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  1. yayolita liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lana Del Rey's breast   
    No stfu. She doesnt need a boob job. Wtf. She makes girls like me feel so much better about ourselves. Shouldnt say she needs surgery makes us feel like shit. Thanks?
  2. motel6angel liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in The Mike Mizrahi Movie Mystery Megapost   
    I know i like older men and everything but Mike seriously scares me...

  3. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in What should Lana's fans be called?   
    Lil' Sparklez'
  4. Rockwell Firefly liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lana Del Dreams   
    Thankyou, HundredDollarBill!
    Yeah that was a great idea haha, sorry, i just thought i would put it into place because i was interested.
    So my Lana Del Dream:
    I was around in the town centre and I went to HMV. I found out that i had missed my chance to get something signed by Lana, as she had finished signing everything she was packing everything away in plain sight. The doors were locked, so i tried knocking. She didnt hear. I was pretty eager to talk to her lmao. So i started shouting: Lana! Lana!
    Eventually she heard and asked what i wanted. I said: "Can i have an autograph?" She said: "You have to get me some gasoline." I said: "Petrol?" She said: "Yeah whatever, i need some."
    Confused, i still went to get her some. I got to the petrol station / gas station (whichever floats your boat) and got her some gasoline. I got back and she wasnt there anymore I woke up after that..
    Could be to do with the fact i was listening to Queen of the Gas Station before i went to sleep. I didnt actually think it would have an impact on what i dreamt though haha.
    If you have any Lana Del Dreams, please post them! It would be interesting to see
  5. Cult Leader liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lana Del Dreams   
    Thankyou, HundredDollarBill!
    Yeah that was a great idea haha, sorry, i just thought i would put it into place because i was interested.
    So my Lana Del Dream:
    I was around in the town centre and I went to HMV. I found out that i had missed my chance to get something signed by Lana, as she had finished signing everything she was packing everything away in plain sight. The doors were locked, so i tried knocking. She didnt hear. I was pretty eager to talk to her lmao. So i started shouting: Lana! Lana!
    Eventually she heard and asked what i wanted. I said: "Can i have an autograph?" She said: "You have to get me some gasoline." I said: "Petrol?" She said: "Yeah whatever, i need some."
    Confused, i still went to get her some. I got to the petrol station / gas station (whichever floats your boat) and got her some gasoline. I got back and she wasnt there anymore I woke up after that..
    Could be to do with the fact i was listening to Queen of the Gas Station before i went to sleep. I didnt actually think it would have an impact on what i dreamt though haha.
    If you have any Lana Del Dreams, please post them! It would be interesting to see
  6. dxniell liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lana Del Dreams   
    Thankyou, HundredDollarBill!
    Yeah that was a great idea haha, sorry, i just thought i would put it into place because i was interested.
    So my Lana Del Dream:
    I was around in the town centre and I went to HMV. I found out that i had missed my chance to get something signed by Lana, as she had finished signing everything she was packing everything away in plain sight. The doors were locked, so i tried knocking. She didnt hear. I was pretty eager to talk to her lmao. So i started shouting: Lana! Lana!
    Eventually she heard and asked what i wanted. I said: "Can i have an autograph?" She said: "You have to get me some gasoline." I said: "Petrol?" She said: "Yeah whatever, i need some."
    Confused, i still went to get her some. I got to the petrol station / gas station (whichever floats your boat) and got her some gasoline. I got back and she wasnt there anymore I woke up after that..
    Could be to do with the fact i was listening to Queen of the Gas Station before i went to sleep. I didnt actually think it would have an impact on what i dreamt though haha.
    If you have any Lana Del Dreams, please post them! It would be interesting to see
  7. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lana Del Dreams   
    Oh heres another one:
    I snuck into a movie premier and it was full of celebrities. I went and sat down next to Kim Kardashian. (God knows why, i dont even like her). Me and Kim joke around for a bit chatting, and she says "You're not that bad Becca." Lana del rey's friend made the movie and they both came on stage. He randomly shouts that Lana is engaged and pregnant. Everyone boo's. Lana treats it as a joke and laughs at first, but then wonders why nobody is happy for her. She gets sad. She prepares to leave and comes up the stairs to the exit, where im sitting. I show her the empty seat next to me and she actually sits down. Im bursting with happiness and it shows in a (mug shot?) in the paper later. ( My mouth was literally wide open, smiling. It was actually pretty funny). I feel sympathetic towards Lana and say "Im sorry that had to happen to you." As it turns out, she isnt engaged or pregnant, it was a joke. But people still could have acted happy she said. Lana's friend decides he doesnt like her and starts randomly shouting crap from the bottom of the cinema. I hug her. The movie starts. (It was literally just a horse running in a field.) It ends. Basically it was terrible so I throw an apple at his head and suddenly everyone is booing and throwing apples at him. We run out and the dream ends.
    I only know all  this because i wrote it all down after i woke up haha.
    That was hilarious reading it back
  8. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lana Del Dreams   
    Thankyou, HundredDollarBill!
    Yeah that was a great idea haha, sorry, i just thought i would put it into place because i was interested.
    So my Lana Del Dream:
    I was around in the town centre and I went to HMV. I found out that i had missed my chance to get something signed by Lana, as she had finished signing everything she was packing everything away in plain sight. The doors were locked, so i tried knocking. She didnt hear. I was pretty eager to talk to her lmao. So i started shouting: Lana! Lana!
    Eventually she heard and asked what i wanted. I said: "Can i have an autograph?" She said: "You have to get me some gasoline." I said: "Petrol?" She said: "Yeah whatever, i need some."
    Confused, i still went to get her some. I got to the petrol station / gas station (whichever floats your boat) and got her some gasoline. I got back and she wasnt there anymore I woke up after that..
    Could be to do with the fact i was listening to Queen of the Gas Station before i went to sleep. I didnt actually think it would have an impact on what i dreamt though haha.
    If you have any Lana Del Dreams, please post them! It would be interesting to see
  9. hayden del rey liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lana Del Dreams   
    Thankyou, HundredDollarBill!
    Yeah that was a great idea haha, sorry, i just thought i would put it into place because i was interested.
    So my Lana Del Dream:
    I was around in the town centre and I went to HMV. I found out that i had missed my chance to get something signed by Lana, as she had finished signing everything she was packing everything away in plain sight. The doors were locked, so i tried knocking. She didnt hear. I was pretty eager to talk to her lmao. So i started shouting: Lana! Lana!
    Eventually she heard and asked what i wanted. I said: "Can i have an autograph?" She said: "You have to get me some gasoline." I said: "Petrol?" She said: "Yeah whatever, i need some."
    Confused, i still went to get her some. I got to the petrol station / gas station (whichever floats your boat) and got her some gasoline. I got back and she wasnt there anymore I woke up after that..
    Could be to do with the fact i was listening to Queen of the Gas Station before i went to sleep. I didnt actually think it would have an impact on what i dreamt though haha.
    If you have any Lana Del Dreams, please post them! It would be interesting to see
  10. bia liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lana Del Rey's breast   
    No stfu. She doesnt need a boob job. Wtf. She makes girls like me feel so much better about ourselves. Shouldnt say she needs surgery makes us feel like shit. Thanks?
  11. bia liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Saddest / Most Depressing Lana Song   
    Your Band Is All The Rage, definitely for me, i also think T.V. In Black And White is pretty sad. There's Nothing To Be Sorry About made me cry too lol it was just "I'll do anything, for you, for him, or whoever else needs my help out there, i swear, i swear." It just sounded so pleading and desperate 

