: :awkney: :awkney: :awkney: :awkney: :awkney:
  2. Summersault liked a post in a topic by lauradelxx in Barrie's Twitter   
    I swear me and barrie have a weird relationship he always favorites my things which makes me happy and one time I said favorite this and I'll be you and lana's adoptive daughter and he did so......if anything..........I'm their child?
  3. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I felt it when she was grinding on that pole. "I did what I had to do..."

    Jesus fuck. I'm gonna have to be put in a hospital after watching this.
  4. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    This actually seems...really scary
    Like, I hope it will be more blissful beauty than some gore or killing people or stuff like that.
    Lana looks great as always though
  5. Summersault liked a post in a topic by howiet1971 in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    This shits on Gaga's "ARTPop" mini film.  SHITS ON IT
  6. shelaughslikegod liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Most Anticipated Scene from Tropico?   
    Omnious GoGo dancing set to Gods & Monster, please!
    The chola scenes.
    The scene in Garden of Eden, how will it fit in?
  7. Wryta Thinkpiece liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Member of the Month (November): Vinny Vidi Vici   
    I swear this video made my day 245% better
    Great, thoughtful interview as well.
  8. Summersault liked a post in a topic by npowell in Beautiful violin version of Bel Air   
    I looked for a covers thread but didn't see one. Let me know if I should post this somewhere else.
  9. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Member of the Month (November): Vinny Vidi Vici   
    November has a Member of the Month? It's more than halfway over! I know I know I know, we had some false starts but Vinny Vidi Vici stepped forward to accept the crown, and what a deserving member he is! One of the most articulate interviews I've conducted (read: PM'd a questionnaire) and if you find this lacking in commentary from my end it's only due to a series of "I AGREE"s that I deleted. Let him hear it (and I will allow his reign to overlap into December a bit to be fair).
    Member of the Month (November): Vinny Vidi Vici!

  10. RiverColaLight liked a post in a topic by Summersault in LEAST Favorite Lana Songs?   
    I'm really interested in hearing why people dislike Lucky Ones so much. Do you like the demo better?  Or do you dislike the whole song? Even the epic "it feels like falling in the LOVE for the first time" ? How can you dislike that???  Not judging though, just VERY curious. 
    I absolutely can't with Radio and Million Dollar Man on BTD. It's like they squeezed all life out of the production on Radio, compared to the demo which is flawless. And poor Lanas voice on MDM. I mean we have all heard how she owns it live, so why they would make her voice sound like a robot is beyond me.
    For K Part 2 has failed to grow on me unlike most AKA tracks. The melody is just so dull and the raspy thing she does with her voice is annoying  
  11. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Miley Cyrus covers Summertime Sadness   
    There's diversity in opera, though. o: Every opera singer certainly does not sound the same. But I understand you want diversity beyond the scope of opera. Dylan's gruff, talk-singing style was part of his appeal. Obviously operatic technique won't suit every singing style, but what good technique does is help you do what you want to do in a less unhealthy way (ex. belting and growling) so you can keep doing it longer. Some people prefer the sound that an unhealthy technique gives and it's a tradeoff with longevity. Personally, I think people who want a career in singing should take voice lessons just to understand how the instrument works and how to keep it running for as long as possible... and then they can make their own stylistic decisions. You want to sing heavy metal? Go ahead! But maybe you'll sing in a healthier way and then you can sing heavy metal for 10 years instead of 5 (apparently there's a "right" way to scream and growl, which I need to find because it always leaves my throat feeling incredibly sore).
    Someone here mentioned liking her high girly voice, and I like it too... on some songs. It suits Lolita very well, for example. The new Yayo, however, has it too and I feel like it just doesn't belong, as well as that fluttery thing she does where it sounds like she's lost complete control of her voice. I wonder if she's lost that ability to sing clearly in a natural, unaltered voice. Her voice just sounds so beautiful on Sirens and you don't really hear that in her post Sirens work. I can hear it at times during the verses of Lucky Ones and a couple of other songs, but she slips into her girly Lolita voice before long. Her low voice sounds nice when she's not forcing it like on Ride, and vocal coaching could probably make it easier to reach those notes live. Lana is lucky enough to have a nice voice with many distinctive sounds, and I just think with training she could basically use all the tools in her box. It'd give her a wider vocal palette to play with, which is usually a good thing.
  12. Jazzmin liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Miley Cyrus covers Summertime Sadness   
    But...but i like her high girly voice  To be honest I've never thought her vocals sounded bad on studio recordings. Those things you list as flaws are to a great extend the qualities I like in her voice and give her songs character. It might not be great technique but it works.
    I do agree with you though on her live vocals. She still struggles  with her low notes and she's just plain inconsistent, even now when she has improved a lot. If a vocal coach could help her get consistent live with the things she already can do, then I wouldn't mind. As long as she doesn't turn into Lea Michele
  13. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Philomene in Songs Lana should cover   
    Stars are blind by Paris Hilton  
  14. Summersault liked a post in a topic by slang in Miley Cyrus covers Summertime Sadness   
    @@JhnMabius, @@HeartshapedChevrolet, @@Hundred Dollar Bill are not  contradictory. What's a matter of opinion is not whether LDR sings well, but what aspect of her musical performance is more important flawlessness and power, or character (Dylan or Cohen, anyone?). But the problem with any statements about LDR's live is she's inconsistent. Sometimes she's blasé; sometimes she's freakin amazing. I suppose being unreliable is the same as being not quite as good (as Miley), but there is an open issue of whether, Miley, who is a stellar vocalist, could tackle one of LDR's harder songs, like Off to the Races (which has at least 4 Youtube live performances, but none from BTD or Paradise tours). Also for a good LDR SS live to compare to Miley see:

