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  1. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Lana Performs Unreleased Songs at the Endless Summer Tour   
    Fuck me raw, fake or not or even if it's just rehearsing and recorded vocals for me it shows that she has a strong mindset and is willing to change things a bit and not stay in her old lane and no I'm sorry I have no idea what I'm saying I'm so excited I'm out of my consciousness I just find it extremely positive and excited for some reasons. I don't care if SK is a common fan fav, it's really the best song ever for me with YGLM and I'm just filled with unrealll pleasure that she likes it enough to play it live I'm literally high with joy God bless you Elizabeth
  2. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by t-raider26 in Lana Performs Unreleased Songs at the Endless Summer Tour   
    She sounds amazing though omg
    Remember that private concert where she performed Off to the Races? It was a damn mess. I didn't think she was capable of singing it live but it all sounds so good in this. I'm officially pumped 
  3. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Tycho in Lana Performs Unreleased Songs at the Endless Summer Tour   
    Exited to hear that she rehearsed OTTR. But what if these unreleased songs are on her setlist... and what if they are on HM...
  4. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Tyler in Lana Performs Unreleased Songs at the Endless Summer Tour   
    First off all this snippets have me SCRAMBLING
    On that set list though... why do they say "new song???" like they don't know the title, but they know everything else? Seems a little fake to me, but those snippets of serial killer and OTTR...
  5. LilyBrik liked a post in a topic by sukiedelrey in West Coast   
    second of all "cubano como yo" means "Cuban like me".......is this white girl claiming to be Cuban now or??? Maybe she spiritually identifies with the Cuban people idk I can't wait for all the cultural appropriation rants on tumblr 
  6. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by vanillaiceys in Eminem Raps About Punching Lana Del Rey   
    That guy is racist, lgbtphobic, misogynist and we're "overreacting"?
  7. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by vanillaiceys in Eminem Raps About Punching Lana Del Rey   
    "overreacting" about violence against women? Oh god
  8. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    So now that UV's been out a while and the ~novelty~ factor has worn off, I can now say I prefer BTD to UV. Of course, AKA still reigns supreme *single tear slides down cheek* but she has forsaken that lovely record and I must move on with my life. i will love AKA till the end of time, i would wait a million years
    Lyrically, there aren't that many lines that just stick in my head and that I find myself thinking about throughout the day. Maybe "I love you the first time, I love you the last time" and "cause I'm your jazz singer and you're my cult leader" from UV, "cause I don't have to fucking explain" from Brooklyn Baby, and of course "I want money, POWER, AND GLORYYYYYYYYY," but otherwise I'm not gripped. There are some songs that are just lyrically incoherent, like FMWUTTT, which can't seem to decide who it's singing to ("I'm a dragon, you're a whore" but "I need ya baby like I breathe ya baby, fucking need ya baby" ???) and PWIC, which is a mess ("I got much more than that, like my memories, I don't need that," what were you thinking Lana?). The repetitiveness is also a problem. I actually like UV's chorus, but lyrical and melodic repetition can be a tough pill to swallow. It's also not a pill I want to swallow often (Old Money, Guns and Roses, Black Beauty, SG, PWIC).
    Her singing is not commendable here. Like in "Shades of Cool," she goes from the light heavenly timbre of "you are unfixable" to the croaking of "can't break through your world." It sounds sloppy, and I love Shades of Cool, so it's not some bias against the song. Pretty When I Cry is supposedly some improvised stuff, and I might believe it if only for the quality of the lyrics, which sound like they were made up out of thin air. However, I don't think any supposed "rawness" in her delivery compensates for her shaky pitch. Adding reverb doesn't disguise it. Oh, that's another thing - the vocals are all drenched in reverb and I do not like that sound. Maybe on one song with good vocals (ahem, SoC when Lana's just floating in the heavens) it would add a cool effect, but otherwise it just makes her faults in technique more obvious. 
    I do like the album, don't get me wrong. I like Cruel World, UV, SoC, Brooklyn Baby, West Coast, Sad Girl, MPG, The Other Woman (I LOVE this cover), Black Beauty, and Florida Kilos. There are a lot of moments I adore - the "blue hydrangeas" part of Old Money, the verses and bridge of Guns and Roses, the "need you baby like I breathe you baby" melody in FMWUTTT, "are you gonna hurt me now or later" in Flipside, and sometimes I'm in the mood for Is This Happiness. As an album, however, I don't like it as much as BTD or AKA.
    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to get down to beat poetry Florida Kilos. Yayo  yayo yayo and all the dope fiends
  9. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Lirazel in Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I've finally listened to Ultraviolence enought to have a final opinion on it.
    IMHO, it's a good album - very classy and all - but it doesn't match the brilliance of BtD.
    It's biggest issues stem mostly from the same place as those of Paradise, but are amplified due to album length.
    The first one is that every song sounds the same. I guess it's cool for people who like ~coherent~ listening experience, but to me, it makes the record difficult to listen at once and puts it in the 'mood album' getto. It's an record for a rainy day, while I could listen to BtD in it's entirety no matter if I was happy or sad, thanks to the upbeat music and depressing lyrics.
