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Ivory Cricket

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  1. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by TheBoss in Absolute chaos in Chile   
    That's so sad to heat, they're literally using rear gas for everything no
    Even small cities with little to no threat are being strike with those gases, close to people's homes, close to children, animals and hospitals, truly unnacaptable
    Well I'm going to march on the streets right now, wish me luck
  2. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by AnarKissed in Absolute chaos in Chile   
    Power to the People!
  3. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by knives in Absolute chaos in Chile   
    my friend who lives in valparaíso went into the city today to peacefully protest and said military was everywhere and they even dropped tear gas bombs, and so they had to leave since their eyes hurt. such a shame, seeing governments all over the world now abusing their power. it's not new but it definitely wasnt this bad 
  4. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by California Sun in Absolute chaos in Chile   
    thoughts and prayers for everyone affected 
  5. Jiggy liked a post in a topic by Ivory Cricket in Absolute chaos in Chile   
    This is intense. Thank you for taking the time to put this and all the links. You are absolutely correct that national media isn't posting any of this.
  6. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Well, Black Beauty and Honeymoon (song) didn't paint him in the best light so I can understand why he might have a problem with them.
  7. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Best since BTD? What's his problem with Ultraviolence and Honeymoon? Can't stand listening to what they made together or the emotion in her lyrics from the pain he caused her or?
  8. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by Valerie in Q Magazine Interview - Donald Trump, Thoughts on BTD, and New Music   
    The threat of climate change as she flies around in a private jet
  9. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by AnarKissed in How Lana Can Help Us Cope With Trump   
    Nation Anthem was never one of my favorite Paradise songs, I would usually skip it back when I was listening to the album regularly. I don't think the lyric about "wind in my hair...etc." is about "road head". At least, I never interpreted it that way. Lana Del Rey's song Religion is about her giving a blowjob; National Anthem, not so much. I think the article in question is somewhat convoluted. I hope and trust that L.D.R. is a person who loves freedom, and wishes that individuals remain free to do as they please as long as it doesn't harm anyone. Since she is from the wealthy class, sometimes I wonder if she may have...republican leanings, as far as keeping the super rich Firmly in power, perpetually. But I hope it's not so! Referring back to the article, in my Humble opinion, the time for escapism is over, and it's been over for some time now.
  10. Valerie liked a post in a topic by Ivory Cricket in Instagram Updates   
    Like a groupie incognito posing as a real singer
    Life imitates art     
  11. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by Valerie in Instagram Updates   
    Which is exactly what I said! People love when shit is AesthetiCCCCcc but noTTTtttttT when it infiltrates realitYyyY! Thank u softcore babyface for proving my point!  
    Loona is loving the life she lives, AND living the life she LOVES!!
  12. grabmebymyribbons liked a post in a topic by Ivory Cricket in Lana with Sean Larkin and fans at Linde Oktoberfest in Tulsa, OK - October 16, 2019   
    No, she wouldn't do a thing like that (that's for sure)
  13. sjatib liked a post in a topic by Ivory Cricket in Lana with Sean Larkin and fans at Linde Oktoberfest in Tulsa, OK - October 16, 2019   
    No, she wouldn't do a thing like that (that's for sure)
  14. I Come In Peace liked a post in a topic by Ivory Cricket in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    omfg thank you for this. 
    I was not prepared for this!         
  15. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Ivory Cricket in Lana with Sean Larkin and fans at Linde Oktoberfest in Tulsa, OK - October 16, 2019   
    Him following her everywhere is cute. 
    I can't speak for recovering alcoholics but I used to go to AA in my late teens/early 20s. I got things in my life taken care of and under control and can do things like go to festivals and bars with my friends and not have a relapse. Again not speaking for her or anyone else else who may be a recovering alcoholic. My case is unique to me and I'm not giving advice, just offering my experience.
  16. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by softcore babyface in Lana with Sean Larkin and fans at Linde Oktoberfest in Tulsa, OK - October 16, 2019   
    have y'all ever been to an Oktoberfest in the south/midwest they are not some drunken festival most of the time they are pretty family friendly. Yeah it's about beer but it's not like she's going to a fucking crackhouse or a trashy Tulsa dive bar. It'a festival, she's with goofy a tv cop who I highly doubt is trying sabotage her career. Some of these conspiracies y'all have created in your heads is 'the sun is following me' tier paranoia. 
    Also I despise the exploitive public humiliation/shaming nature of live pd, but some of you're fuck the police rants are very embarrassing.
  17. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Lana with Sean Larkin and fans at Linde Oktoberfest in Tulsa, OK - October 16, 2019   
    That discussion was ended by a moderator. But thanks for coming in here just to kick me some more. Appreciated.
    There is a difference between expecting something to happen and wanting something to happen. One person taking another's words and twisting them doesn't make the sentiment true. I wish nothing but the best for Lana. 
    To everyone I offended or upset: I unreservedly apologise. I fucked up. I'm fucked up. Sorry. 
    Peace. Love. Later <3
  18. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana with Sean Larkin and fans at Linde Oktoberfest in Tulsa, OK - October 16, 2019   
    Sorry if I was rude to you. We're all here for Lana and we should get along, regardless of politics.
  19. DLT liked a post in a topic by Ivory Cricket in Lana with Sean Larkin and fans at Linde Oktoberfest in Tulsa, OK - October 16, 2019   
    Being able to drink again without self destructive behavior is not a relapse.
    But we can agree to disagree. I'm glad sis looks healthy and having fun with her new man.
  20. DLT liked a post in a topic by Ivory Cricket in Lana with Sean Larkin and fans at Linde Oktoberfest in Tulsa, OK - October 16, 2019   
    Him following her everywhere is cute. 
    I can't speak for recovering alcoholics but I used to go to AA in my late teens/early 20s. I got things in my life taken care of and under control and can do things like go to festivals and bars with my friends and not have a relapse. Again not speaking for her or anyone else else who may be a recovering alcoholic. My case is unique to me and I'm not giving advice, just offering my experience.
  21. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Ivory Cricket in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    So LDR revealed in a recent interview that she powerlifts. Does anyone have any clue what routine she does? Judging by the gorgeous size of her thighs lately I'm thinking she's doing Starting Strength but it may be Strong Lifts or some other routine.
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