  12. vacillator liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lana Del Rey's breast   
    No stfu. She doesnt need a boob job. Wtf. She makes girls like me feel so much better about ourselves. Shouldnt say she needs surgery makes us feel like shit. Thanks?
  13. heavensentslut liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Trash Magic * Madly   
    Wow, this is just...
    I love it 
    But lizzi 
  14. Elina liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Favorite Actors and Actresses   
    Gerard Butler
    Emma Roberts
    Joaquin phoenix
    Reese Witherspoon
    Rupert Everett hahaha
    Rachel McAdams
    Robert Downey jr
    Jeffrey Donovan
    Bruce Campbell
    Gabrielle Anwar
    Felicia Day
    Sandra Bullock
    Rebel Wilson
    Ryan Reynolds
    Anna Silk
    Hilary Swank
    Ryan Gosling
    James Franco
    Megan Fox
    Sharon Gless
    Logan Lerman
    Chris Hemsworth
    Wow, there are probably more, but i think this list is long enough.....Sorry.....
  15. Elina liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Bad Disease   
    Still love this song
  16. tjf supremacy liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lana Del Rey's breast   
    No stfu. She doesnt need a boob job. Wtf. She makes girls like me feel so much better about ourselves. Shouldnt say she needs surgery makes us feel like shit. Thanks?
  17. Elina liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Instagram Updates   
    22,699 Followers, 1 photo
    Aw lana fans are such cuties
  18. Elina liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lolita   
  19. mochimint2007 liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lana Del Rey + family shop in Target in Los Angeles, California - October 4, 2013   
    Lana Del Rey - The most awkward walker ever
    Oh lana what are you doing lol
  20. lili liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    Tropico is the most intense thing i have watched in a while
    Like wow
    & Why does lana always have to make things i shouldnt do with my life look appealing
    e.g. working the silver pole

  21. blameitonme liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lana Del Rey's breast   
    No stfu. She doesnt need a boob job. Wtf. She makes girls like me feel so much better about ourselves. Shouldnt say she needs surgery makes us feel like shit. Thanks?
  22. The Siren liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lana Del Dreams   
    Thankyou, HundredDollarBill!
    Yeah that was a great idea haha, sorry, i just thought i would put it into place because i was interested.
    So my Lana Del Dream:
    I was around in the town centre and I went to HMV. I found out that i had missed my chance to get something signed by Lana, as she had finished signing everything she was packing everything away in plain sight. The doors were locked, so i tried knocking. She didnt hear. I was pretty eager to talk to her lmao. So i started shouting: Lana! Lana!
    Eventually she heard and asked what i wanted. I said: "Can i have an autograph?" She said: "You have to get me some gasoline." I said: "Petrol?" She said: "Yeah whatever, i need some."
    Confused, i still went to get her some. I got to the petrol station / gas station (whichever floats your boat) and got her some gasoline. I got back and she wasnt there anymore I woke up after that..
    Could be to do with the fact i was listening to Queen of the Gas Station before i went to sleep. I didnt actually think it would have an impact on what i dreamt though haha.
    If you have any Lana Del Dreams, please post them! It would be interesting to see
  23. Fingertips liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I hate the song "Damn you." The way it starts off, with no music in the introduction, just that bloody "I wont cryy myself to sleeep like a suckerr." It couldve had a introduction.
    The hate stems from the fact i was listening to my playlist on full blast and my beautiful memory caused me to forget which song was next. Then it blasted in my ears and i almost died, it seriously irritated me haha.
  24. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Get Drunk   
    I can never find the patience to listen to the song all the way through. I get to the second "I am sleeping with your best friend." and i leave:(

  25. Carmen Del Rey liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lana Del Rey places on VH1's '100 Sexiest Artists' List   
    How the fuck did Drake get 2nd place...
    He looks like a frog. Why dont people see that?!

    It really bothers me y'know?
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