    The record could use more lively songs (but not as lively as Florida Kilos, lol). Even The Antlers put two songs with upbeat sound on Hospice.
    The second issue.... I remember when Black Beauty leaked, I complained about her driving the point to hard (Black Beauty...Black Beauty... aaaaahaaaaa... Black Beauty, baby... Black Beauty) and someone replied that those are only demo lyrics that she's gonna replace for sure. Guess what. Not only the lyrics stayed the same, she makes the same mistake in other songs, the worst case being Guns and Roses.
    The record has some great songs like Old Money or FMWUTTT (I find the second half much, much better than the first one), but it's an 7/10 record for me. The same-sound issue makes awesome songs like Ultraviolence tiring.
  10. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Honeymooner in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    Radio: In the chorus, it sounds like she's saying "Now my life is sweet like cinnamon / like a fucking dream on Ritalin..."
  11. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by BLOODSHOT in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I wish she would start wearing her signature cat-eye again, she looked so good with it
  12. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Ziad in Lana on BBC Radio 1 on September 16th - CANCELLED   
    I really hope she doesn't cancel this! Fearne and Lana have had a good relationship from what I know and Fearne has always supported Lana on the radio so for Lana to cancel last minute might put a wrench in their relationship. Let's hope she doesn't cancel 
  13. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Lana on BBC Radio 1 on September 16th - CANCELLED   
    This whole cancelling is just annoying. Been through that with the great Azealia and now Lana.
    I am sorry, but this whole making appointments and then cancelling is just so against everything I personally stand for. I grew up in a working class family. My parents worked their asses of all their life, I did that too. I appreciate hard work. If you refuse to work, you simply lose lots of respect from me. I respect ppl who work for their money.
    Especially when you cancel for being sick, but a few days ago you've been spotted with your boytoy fingering your mouth and kissing in public enjoying yourself. Apperently, it's not a throat-infection this time around.
  14. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana on BBC Radio 1 on September 16th - CANCELLED   
    Until she cancels
  15. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana Featured on New Emile Haynie Song "Wait For Life" - Out January 20th   
    I wonder what are the possibilities for this track ~sonically~ 
    We know that in the studio Lana is in control, her vision guides everything, and the producers adapt based on what she wants, and as she changes so does the music, we can see this in the difference of the sound between Paradise and BTD too, same team, but different sound.
    So I wonder if now that Lana is in another place again, this track will be different from what we heard before (with similar lyrical content though).
    OR, another possibility is, is that maybe since this is Emile's album we will get whatever he wants and Lana just goes along with it and lends her voice to whatever kind of track Emile wants to make, therefore we get something upbeat, fast and crazy.
    I'm so curious about which one will happen! There should be an album preview or something 
  16. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by DominicMars in Lana Featured on New Emile Haynie Song "Wait For Life" - Out January 20th   
    Seriously, why is this thread even about Mariah or Ariana or whatever you guys are bitching about? Keep it in another forum, its beyond annoying lmao. 
    Anyway, back to Lana. I'm stoked for a new Emile produced track. I love UV and Dan's production, but I prefer most of the production on BTD/P (sans some tracks)
  17. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by lostindarkparadise in Lana Featured on New Emile Haynie Song "Wait For Life" - Out January 20th   
    "Mariah blah blah blah Ariana blah blah blah FKA twigs blah blah blah" 
  18. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Rem in Lana Featured on New Emile Haynie Song "Wait For Life" - Out January 20th   
    I personally think he did a great job.
    National Anthem, This Is What Makes Us Girls, Lucky Ones, Radio, Summertime Sadness all sound amazing, different and DEEP, more emotional compared to their demos. 
    I see a LOT of sings on UV be truly amazing with his touch...Namely "West Coast" (you need to listen to "Video Girls" on LP1 to see how a tempo change is done)
    Shades Of Cool...woo lord imagine crystal clear Video Games or BTD vocals on it.
    Ultraviolence.... (imagine a big hip hop beats like the ones on "Dark Paradise" and that galloping horse racing beat like "Off To RAces" ..instead the shallow cheap ones we got) and grander strings arrangement because the one on UV sound basic esp the beginning.
  19. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by CruelWorld in Lana Featured on New Emile Haynie Song "Wait For Life" - Out January 20th   
    Lana has recorded a new song for the album of her producer Emile Haynie. The track is called "Wait For Life". It's coming this October...

  20. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by butterflies in Lana Featured on New Emile Haynie Song "Wait For Life" - Out January 20th   
    All I can say is God is real and He heard my prayers.
  21. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by kitschqueen in Lana Featured on New Emile Haynie Song "Wait For Life" - Out January 20th   
    I actually really like Emile's production 
    I didn't particularly like FKA Twigs' songs per say but the production was great. He's also produced some songs for SZA that are extremely good. 
    I'd take Emile over Dan A any day of the week. 
  22. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Just Cherry in Lana Featured on New Emile Haynie Song "Wait For Life" - Out January 20th   
    Thank God we'll have a little Haynie production. A lot of people missed it.
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