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James Dean

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Everything posted by James Dean

  1. James Dean

    Chloe Temtchine

    Anyone knows? She have a such incredible history (i'm not going to show everything about her, i hope you guys find) and a sweet voice + she's beautiful y she doesnt have more litenerssss
  2. NO REPLY? WHY? anxious for Sia's performace
  3. James Dean


    LOL i'm a huge fan of Debut fyi
  4. James Dean


    bjork is so overrated
  5. For example, I can't see ofcharsky profile, why this is hapenning
  6. i know about the lyric, i'm not dumb, but her voice dont fit. baby please.
  7. James Dean


    I post in portuguese but if you follow me i follow you (tbh i need more friends in there) come to see my real ugly face: Anonxs
  8. the china girl hate jimmy ircq
  9. By my most listened Black Beauty West Coast Florid Kilos Flipside Summertime Sadness *urrrr i used to hate this song but now i'm ok* Video Games Blue Jeans National Anthem Million Dollar Man Radio Gods & Monsters American
  10. i only like the chorus of the orchestral version
  11. its the same filter of summer winne and summetime sadness w/e we have a o lot of home made videos, thats kinda cool i cant talk too much blame this
  12. To me its like Lady Gaga and her 3/4 albuns. Artpop is another artist, Born This Way its an random pop shit, The Fame its good, and The Fame Monster its perfect... Whats the point? I dont think about the same person when i listen to May Jailer, maybe, when i listen to Lizzy i remember thats Lana DR, but MJ sound totaly different. I keep my tags correctly
  13. Is that Britney in the video too? :teehee: :teehee: :teehee:
  14. its true its true i know its cruel ... i tell you all the time
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