    But I agree with formal training being a good idea. It's supposed to be relevant to confidence/nerves issues as well. I suspect even super divas get training or coaching regularly, if only to figure out ways of challenging themselves vocally to better see what their vocal limits are. 
  15. Summersault liked a post in a topic by lavender-sunshine in Lana Del Rey's tattoo copy kittens   
    Vom. Some of these are enough to scare me off from ever getting a tattoo. 
    Gotta say I'm a fan of this one though.

  16. Summersault liked a post in a topic by VioletPrincess in Lana Del Rey's tattoo copy kittens   
    Just found this one on tumblr  (I'm assuming she doesn't mind if I post it here considering she put it on the internet. . .)

  17. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Viva in Miley Cyrus covers Summertime Sadness   
    I agree with a lot of what you said.  MIley has better technique and in theory is a better singer. I say theory because let's be honest here TONE plays a great part in being a great singer that people actually wants to hear you sing. Lana on that note takes the cake easily. The sound of her voice is hypnotizing, is smooth like silk.  Take someone like Jessie J one of the singers with the highiest range out there yet having great singing abilities not always means you are a great singer. Miley got me with BANGERZ which I think is a really good album with a couple incredible songs. FU, Rooting for my baby, Wrecking Ball and 4x4 imo  are just precious. I also agree Lana lakes technique she needs to improve asap not only for her live presentations get better but because she will fuck up her beautiful voice and no one wants that.
    IMO after watching her concerts here in Brazil I can see that Lana was made to sing in small arenas for 2.000 people. Like those 60' incredible jazz singers. Her lake of techniqiue and control shows in concerts like the one in São Paulo where the crowd over powered her voice.
    I think is a lot of factors that make Miley's abilities show more in live concerts than Lana's. Lana gets clearly veryyyy nervous. Her face in the opening of Planeta Terra was pricelesss "Oh fuck are you kidding me?" hahahaha. ANyway she takes a deep breath and keeps singing. Miley doesn't feel nervous and is in full power live which shows even more how her technique is better since she doesn't seem nervous at all. Miley on the other hand needs to work in her nasal sounding voice which is annoying sometimes. In the end both are great just need to work a little in certain detalis
    In resume @hundredBill and you are both right just with different perspectives IMO
    I agree with on that as well. Amuses me how short her set is. I was starting to think Lana has a memory problem and can only fit a couple songs on that brilliant mind of hers. How she is not prepared to sing the entire album amuses me.
  18. Summersault liked a post in a topic by LittleFool in Lana's band, do they get enough credit ?   
    idk but secretly i want blake + ME

  19. Summersault liked a post in a topic by lauradelxx in Lana's band, do they get enough credit ?   
    Idk but secretly i want lana + blake
  20. Summersault liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana's band, do they get enough credit ?   
    her band is rly cool, the live renditions of her songs sound really cool live (sometimes better than the studio versions) and they seem like cool ppl, they're rly nice to her fans. and it's not their job to know every song lana has ever recorded, if she wants to sing something live, she needs to practise with them first, u can't rly expect them to be able to play anything, most bands rehearse before every show and i don't think they do which isn't only their fault but also lana's
  21. LittleFool liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Miley Cyrus covers Summertime Sadness   
    I don't think Lana's songs are holy but there's something about her lyrics that is just so specifically hers that when other singers sing them, it just sounds awkward.
    I would love to hear someone breathe new life into her songs via a good cover but who?? I like for example when The xx do covers but imagine them sing-whisper "my pussy taste like pepsi cola".  
  22. Rafael liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Miley Cyrus covers Summertime Sadness   
    I don't think Lana's songs are holy but there's something about her lyrics that is just so specifically hers that when other singers sing them, it just sounds awkward.
    I would love to hear someone breathe new life into her songs via a good cover but who?? I like for example when The xx do covers but imagine them sing-whisper "my pussy taste like pepsi cola".  
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