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Everything posted by gort9999

  1. The teaser and the coming album never match, I mean, WTF does witchcraft and L4L have in common?
  2. gort9999

    Lady Gaga

    Speaking about others and smoking a blunt.... love her
  3. Roses - 15 BBM Baby - 7 Resistance - 16 Super Movie - 14 Off To The Races Mix 9 - 15 Dance For Money - 8 Fine China - 18 Yes to Heaven - 21 I Want It All - 21
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo5qSshPQiE
  5. gort9999

    This or That

    Neither Ice Cream or Pizza?
  6. Heavy Hitter V2 Greenwich Daytona Meth / Hollywood Movie Wayamaya Yes To Heaven I Want It All
  7. gort9999

    This or That

    Vans day or night?
  8. last year when was the last time you speak to a stranger?
  9. A gordita de chicharrón prensado in the market
  10. The Honeymoon album. Still hate it, but kinda like it at the same time. I can stand until salvatore
  11. I haven't had listened to entirely, it gets really boring after Summer Bummer.
  12. http://liveweb.archive.org/web/20130108214737/http://twitter.com/drugmoney "Daytona Meth Edition"
  13. gort9999


    I hope it's not another VR / AI album
  14. Well... she's over. The only good years were from BTD to UV. I mean, she's been talking the same shit on her lyrics for years!
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